
10-Q: Q3 2024 Earnings Report

10-Q:Q3 2024 四半期報告書

SEC ·  2024/11/08 19:05

Moomoo AIのまとめ

Faraday Future reported Q3 2024 revenue of $9,000, down 98% from $551,000 in Q3 2023, while net loss narrowed to $77.7 million from $78.0 million year-over-year. Cost of revenues increased 33% to $21.5 million due to higher depreciation expenses and corporate cost absorption. The company had an unrestricted cash balance of $7.3 million as of September 30, 2024.Operating expenses decreased significantly to $3.8 million from $50.9 million in Q3 2023, driven by reduced R&D, sales and marketing, and general administrative costs. The company recognized a $14.9 million gain from settling previously accrued R&D expenses with Palantir. Management continues implementing cost-cutting initiatives while transitioning production capabilities to include both luxury and affordable electric vehicles.The company faces substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern, with negative working capital of $168.3 million. To address liquidity needs, Faraday Future secured $30 million in commitments through a Junior Secured SPA in September 2024 and continues exploring various funding alternatives. The company has defaulted on certain debt obligations and requires substantial additional capital to fund operations and support FF 91 production.
Faraday Future reported Q3 2024 revenue of $9,000, down 98% from $551,000 in Q3 2023, while net loss narrowed to $77.7 million from $78.0 million year-over-year. Cost of revenues increased 33% to $21.5 million due to higher depreciation expenses and corporate cost absorption. The company had an unrestricted cash balance of $7.3 million as of September 30, 2024.Operating expenses decreased significantly to $3.8 million from $50.9 million in Q3 2023, driven by reduced R&D, sales and marketing, and general administrative costs. The company recognized a $14.9 million gain from settling previously accrued R&D expenses with Palantir. Management continues implementing cost-cutting initiatives while transitioning production capabilities to include both luxury and affordable electric vehicles.The company faces substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern, with negative working capital of $168.3 million. To address liquidity needs, Faraday Future secured $30 million in commitments through a Junior Secured SPA in September 2024 and continues exploring various funding alternatives. The company has defaulted on certain debt obligations and requires substantial additional capital to fund operations and support FF 91 production.
ファラデーフューチャーは、2024年第3四半期の売上高が90,000ドルで、2023年第3四半期の551,000ドルから98%減少したと報告しました。一方、純損失は前年同期比で7800万ドルから7770万ドルに縮小しました。売上原価は、減価償却費の増加と法人コスト吸収により33%増の2150万ドルとなりました。同社は2024年9月30日時点で730万ドルの制限のない現金残高を持っていました。営業費用は、R&D、販売およびマーケティング、一般管理費用の削減により2023年第3四半期の5090万ドルから380万ドルに大幅に減少しました。同社は、パランティアテクノロジーズとの既に計上されたR&D費用の決済により、1,490万ドルの利益を認識しました。経営陣は、ラグジュアリーと手頃な価格の電気自動車関連の両方を含む生産能力への移行を進めながら、コスト削減のイニシアチブを引き続き実施しています。同社は、マイナスの運転資本1億6830万ドルにより、継続企業としての能力に対して著しい疑念を抱えています。流動性のニーズに対処するため、ファラデーフューチャーは2024年9月にジュニアセキュアドSPAを通じて3000万ドルのコミットメントを確保し、さまざまな資金調達の選択肢を模索し続けています。同社は特定の債務義務のデフォルトをしており、運営資金とFF 91生産のサポートのためにかなりの追加資本が必要です。
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