
F-1: Registration statement for securities of certain foreign private issuers


SEC ·  08/14 17:06
Moomoo AIのまとめ
SMX Public Limited Company has been actively engaging in various business developments throughout 2023, with activities set to continue into 2024. The company successfully completed a SPAC transaction with Lionheart III Corp in March 2023, which led to SMX being listed on NASDAQ. In its pursuit of equity financing, SMX initially entered into a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement with YA II PN, LTD for up to $25 million, which was later terminated in favor of a new $30 million agreement with another institutional investor. Additionally, SMX has been issuing shares and warrants as part of its financing strategies and for compensating services. The company has also adopted the 2022 Incentive Equity Plan, designed to grant equity instruments to its executives, directors, employees, and service providers. Other significant developments include acquiring a majority stake in True Gold Consortium Pty Ltd, engaging in agreements for convertible notes and warrants, executing a reverse stock split, and processing transactions for the exercise and conversion of warrants and promissory notes into ordinary shares.
SMX Public Limited Company has been actively engaging in various business developments throughout 2023, with activities set to continue into 2024. The company successfully completed a SPAC transaction with Lionheart III Corp in March 2023, which led to SMX being listed on NASDAQ. In its pursuit of equity financing, SMX initially entered into a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement with YA II PN, LTD for up to $25 million, which was later terminated in favor of a new $30 million agreement with another institutional investor. Additionally, SMX has been issuing shares and warrants as part of its financing strategies and for compensating services. The company has also adopted the 2022 Incentive Equity Plan, designed to grant equity instruments to its executives, directors, employees, and service providers. Other significant developments include acquiring a majority stake in True Gold Consortium Pty Ltd, engaging in agreements for convertible notes and warrants, executing a reverse stock split, and processing transactions for the exercise and conversion of warrants and promissory notes into ordinary shares.
SMX Public Limited Companyは2023年を通じて様々なビジネス開発に積極的に取り組んでおり、2024年に活動を続ける予定です。同社は、Lionheart III CorpとのSPAC取引を成功裏に完了し、2023年3月にナスダックに上場しました。資本調達の追求にあたり、SMXは最初にYA II PN、LTDとの最大2,500万ドルまでのスタンバイ株式購入契約に入り、後に別の機関投資家との新しい3,000万ドルの契約に優先して解除されました。加えて、SMXは資金調達戦略の一環として株式と新株予約権を発行し、サービス報酬としても使用されました。同社はまた、役員、取締役、従業...すべて展開
SMX Public Limited Companyは2023年を通じて様々なビジネス開発に積極的に取り組んでおり、2024年に活動を続ける予定です。同社は、Lionheart III CorpとのSPAC取引を成功裏に完了し、2023年3月にナスダックに上場しました。資本調達の追求にあたり、SMXは最初にYA II PN、LTDとの最大2,500万ドルまでのスタンバイ株式購入契約に入り、後に別の機関投資家との新しい3,000万ドルの契約に優先して解除されました。加えて、SMXは資金調達戦略の一環として株式と新株予約権を発行し、サービス報酬としても使用されました。同社はまた、役員、取締役、従業員、およびサービス提供者にエクイティ・インストルメントを付与するよう設計された2022年度インセンティブ・エクイティ・プランを採用しました。その他の重要な展開は、True Gold Consortium Pty Ltdの過半数の株式を取得し、転換社債や新株予約権に関する契約を締結し、株式併合を実行し、新株予約権や約束手形の行使と転換の取引を処理することを含む。
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