Metacrine, Inc. (NASDAQ:MTCR – Get Rating) was the recipient of a significant decrease in short interest in January. As of January 15th, there was short interest totalling 87,400 shares, a decrease of 61.8% from the December 31st total of 228,600 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 328,600 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 0.3 days.
Insider Buying and Selling at Metacrine
In other news, major shareholder Braden Michael Leonard bought 123,954 shares of the stock in a transaction on Monday, November 7th. The stock was purchased at an average price of $0.42 per share, with a total value of $52,060.68. Following the completion of the purchase, the insider now owns 5,848,649 shares of the company's stock, valued at $2,456,432.58. The purchase was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which is accessible through this hyperlink. Over the last 90 days, insiders bought 430,275 shares of company stock valued at $174,191. Corporate insiders own 11.40% of the company's stock.
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Institutional Inflows and Outflows
Several large investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. State Street Corp lifted its stake in Metacrine by 482.8% in the second quarter. State Street Corp now owns 72,186 shares of the company's stock valued at $36,000 after acquiring an additional 59,800 shares during the last quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC lifted its stake in Metacrine by 112.5% in the third quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC now owns 136,606 shares of the company's stock valued at $66,000 after acquiring an additional 72,306 shares during the last quarter. Jane Street Group LLC acquired a new stake in Metacrine in the third quarter valued at $84,000. Bank of New York Mellon Corp acquired a new stake in Metacrine in the first quarter valued at $126,000. Finally, Bank of America Corp DE lifted its stake in Metacrine by 10.5% in the first quarter. Bank of America Corp DE now owns 263,340 shares of the company's stock valued at $161,000 after acquiring an additional 24,964 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 34.28% of the company's stock.
Metacrine Price Performance
MTCR remained flat at $0.48 during trading hours on Thursday. 1,493,542 shares of the company traded hands, compared to its average volume of 277,032. Metacrine has a fifty-two week low of $0.30 and a fifty-two week high of $0.68. The firm has a fifty day moving average price of $0.42 and a 200-day moving average price of $0.45. The company has a market capitalization of $20.56 million, a PE ratio of -0.47 and a beta of -0.92. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.34, a quick ratio of 12.15 and a current ratio of 12.15.
Metacrine (NASDAQ:MTCR – Get Rating) last announced its earnings results on Monday, November 14th. The company reported ($0.13) EPS for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of ($0.11) by ($0.02). On average, equities research analysts anticipate that Metacrine will post -0.62 EPS for the current year.
Analyst Ratings Changes
Separately, HC Wainwright reissued a "neutral" rating on shares of Metacrine in a research report on Wednesday, November 16th.
Metacrine Company Profile
(Get Rating)
Metacrine, Inc, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, focuses on discovering and developing therapies for patients with gastrointestinal diseases. It is developing MET642, which has completed Phase I clinical trial for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Metacrine, Inc was incorporated in 2014 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.
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