Moomoo AIのまとめ
CleanSpark, Inc., a Nevada-based company specializing in advanced energy software and control technology, has announced a special meeting of stockholders to be held virtually on October [], 2024. The meeting will address three key proposals: an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation to increase authorized shares of Common Stock from 300 million to 600 million, potential adjournments of the meeting to solicit additional proxies if necessary, and the transaction of other business as may properly come before the meeting. The record date for determining stockholders entitled to vote is set for September [], 2024. The Board of Directors has unanimously approved the proposals and recommends stockholders vote FOR each. The meeting will be accessible online, allowing stockholders worldwide to participate and vote in real-time...Show More
CleanSpark, Inc., a Nevada-based company specializing in advanced energy software and control technology, has announced a special meeting of stockholders to be held virtually on October [], 2024. The meeting will address three key proposals: an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation to increase authorized shares of Common Stock from 300 million to 600 million, potential adjournments of the meeting to solicit additional proxies if necessary, and the transaction of other business as may properly come before the meeting. The record date for determining stockholders entitled to vote is set for September [], 2024. The Board of Directors has unanimously approved the proposals and recommends stockholders vote FOR each. The meeting will be accessible online, allowing stockholders worldwide to participate and vote in real-time. CleanSpark has also engaged Sodali & Co to assist in the solicitation of proxies, with estimated fees of approximately $30,000 plus expenses. The company's executive officers and directors collectively hold a significant portion of the voting power, with certain directors holding shares of Series A Preferred Stock, which have enhanced voting rights. Additionally, the company has issued Series X Preferred Stock to Dr. Thomas L. Wood, which will be voted proportionally to the votes cast by holders of Common Stock and Series A Preferred Stock on the proposal to increase authorized shares.
クリーンスパークは、先進のエネルギーソフトウェアと制御技術に特化したネバダ州の企業です。特別株主会議が2024年10月にオンラインで開催される予定です。会議では、3つの重要な提案が議論されます。一つ目は、普通株式の承認済み株数を3億株から6億株に増やすための会社章程の修正です。必要な場合、会議の延期と追加の委任状の依頼、さらにはその他のビジネスの処理も議論されます。株主の投票権を決定するための配当基準日は2024年9月に設定されています。取締役会は提案を全会一致で承認し、株主にはそれぞれに賛成票を投じるよう推奨しています。会議はオンラインでアクセス可能であり、世界中の株主がリアルタイムで参加および投票することができます。また、CleanSparkはSodali & Coを委任状の依頼に関して手助けするために雇い、約3万ドルの費用を見積もっています。企業の役員および取締役は、大部分の投票権を有しており、特定の取締役は優先株式Aを保有しており、強化された投票権を持っています。さらに、同社はThomas L. Wood博士に対してシリーズXの優先株式を発行しており、これらは普通株式および優先株式Aの株主が投じた投票に比例して投票されます。