
8-K: Volato Reports Third Quarter 2024 Results


SEC ·  2024/11/18 06:13

Moomoo AIのまとめ

Volato Group reported positive momentum in Q3 2024 with total revenue of $40.3M, primarily driven by aircraft sales of $38.2M. The company achieved positive Adjusted EBITDA of $3.2M despite a net loss from continuing operations of $1.3M, marking significant improvement from the previous year's performance.The company initiated a strategic turnaround plan, highlighted by a partnership with flyExclusive to take over fleet operations. Key achievements include delivering two HondaJets and first Gulfstream G280, reducing SG&A by 75% sequentially to a $0.7M quarterly run rate, and growing Vaunt subscription platform to $1.5M in annual recurring revenue.Looking forward, Volato is focusing on aircraft sales and software development, particularly expanding its Mission Control software platform. The fleet operations transition to flyExclusive is expected to complete in Q4 2024, resulting in reduced Insider Card deposit liability of $4.1M in Q3. The company ended the quarter with $3.8M in cash and cash equivalents.
Volato Group reported positive momentum in Q3 2024 with total revenue of $40.3M, primarily driven by aircraft sales of $38.2M. The company achieved positive Adjusted EBITDA of $3.2M despite a net loss from continuing operations of $1.3M, marking significant improvement from the previous year's performance.The company initiated a strategic turnaround plan, highlighted by a partnership with flyExclusive to take over fleet operations. Key achievements include delivering two HondaJets and first Gulfstream G280, reducing SG&A by 75% sequentially to a $0.7M quarterly run rate, and growing Vaunt subscription platform to $1.5M in annual recurring revenue.Looking forward, Volato is focusing on aircraft sales and software development, particularly expanding its Mission Control software platform. The fleet operations transition to flyExclusive is expected to complete in Q4 2024, resulting in reduced Insider Card deposit liability of $4.1M in Q3. The company ended the quarter with $3.8M in cash and cash equivalents.
Volatoグループは、2024年第3四半期に合計売上高4,030万ドルを記録し、航空機の販売によるドライブで3820万ドルに達し、ポジティブな勢いを示しました。企業は、130万ドルの継続事業からの純損失にもかかわらず、320万ドルの調整後EBITDAを達成し、前年のパフォーマンスからの大幅な改善を示しています。同社は、フリートオペレーションの引き継ぎに向けてflyExclusiveとのパートナーシップを強調した戦略的なテコ入れ計画を開始しました。主な成果としては、2機のホンダジェットと初のガルフストリームG280の引き渡し、SG&Aを75%減少させ、四半期ごとの実行率を70万ドルにまで引き下げたこと、さらにVauntサブスクリプションプラットフォームを年間 recurring revenue 150万ドルに成長させたことが含まれます。今後、Volatoは航空機の販売とソフトウェア開発、特にミッションコントロールソフトウェアプラットフォームの拡張に注力しています。フリートオペレーションのflyExclusiveへの移行は、2024年第4四半期に完了する見込みで、これにより「インサイダー・カード」の入金負債が第3四半期で410万ドル減少します。同社は、現金及び現金同等物380万ドルで四半期を終えました。
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