Collaboration strengthens patient access to PALFORZIA through Allergy Partners' national network of specialty practices
Children and teenagers aged 4 through 17 years with a confirmed diagnosis of peanut allergy to benefit from direct access to high-quality treatment and improved specialty care
Important step forward for Allergy Partners, less than one year after its strategic partnership with B-Flexion, the long-term investor in the allergy sector
ASHEVILLE, N.C. & BRISBANE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Allergy Partners, the nation's largest single specialty allergy practice group leading the development and delivery of high-quality health care for patients with asthma and allergic disease, today announced a strategic collaboration with Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc., a Nestlé Health Science company developing pharmaceutical therapies to prevent, manage, and treat food, gastrointestinal, and metabolic-related diseases, to provide Allergy Partners' patients aged 4 through 17 years with a confirmed diagnosis of peanut allergy with direct access to PALFORZIA, the first and only FDA-approved peanut allergy treatment.
PALFORZIA was approved in January 2020 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an oral immunotherapy (OIT) for the mitigation of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, that may occur with accidental exposure to peanut in patients aged 4 through 17 years with a confirmed diagnosis of peanut allergy. It is not indicated for the emergency treatment of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. PALFORZIA is to be used in conjunction with a peanut-avoidant diet.
Allergy Partners' nation-wide care network provides high-quality health care for patients with asthma and allergic diseases, promoting education, research, and innovation in the field. As a result of this collaboration, Allergy Partners will begin to provide PALFORZIA directly to patients through its specialty pharmacy, Allergy Partners Therapeutics (APT), across its entire national network of 64 practices and 126 community locations in 19 states.
"Supported by the recent strategic investment from B-Flexion, our commitment will continue to be to provide the best possible care to our patients and improve health outcomes across an expanding allergy network, and this unique collaboration with Aimmune will enable us to improve patient access to this important treatment through APT and our network of dedicated providers," said Dr. Bill McCann, Chief Medical Officer of Allergy Partners. "We are pleased to be working with Aimmune, which is at the forefront of developing allergy therapies like PALFORZIA that have the potential to help transform the lives of patients that often have few or no treatment options available to them."
"PALFORZIA is an important treatment option for patients living with peanut allergy, helping to reduce the risk of severe allergic reactions due to accidental exposure, and enabling them to live with fewer restrictions," said Andrew Oxtoby, President and CEO, Aimmune Therapeutics. "Aimmune is committed to help ensure that all eligible patients who wish to access PALFORZIA are able to do so, and the announcement today of our collaboration with Allergy Partners marks another step toward that goal."
Please see the below Important Safety Information or visit for the full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNING and Medication Guide.
PALFORZIA is a treatment for people who are allergic to peanuts. PALFORZIA can help reduce the severity of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, that may occur with accidental exposure to peanut. PALFORZIA may be started in patients aged 4 through 17 years old. If you turn 18 years of age while on PALFORZIA treatment you should continue taking PALFORZIA unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. PALFORZIA does NOT treat allergic reactions and should not be given during an allergic reaction. You must maintain a strict peanut-free diet while taking PALFORZIA. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION - PALFORZIA can cause anaphylaxis which may be life-threatening. You will receive your first dose in a healthcare setting under the observation of trained healthcare staff.
- You will receive the first dose of all dose increases in a healthcare setting.
- In the healthcare setting, you will be observed for at least 1 hour for signs and symptoms of a severe allergic reaction.
- If you have a severe reaction during treatment, you will need to receive an injection of epinephrine immediately and get emergency medical help right away.
- You will return to the healthcare setting for any trouble tolerating your home doses.
Stop taking PALFORZIA and get emergency medical treatment right away if you have any of the following symptoms after taking PALFORZIA: - Trouble breathing or wheezing
- Chest discomfort or tightness
- Throat tightness
- Trouble swallowing or speaking
- Swelling of your face, lips, eyes, or tongue
- Dizziness or fainting
- Severe stomach cramps or pain, vomiting, or diarrhea
- Hives (itchy, raised bumps on skin)
- Severe flushing of the skin
Because of the risk of severe allergic reactions, PALFORZIA is only available through a restricted program called the PALFORZIA Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) Program. Talk to your healthcare provider for more information about the PALFORZIA REMS program and how to enroll. You should NOT take PALFORZIA if you have uncontrolled asthma, or if you ever had eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) or other eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease. Tell your doctor if you are not feeling well prior to starting treatment with PALFORZIA. Your doctor may decide to delay treatment until you are feeling better. Also tell your doctor about any medical conditions you have and if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription and herbal supplements. Your doctor may decide that PALFORZIA is not the best treatment if: - You are unwilling or unable to receive (or self-administer) injectable epinephrine.
- You have a condition or are taking a medication that reduces the ability to survive a severe allergic reaction.
