Flow Traders U.S. LLC reduced its position in ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets (NYSEARCA:EET – Get Rating) by 50.2% during the second quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The fund owned 6,698 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock after selling 6,756 shares during the quarter. Flow Traders U.S. LLC owned approximately 1.67% of ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets worth $373,000 as of its most recent filing with the SEC.
Separately, IMC Chicago LLC bought a new stake in shares of ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets in the 2nd quarter valued at $1,217,000.
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ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets Stock Up 0.7 %
NYSEARCA:EET opened at $51.74 on Monday. The firm's fifty day moving average is $44.07 and its 200-day moving average is $51.36. ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets has a 52 week low of $38.50 and a 52 week high of $92.38.
ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets Company Profile
(Get Rating)
ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets (the Fund) seeks daily investment results that correspond to twice (200%) the daily performance of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (the Index). The Index adjusts the market capitalization of index constituents for free float and targets for index inclusion 85% of free float-adjusted market capitalization in each industry group in global emerging markets countries.
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Flow Traders U.S.LLCは、最近米国証券取引委員会に提出された13 F文書で、同社が第2四半期にProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets(NYSEARCA:EET-GET格付け)の頭寸を50.2%減少させたと発表した。同基金は本四半期に6,756株を売却した後、同取引所取引基金株の6,698株を保有した。最近までに米国証券取引委員会に提出された文書によると、Flow Traders U.S.LLCはProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Marketsの約1.67%の株式を保有し、373,000ドルの価値がある
また,IMC Chicago LLCは第2四半期にProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Marketsの新株を購入し,121.7万ドルの価値があった
ProShares Ultra MSCI新興市場株式市場0.7%上昇
NYSEArca:EET月曜日寄り付き51.74ドル。同社の50日移動平均線入位は44.07ドル,200日移動平均線切入位は51.36ドルであった。ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Marketsの52週安値は38.50ドル,52週高値は92.38ドルであった
ProShares Ultra MSCI新興市場会社の概要
ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets(この基金)は,MSCI新興市場指数(この指数)の1日2倍(200%)に相当する1日投資結果を求めている。この指数は世界新興市場国の業界グループごとの自由流通株の指数成分の時価を調整し、指数を自由流通株調整後の時価の85%に入れることを目標としている。
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