
8-K: Current report


SEC ·  2024/10/03 07:51

Moomoo AIのまとめ

CleanSpark has appointed Brian Carson as Chief Accounting Officer effective October 1, 2024, with an annual base salary of $300,000 and up to 40% discretionary bonus. Carson brings over 30 years of accounting experience, including previous roles at Sahara Las Vegas and Drake Automotive Group.The company introduced a new Long-Term Incentive Program (LTIP) with RSU grants worth $45.45M at target level for executive officers. The 2025 LTIP Awards will vest based on performance metrics relative to peer groups, ranging from 0% to 200% of target value. The program includes a 40% initial vest in October 2025, with remaining awards vesting over 12 quarters.The Committee approved FY2025 base salary increases for executives, with CEO Zachary Bradford at $950,000 and President S. Matthew Schultz at $855,000. Annual bonus targets were set at up to 200% for top executives, with Bradford eligible for up to $1.9M and Schultz up to $1.71M, based on performance objectives.
CleanSpark has appointed Brian Carson as Chief Accounting Officer effective October 1, 2024, with an annual base salary of $300,000 and up to 40% discretionary bonus. Carson brings over 30 years of accounting experience, including previous roles at Sahara Las Vegas and Drake Automotive Group.The company introduced a new Long-Term Incentive Program (LTIP) with RSU grants worth $45.45M at target level for executive officers. The 2025 LTIP Awards will vest based on performance metrics relative to peer groups, ranging from 0% to 200% of target value. The program includes a 40% initial vest in October 2025, with remaining awards vesting over 12 quarters.The Committee approved FY2025 base salary increases for executives, with CEO Zachary Bradford at $950,000 and President S. Matthew Schultz at $855,000. Annual bonus targets were set at up to 200% for top executives, with Bradford eligible for up to $1.9M and Schultz up to $1.71M, based on performance objectives.
クリーンスパークは、2024年10月1日付でブライアン・カーソンをチーフ・アカウンティング・オフィサーに任命し、年俸は300,000ドル、最大40%の裁量ボーナスを支給します。カーソンは、サハラ・ラスベガスやドレイク・オートモーティブ・グループなどでの役職を含め、30年以上の会計経験を持っています。同社は、役員向けのRSU給付がターゲットレベルで4545万ドルに相当する新しい長期インセンティブプログラム(LTIP)を導入しました。2025年のLTIPアワードは、業績指標に基づき、ターゲットバリューの0%から200%の範囲で権利確定します。このプログラムでは、2025年10月に40%の初回権利確定が行われ、その後の残りのアワードは12四半期に渡って権利確定されます。委員会は、FY2025の役員への基本給の引き上げを承認し、CEOのザカリー・ブラッドフォードは950,000ドル、大統領のS. マシュー・シュルツは855,000ドルとなります。年次ボーナスのターゲットは、トップエグゼクティブに対して最大200%に設定され、ブラッドフォードは最大190万ドル、シュルツは最大171万ドルのボーナスを業績目標に基づいて受ける資格があります。
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