What are the possible side effects of PALFORZIA? The most commonly reported side effects of PALFORZIA were: stomach pain, vomiting, feeling sick, itching or burning in the mouth, throat irritation, cough, runny nose, sneezing, throat tightness, wheezing, shortness of breath, itchy skin, hives, and/or itchy ears. PALFORZIA can cause anaphylaxis which may be life-threatening. PALFORZIA can cause stomach or gut symptoms including inflammation of the esophagus (called eosinophilic esophagitis). Symptoms of eosinophilic esophagitis can include: - Trouble swallowing
- Food stuck in throat
- Burning in chest, mouth, or throat
- Vomiting
- Regurgitation of undigested food
- Feeling sick
For additional information on the possible side effects of PALFORZIA, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit , or call 1-800-FDA-1088. |
About Allergy Partners
Allergy Partners, PLLC which in December 2021 received a strategic investment from B-Flexion, the private investment firm managing funds on behalf of the Bertarelli Family, is the largest single specialty practice group, and recognized as leaders in the development and delivery of high-quality health care for patients with asthma & allergic disease. Our vast care network of providers works together to promote education, research & innovation in the field of allergy & asthma care. Learn more about
About Aimmune Therapeutics
Aimmune Therapeutics, part of Nestlé Health Science, is a biopharmaceutical company that aspires to be a global leader in developing innovative medicines to prevent, manage, and treat food, gastrointestinal (GI), and metabolic-related diseases for those with few or no treatment options. Aimmune was built on the belief that families deserve standardized, regulatory-approved, science-driven treatments that reduce their daily burden and help them better manage these conditions.
For more information about Aimmune, please visit
Contacts Blair Hennessy, Abernathy MacGregor
212-371-5999 /
Georgina Vincent, Head of External Communications
(747) 758-9524/
PALFORZIAはピーナッツアレルギーを治療する薬である。PALFORZIAはアレルギー反応を含むアレルギー反応の重症度を低下させることを助けることができ、意外にピーナッツに接触するとアレルギー反応が発生する可能性がある。PALFORZIAは4歳から17歳の患者で使用を開始することができる。もしあなたがPALFORZIA治療を受けた時に18歳になった場合、あなたはあなたの医者が別の指示がない限り、PALFORZIAを服用し続けるべきだ PALFORZIAはアレルギー反応を治療せず,アレルギー反応期間中に服用すべきではない PALFORZIAを服用する時、ピーナッツのない食事を厳格に維持しなければなりません 重要なセキュリティ情報 - PALFORZIAはアレルギー反応を引き起こし、生命に危害を及ぼす可能性がある。 訓練された医療従事者の観察下で医療環境で第1剤のワクチンを受けることになります
- 医療環境で、あなたはすべての用量増加の第1の剤を得るだろう。
- 医療環境では、あなたは重篤なアレルギー反応の兆候および症状があるかどうかを決定するために、少なくとも1時間観察されるだろう。
- 治療中に重篤な反応が生じた場合には,ただちにエピネフリン注射を受け,直ちに緊急医療支援を受ける必要がある。
- あなたはどんな問題、あなたの家庭用量に耐えるために医療設定に戻るだろう。
PALFORZIAを中止し,PALFORZIA投与後に以下のいずれかの症状が出現した場合は,ただちに緊急治療を行ってください - 呼吸困難や喘息
- 胸の不調や胸の重苦しい
- 喉がぴんと張る
- 飲み込んだり話したりするのは難しい
- 顔、唇、目、舌が腫れています
- めまいや失神
- 深刻な胃痙攣或いは痛み、嘔吐或いは下痢
- はしか(皮膚がかゆい,隆起)
- 肌がひどく紅潮する
深刻なアレルギー反応のリスクが存在するため、PALFORZIAはPALFORZIAリスク評価と緩和策略(REMS)計画と呼ばれる制限計画によってしか獲得できないPALFORZIA REMS計画やどのように登録するかについては、ヘルスケア提供者にお問い合わせください コントロールできない喘息がある場合や好酸食道炎(EoE)や他の好酸胃腸疾患があればPALFORZIAを服用すべきではありません PALFORZIA治療を開始する前に、気分が悪くなったら、医者に教えてください。あなたの医者はあなたが気分が良くなるまで治療を延期することを決定するかもしれない。処方されていない薬や薬草サプリメントを含む他の薬を飲んでいるかどうか、医師にもあなたの体調を教えなければなりません 以下のようなことがあれば、あなたの医者はPALFORZIAが最適な治療法ではないと思うかもしれません - あなたはアドレナリン注射を望んでいないか、受け入れられない(または自己管理)
- あなたの病状や服用中の薬は重篤なアレルギー反応で生きる能力を低下させます
PALFORZIAの可能な副作用は何ですか? PALFORZIAの最もよく見られる副作用は:胃痛、嘔吐、感覚不快感、口腔掻痒或いは灼熱、喉刺激、咳、鼻水、くしゃみ、喉の緊張、喘息、呼吸急、皮膚のかゆみ、麻疹と/或いは耳のかゆみである PALFORZIAはアレルギー反応を引き起こし、生命に危害を及ぼす可能性がある。PALFORZIAは食道炎(好酸食道炎と呼ぶ)を含む胃や腸管症状を引き起こす。好酸性食道炎の症状は - 嚥下困難
- 食べ物がのどに詰まっている
- 胸や口や喉が熱い
- 吐く
- 未消化食の逆流
- 気分が悪い
PALFORZIAの可能な副作用に関するより多くの情報は、お医者さんや薬剤師にお問い合わせください 私たちはあなたがFDAに処方薬の否定的な副作用を報告することを奨励する。見学するまたは1-800-FDA-1088に電話してください。 |
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