HENDERSON, NV, Nov. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NewMediaWire – BioLife Sciences Inc. ("BioLife" or the "Company") (OTCPK: BLFE) announced that it is seeking to retain an auditing and consulting services firm with specific expertise with SEC filings, to assist with the pursuit of becoming fully reporting with sights set on up-listing to the Over-the-Counter Quotation Bureau ("OTCQB").
Nika Jaksic, COO of Bio Life Sciences Inc., stated, "We are excited to announce this important next step, the assistance of experienced advisors will augment our team with the expertise necessary in achieving a successful transaction."
The up-listing strategy is the latest endeavor for BioLife, which began 2022 with the acquisition of the orthomolecular medicine and natural health products company Health Box LLC and the launch of a life sciences division. The company's market focus areas include orthomoleculars, food and beverage – with a specific focus on superfoods, nutraceuticals and ethically sourced ingredients – material science and digital technology.
About BioLife Sciences Inc.
BioLife Sciences Inc. specializes in moving innovative products from the lab or small-scale production into wider market adoption. Its core business develops, licenses and distributes antimicrobial products and disruptive technology. One of BioLife Sciences' core building block strategies is to develop, partner and assist innovative companies with the commercialization of leading-edge technologies.
The information in this news release includes certain information and statements about management's view of future events, expectations, plans and prospects that constitute forward looking statements. These statements are based upon assumptions that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Because of these risks and uncertainties and as a result of a variety of factors, the actual results, expectations, achievements or performance may differ materially from those anticipated and indicated by these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, the ability of the Corporation to complete a qualifying transaction. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements as well as future results. Although the Corporation believes that the expectations reflected in forward looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Except as required by law, the Corporation disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise.
This is neither an offer nor a solicitation to sell securities, which may only be done once the Company's offering on Form 1-A has been qualified by the SEC and in those certain states where the Company seeks to offer its shares.
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US & Canada: 1 (833) 919-1037
ネバダ州ヘンダーソン、2022年11月3日 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NewMediaWire経由 — バイオライフサイエンス株式会社 (「バイオライフ」または「当社」) (OTCPK: BLFE) は、店頭への上場を視野に入れた完全な報告を行うことを目指して、SEC申告に関する特定の専門知識を持つ監査およびコンサルティングサービス会社を維持することを検討していると発表しました見積もり局 (「OTCQB」)。
Bio Life Sciences Inc.の最高執行責任者(COO)であるNika Jaksicは、「この重要な次のステップを発表できることを嬉しく思います。経験豊富なアドバイザーの支援により、取引を成功させるために必要な専門知識を私たちのチームに提供できるようになります」と述べています。
上場戦略はバイオライフの最新の取り組みです。バイオライフは、2022年にオーソモレキュラー医療および自然健康製品会社のHealth Box LLCの買収とライフサイエンス部門の立ち上げから始まりました。同社の市場重点分野には、オーソモレキュラー、食品・飲料、特にスーパーフード、栄養補助食品、倫理的に調達された原材料、材料科学、デジタルテクノロジーが含まれます。
BioLife Sciences Inc. について
BioLife Sciences Inc. は、革新的な製品を実験室や小規模生産から幅広い市場での採用に移行することを専門としています。中核事業は、抗菌製品と破壊的技術の開発、ライセンス供与、販売を行っています。BioLife Sciencesの中核となるビルディングブロック戦略の1つは、革新的な企業を開発、提携、最先端技術の商業化を支援することです。
米国およびカナダ:1 (833) 919-1037