
6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)


SEC ·  08/15 18:18

Moomoo AIのまとめ, Inc. (NASDAQ: JD), a leading technology and service provider in supply chain and e-commerce, reported its unaudited financial results for the second quarter and interim of 2024. The company saw a 1.2% year-over-year increase in net revenues, reaching RMB291.4 billion (US$40.1 billion). Income from operations rose to RMB10.5 billion (US$1.4 billion), marking a 27.0% increase from the previous year. Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders significantly increased by 92.1% to RMB12.6 billion (US$1.7 billion). The company also reported a robust operating cash flow of RMB74.0 billion (US$10.2 billion), a 40.9% increase from the previous year, and a free cash flow of RMB55.6 billion (US$7.7 billion), up by 66.2%.'s share repurchase program was active, with a total of 136.8 million Class A ordinary shares repurchased...Show More, Inc. (NASDAQ: JD), a leading technology and service provider in supply chain and e-commerce, reported its unaudited financial results for the second quarter and interim of 2024. The company saw a 1.2% year-over-year increase in net revenues, reaching RMB291.4 billion (US$40.1 billion). Income from operations rose to RMB10.5 billion (US$1.4 billion), marking a 27.0% increase from the previous year. Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders significantly increased by 92.1% to RMB12.6 billion (US$1.7 billion). The company also reported a robust operating cash flow of RMB74.0 billion (US$10.2 billion), a 40.9% increase from the previous year, and a free cash flow of RMB55.6 billion (US$7.7 billion), up by 66.2%.'s share repurchase program was active, with a total of 136.8 million Class A ordinary shares repurchased for US$2.1 billion in the second quarter, and 224.3 million shares for US$3.3 billion in the first half of 2024. Strategic partnerships with brands like Xiaomi, Lenovo, and OPPO were formed, and luxury brands such as MONCLER and alexanderwang were onboarded. JD Health partnered with pharmaceutical companies to debut new drugs online, and JD Logistics continued to optimize its network for improved profitability. The company appointed Ms. Grace Kun Ding and Ms. Jennifer Ngar-Wing Yu as independent directors, effective from August 14, 2024.
京東商城株式会社(ナスダック:JD)は、サプライチェーンおよびeコマースのリーディングテクノロジーおよびサービスプロバイダーとして、2024年第2四半期および中間の未監査財務成果を発表しました。同社は、当期純収益が前年比1.2%増の2,914億元人民元(401億米ドル)に達しました。営業利益は、1億5,000万米ドル(14億元人民元)に上昇し、前年比27.0%増となりました。普通株主に帰属する当期純利益は、前年比92.1%増の1,260億元人民元(170億米ドル)となりました。同社はまた、過去1年間に比べて40.9%増の運用キャッシュフロー、RMB74億元(US$102億)とフリーキャッシュフロー、RMB55.6億元(US$77億)を公表しました。JD.comは、2Qで1,368万株のクラスA普通株式を21億ドルで買い戻し、2024年上半期には22,430万株を33億ドルで買い戻し、シェアの買い戻しプログラムが活発であったことが報告されました。同社は、シャオミ、レノボ、OPPOなどのブランドとの戦略的パートナーシップを形成し、MONCLERやalexanderwangなどの高級ブランドをボードに迎えました。JD Healthは、製薬会社と提携して新しい薬剤をオンラインでデビューさせ、JD Logisticsは収益性の向上のためにネットワークを最適化し続けました。同社は、グレース・クン・ディンとジェニファー・日本気風・余を独立取締役に任命し、2024年8月14日から効力を持たせました。
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