J.W. Mays, Inc. (NASDAQ:MAYS – Get Rating)'s stock price crossed above its 50 day moving average during trading on Friday . The stock has a 50 day moving average of $45.27 and traded as high as $45.30. J.W. Mays shares last traded at $45.30, with a volume of 721 shares traded.
J.W. Mays Trading Up 10.5 %
The company has a quick ratio of 3.86, a current ratio of 3.86 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.13. The firm's 50-day moving average price is $45.27 and its 200 day moving average price is $46.37. The company has a market capitalization of $91.51 million, a P/E ratio of -348.46 and a beta of 0.03.
J.W. Mays alerts:
J.W. Mays (NASDAQ:MAYS – Get Rating) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, December 8th. The financial services provider reported $0.12 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter. J.W. Mays had a negative net margin of 1.19% and a negative return on equity of 0.14%. The business had revenue of $5.77 million during the quarter.
Institutional Inflows and Outflows
A hedge fund recently bought a new stake in J.W. Mays stock. Jane Street Group LLC bought a new stake in J.W. Mays, Inc. (NASDAQ:MAYS – Get Rating) during the fourth quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund bought 7,114 shares of the financial services provider's stock, valued at approximately $354,000. Jane Street Group LLC owned about 0.35% of J.W. Mays as of its most recent SEC filing. 2.95% of the stock is owned by institutional investors.
About J.W. Mays
(Get Rating)
J.W. Mays, Inc engages in the operation of commercial real estate properties. The company was founded in 1924 and is headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.
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ナスダック取引コード:MAYS-GET Rating)金曜日取引では、J.W.Mays,Inc.の株価が50日移動平均を突破して45.27ドルに達し、最高取引価格は45.3ドル。J.W.Mays株の最新報は45.3ドル、総出来高は721株だった
J.W.Mays(ナスダックコード:MAYS-GET Rating)が最近四半期収益データを発表したのは12月8日(木)である.この金融サービス提供者は、本四半期の1株当たり収益(EPS)が0.12ドルであることを発表した。J.W.Maysの純利益率は負1.19%,株式収益率は負0.14%であった.この業務の本四半期の収入は577万ドルだった
あるヘッジファンドが最近J.W.Maays株の新しい株式を購入した。ジェーン·ストリート·グループ(Jane Street Group LLC)が最近、米国証券取引委員会(Securities and Exchange Commission、略称:米国証券取引委員会)に提出した文書によると、同社は第4四半期にJ.W.Mays,Inc.(JW.Mays-Get Rating)の新株式を購入した。同基金はこの金融サービス提供者の7,114株を購入し、約354,000ドルの価値がある。最近までに提出された米国証券取引委員会申請書類によると、簡街集団はJ.W.Maysの約0.35%の株式を保有している。株式の2.95%は機関投資家が保有している
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