
8-K/A: Current report (Amendment)


SEC ·  2024/11/13 00:37

Moomoo AIのまとめ

Jet.AI has announced a 1-for-225 reverse stock split of its common stock, scheduled to take effect before market opening on November 12, 2024. The company will continue trading on Nasdaq under the symbol JTAI with a new CUSIP number 47714H308. The move aims to regain compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement and increase available shares for future issuance.The reverse split will automatically convert every 225 shares into one share, maintaining the same par value and total authorized shares. Stockholders will receive cash payments in lieu of fractional shares. Proportional adjustments will be made to equity awards, convertible preferred stock, and warrants. The split will not alter stockholders' percentage ownership in the company except for fractional share adjustments.The company operates in Software and Aviation segments, offering the CharterGPT app and Jet.AI Operator platform for private jet bookings and charter operations. Based in Las Vegas and San Francisco, Jet.AI provides jet aircraft share ownership, jet card services, and management solutions as an official partner of the Las Vegas Golden Knights.
Jet.AI has announced a 1-for-225 reverse stock split of its common stock, scheduled to take effect before market opening on November 12, 2024. The company will continue trading on Nasdaq under the symbol JTAI with a new CUSIP number 47714H308. The move aims to regain compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement and increase available shares for future issuance.The reverse split will automatically convert every 225 shares into one share, maintaining the same par value and total authorized shares. Stockholders will receive cash payments in lieu of fractional shares. Proportional adjustments will be made to equity awards, convertible preferred stock, and warrants. The split will not alter stockholders' percentage ownership in the company except for fractional share adjustments.The company operates in Software and Aviation segments, offering the CharterGPT app and Jet.AI Operator platform for private jet bookings and charter operations. Based in Las Vegas and San Francisco, Jet.AI provides jet aircraft share ownership, jet card services, and management solutions as an official partner of the Las Vegas Golden Knights.
Jet.AIは、普通株式の1対225の逆株式分割を発表し、2024年11月12日の市場オープン前に実施される予定です。この会社は、シンボルJTAIのもとナスダックで取引を続け、新しいCUSIP番号47714H308が付与されます。この措置は、ナスダックの最低買気配価格要件に準拠し、将来の発行のために利用可能なシェアを増やすことを目的としています。逆株式分割は、自動的に225株を1株に変換し、同じ額面価値と総認可株式を維持します。株主は、単位未満株の代わりに現金支払いを受け取ります。株式報酬、転換可能な優先株、及びWarrantsに対して比率調整が行われます。この分割は、単位未満株の調整を除いて、株主の会社に対する持株比率を変更しません。この会社はソフトウェアとAviationセグメントで活動しており、プライベートジェットの予約とチャーター業務のためにCharterGPtアプリとJet.AIオペレーター プラットフォームを提供しています。ラスベガスとサンフランシスコに拠点を置くJet.AIは、ジェット機のシェア所有、ジェットカードサービス、及び管理ソリューションをラスベガス・ゴールデン・ナイツの公式パートナーとして提供しています。
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