Turmalina Metals Corp. (OTCMKTS:TBXXF – Get Rating) saw a significant decline in short interest in the month of December. As of December 30th, there was short interest totalling 1,000 shares, a decline of 98.7% from the December 15th total of 76,000 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 60,500 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 0.0 days.
Turmalina Metals Price Performance
TBXXF traded down $0.04 during trading on Wednesday, hitting $0.30. 3,830 shares of the company's stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 24,004. Turmalina Metals has a 1 year low of $0.17 and a 1 year high of $0.51. The stock has a 50 day moving average price of $0.27 and a 200 day moving average price of $0.25.
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About Turmalina Metals
(Get Rating)
Turmalina Metals Corp. engages in the acquisition, exploration, and evaluation of mineral resource properties in South America. The company explores for gold, copper, silver, and molybdenum deposits. Its principal property is the San Francisco project covering 34,651 hectares located in San Juan Province, Argentina.
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昨年12月、トゥールマリナ金属社(TTCMKTS:TBXXF-GET Rating)の空株数株価は大幅に低下した。12月30日まで、空頭株数は1,000株であり、12月15日の76,000株より98.7%下落した。1日平均出来高60,500株で計算すると,現在の日数と戻し比率は0.0日である
水曜日の取引では、TBXXFの取引価格は0.04ドル下落し、0.30ドルに触れた。同社株出来高は3830株であり,その平均出来高は24,004株であった。TurMalina Metalsの年間安値は0.17ドル,年間高位は0.51ドルであった。この株の50日移動平均価格は0.27ドル,200日移動平均価格は0.25ドルであった
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