Shares of FT Cboe Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFs (BATS:BUFD – Get Rating) traded up 0.9% during mid-day trading on Thursday . The company traded as high as $19.32 and last traded at $19.27. 528,290 shares traded hands during trading, The stock had previously closed at $19.09.
FT Cboe Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFs Stock Performance
The stock's 50-day moving average price is $19.77 and its 200-day moving average price is $20.03.
Institutional Investors Weigh In On FT Cboe Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFs
A number of hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of the stock. Strategic Asset Management LLC lifted its position in shares of FT Cboe Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFs by 17.3% during the 2nd quarter. Strategic Asset Management LLC now owns 6,790 shares of the company's stock valued at $133,000 after acquiring an additional 1,000 shares during the period. Patriot Financial Group Insurance Agency LLC acquired a new stake in FT Cboe Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFs during the 1st quarter valued at $60,000. Strategic Blueprint LLC raised its holdings in shares of FT Cboe Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFs by 122.7% in the second quarter. Strategic Blueprint LLC now owns 28,740 shares of the company's stock worth $562,000 after acquiring an additional 15,837 shares during the last quarter. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC purchased a new stake in shares of FT Cboe Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFs in the second quarter valued at $321,000. Finally, Tradition Wealth Management LLC lifted its position in shares of FT Cboe Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFs by 63.5% in the first quarter. Tradition Wealth Management LLC now owns 49,664 shares of the company's stock valued at $1,054,000 after acquiring an additional 19,280 shares in the last quarter.
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木曜日の午後、FT CBOE Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETF(BATS:BUFD-GET格付け)の株価は0.9%上昇した。同社の株価は一時19.32ドルに達し、最新は19.27ドルだった。528,290株は取引中に入手しやすく、この株はこれまでに19.09ドルを引けた。
FT CBOEディープバッファETF Vestファンド株表現
機関投資家がFT CBOE Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFを購入
一部のヘッジファンドと他の機関投資家は最近、この株の保有量を調整した。戦略資産管理有限責任公司は、第2四半期にディープバッファETFのFT CBOE vest Fund株における頭寸を17.3%向上させた。戦略資産管理有限責任会社は現在、同社の株6790株を保有しており、13.3万ドルの価値があり、その間に1000株を購入した。愛国者金融グループ保険代理有限責任会社(Patriot Financial Group Insurance Agency LLC)は、第1四半期にFT CBOE vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFの新株式を買収し、6万ドルの価値がある。Strategic Blueprint LLCは第2四半期にFT CBOE vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFの株を122.7%増加させた。Strategic Blueprint LLCは前四半期に15,837株増加した後、現在28,740株の同社株を保有し、562,000ドルの価値がある。ジェニー·モンゴメリー·スコット有限責任公司(Janney Montgomery Scott LLC)は第2四半期に英国“フィナンシャル·タイムズ”CBOE vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFの新株を購入し、32.1万ドルの価値がある。最後に、従来の富管理有限責任会社は、第1四半期に深度緩衝ETFのFT CBOE vest Fund株における頭寸を63.5%向上させた。従来型富管理有限責任会社は前四半期に19,280株を増収した後、現在49,664株の同社株を保有しており、1,054,000ドルの価値がある
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深度バッファETF毎日FT CBOEベスト基金がニュースと格付けを受けましたFT CBOE Vest Fund of Deep Buffer ETFおよび関連会社の最新のニュースおよびアナリスト格付けの毎日の要約を、MarketBeat.comの無料毎日電子メール時事通信を介して以下に入力することができます。