
SolarEdge Technologies | 8-K: SolarEdge Announces Leadership Transition Plan

ソーラーエッジ テクノロジー | 8-K:臨時報告書

SEC ·  2024/08/26 07:16

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SolarEdge Technologies announced that CEO Zvi Lando has resigned effective August 26, 2024. The Board has appointed CFO Ronen Faier as Interim CEO while initiating a search for a permanent CEO with support from a global executive search firm. Lando will remain on the Board of Directors and serve as a Special Advisor to the management team.As part of the planned succession, Ariel Porat, previously Senior VP of Finance, has been appointed as the new CFO. In connection with his Interim CEO role, Faier will receive a monthly salary of 216,000 NIS, a target bonus of 100% of base salary, 50,000 restricted stock units with one-year vesting, and 15,000 performance share units tied to stock price targets.Faier, 53, has served as CFO since 2011 and brings extensive experience from previous roles at Modu Ltd and M-Systems. Porat, 40, joined SolarEdge in June 2024 and previously held leadership positions at Siemens Energy, including Head of Europe Region and CEO of Siemens Israel.
SolarEdge Technologies announced that CEO Zvi Lando has resigned effective August 26, 2024. The Board has appointed CFO Ronen Faier as Interim CEO while initiating a search for a permanent CEO with support from a global executive search firm. Lando will remain on the Board of Directors and serve as a Special Advisor to the management team.As part of the planned succession, Ariel Porat, previously Senior VP of Finance, has been appointed as the new CFO. In connection with his Interim CEO role, Faier will receive a monthly salary of 216,000 NIS, a target bonus of 100% of base salary, 50,000 restricted stock units with one-year vesting, and 15,000 performance share units tied to stock price targets.Faier, 53, has served as CFO since 2011 and brings extensive experience from previous roles at Modu Ltd and M-Systems. Porat, 40, joined SolarEdge in June 2024 and previously held leadership positions at Siemens Energy, including Head of Europe Region and CEO of Siemens Israel.
ソーラーエッジテクノロジーは、CEOのZVI・ランドが2024年8月26日付けで辞任することを発表しました。ボードはCFOのロネン・ファイアーを暫定CEOに任命し、グローバルなエグゼクティブサーチ会社の支援を受けながら常任CEOを探すことを開始しました。ランドは取締役会に留まり、経営チームの特別アドバイザーとして勤務します。計画された後継者制度の一環として、以前はファイナンスのシニアVPであったアリエル・ポラットが新しいCFOに任命されました。ファイアーは暫定CEOの役割に関連して、月給216,000NIS、基本給の100%を目標としたボーナス、1年の権利確定を持つ50,000の制限付き株式ユニット、および株価目標に連動した15,000のパフォーマンスシェアユニットを受け取ることになります。53歳のファイアーは2011年からCFOを務めており、Modu Ltdやm-Systemsでの前職から豊富な経験を持っています。40歳のポラットは2024年6月にソーラーエッジに入社し、以前はシーメンスエナジーでヨーロッパ地域の責任者やシーメンス・イスラエルのCEOを務めていました。
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