
北亞策略:聯合公告(1)禹銘投資管理有限公司代表SKY VIRTUE HOLDINGS LIMITED收購北亞策略控股有限公司所有已發行股份(SKY VIRTUE HOLDINGS LIMITED及其一致行動人士已擁有及╱或已同意收購的該等股份除外)之無條件強制性現金要約及註銷所有尚未行使購股權之截止;(2)要約結果;及(3)本公司之公眾持股量

NAS HOLDINGS:(1)Yu Ming Investment Management Co., Ltd., on behalf of SKY VIRTUE HOLDINGS LIMITED, acquires all the issued shares of nas holdings Limited unconditionally (excluding the shares already owned and/or agreed to be acquired by SKY VIRTUE HOLDINGS LIMITED and its concerted actors), and cancels all unexercised stock options; (2) Summary of the offer results; and (3) The public shareholding of the Company.

HKEX ·  08/23 06:48
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