Shares of ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets (NYSEARCA:EET – Get Rating) passed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of $49.99 and traded as high as $52.15. ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets shares last traded at $51.03, with a volume of 9,469 shares traded.
ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets Price Performance
The stock's 50-day simple moving average is $53.79 and its 200-day simple moving average is $49.99.
ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets alerts:
Institutional Inflows and Outflows
A number of hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the stock. Cardiff Park Advisors LLC purchased a new stake in shares of ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets during the 3rd quarter valued at approximately $69,000. IMC Chicago LLC purchased a new stake in shares of ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $1,217,000. Flow Traders U.S. LLC lifted its stake in shares of ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets by 57.0% during the 4th quarter. Flow Traders U.S. LLC now owns 23,729 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock valued at $1,152,000 after buying an additional 8,616 shares in the last quarter. Jane Street Group LLC lifted its stake in shares of ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets by 53.7% during the 3rd quarter. Jane Street Group LLC now owns 9,676 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock valued at $400,000 after buying an additional 3,382 shares in the last quarter. Finally, UBS Group AG lifted its stake in shares of ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets by 30.5% during the 1st quarter. UBS Group AG now owns 2,784 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock valued at $199,000 after buying an additional 651 shares in the last quarter.
ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets Company Profile
(Get Rating)
ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets (the Fund) seeks daily investment results that correspond to twice (200%) the daily performance of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (the Index). The Index adjusts the market capitalization of index constituents for free float and targets for index inclusion 85% of free float-adjusted market capitalization in each industry group in global emerging markets countries.
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火曜日の取引では、ProShares Ultra MSCI新興市場(NYSEARCA:EET-GET格付け)の株価が200日移動平均線を超えた。同株の200日移動平均値は49.99ドル、最高取引価格は52.15ドルだった。ProShares Ultra MSCI新興市場株最新報は51.03ドル、出来高は9,469株
一部のヘッジファンドと他の機関投資家は最近この株を増持または減少させた。カーディフ公園コンサルタント会社は第3四半期にProShares Ultra MSCI新興市場新株を購入し、約6.9万ドルの価値がある。IMC Chicago LLCは第2四半期にProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Marketsの新株を購入し、約1,217,000ドルの価値がある。Flow Traders U.S.LLCは第4四半期にProShares Ultra MSCI新興市場株57.0%を増資した。Flow Traders U.S.LLCは現在この取引所取引基金23,729株を保有し、1,152,000ドルの価値があり、前四半期にまた8,616株を購入した。ジェーン街グループは第3四半期にProShares Ultra MSCI新興市場株53.7%を増資した。ジェーンストリートグループ(Jane Street Group LLC)は現在、同取引所取引基金9,676株を保有し、40万ドルの価値があり、前四半期にまた3,382株を購入した。最後に、瑞銀グループ(UBS Group AG)は第1四半期にProShares Ultra MSCI新興市場株30.5%を増資した。瑞銀集団(UBS Group AG)は現在、同取引所取引基金2,784株を保有し、19.9万ドルの価値があり、前四半期にまた651株を購入した
ProShares Ultra MSCI新興市場会社の概要
ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging Markets(この基金)は,MSCI新興市場指数(この指数)の1日2倍(200%)に相当する1日投資結果を求めている。この指数は世界新興市場国の業界グループごとの自由流通株の指数成分の時価を調整し、指数を自由流通株調整後の時価の85%に入れることを目標としている。
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