SANTA BARBARA, CA, March 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTC: HYSR), the developer of a breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water, today shared an update to its shareholders from its Chief Executive Officer, Tim Young, as follows.
Our Technology
In February 2023, SunHydrogen unveiled the largest version to-date of our nanoparticle-based green hydrogen technology, which splits water molecules into high-purity green hydrogen and oxygen using the sun's energy.
This 1.5 sq. ft. panel houses 16 hydrogen generators and integrates light absorbers, catalysts, membranes, gas collection, and liquid delivery all in one unit.
Our SunHydrogen panel is currently the only self-contained nanoparticle-based hydrogen generation device of its kind that utilizes the sun's energy to split water molecules into high-purity green hydrogen and oxygen. Our scalable system design, use of low-cost, abundant materials, and ability to utilize water of varying purities are all attributes that set us apart from conventional electrolyzer solutions. Our team's diligent work to scale our panel design is a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing a truly unique solution that has the potential to revolutionize the green hydrogen landscape and make green hydrogen production highly cost-competitive with brown hydrogen.
Our team's efforts are currently focused on increasing the panel's hydrogen production rates and durability while decreasing the cost per kilogram of hydrogen produced. We are pursuing these goals through a series of improvements to our hydrogen panel's design and internal components, and our commitment to these efforts is driven by our overarching goal of delivering the most affordable green hydrogen solution.
First, we are increasing the hydrogen generator area to panel area ratio by over 50% compared to the current design. This upgrade will result in a substantial increase in the amount of solar energy absorbed and converted into hydrogen gas.
Our scientific team is also working closely with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the University of Iowa to integrate existing state-of-the-art, low-cost semiconductors into our nanoparticle-based system to substantially improve the overall power conversion efficiency of our hydrogen panels.
Additionally, we are working with our industrial partners Corning Laser Technologies GmbH and Geomatec to reduce voltage loss between the anode and cathode catalysts, also resulting in improved power conversion efficiency.
Lastly, our team is working closely with the Singh Lab at the University of Michigan to optimize our catalyst and membrane integration techniques. This will increase the lifetime of our catalyst, decreasing the overall hydrogen production cost.
These improvements are currently being implemented and tested in our 1.5 sq. ft. panel, upon which the design will then be translated into a 1 m2 panel. These advancements have also been designed specifically to increase the lifespan and stability of the panel, reducing the need for maintenance and replacement and making it even more cost-effective for future customers to adopt green hydrogen.
TECO 2030
As part of our commitment to furthering the global hydrogen ecosystem, in November 2022 we announced a $10M strategic investment in Norway-based TECO 2030 ASA (OTCQX: TECFF, Oslo Stock Exchange: TECO), the developer of zero-emission technology for the heavy industry and maritime sectors. TECO 2030 is currently developing and building Europe's first gigafactory of hydrogen PEM fuel cell stacks for maritime applications and medium to heavy-duty trucks.
This investment holds unique significance because of the synergy between SunHydrogen and TECO 2030, as well as TECO 2030's key relationships with world-leading companies in the fuel cell industry – TECO 2030's longtime development partner AVL is the world's largest independent company for the development, simulation and testing of powertrain systems.
With extensive experience developing engines for passenger cars, commercial and construction vehicles, heavy machinery and maritime vessels, AVL has completed over 300 fuel cell projects and owns four times more fuel cell patents than all industry competitors combined. TECO 2030 is also partnered with thyssenkrupp Automation Engineering, which boasts over 100 years of fuel cell experience and €34 billion in revenue in 2021.
Fuel cell applications will make up a significant portion of the green hydrogen economy, and we believe heavy duty long-haul trucking and maritime shipping are excellent use cases for hydrogen over battery power.
Hydrogen-powered trucks and hydrogen refueling stations present a variety of cost, scalability, and sustainability-related benefits over battery power, a 2022 McKinsey & Company report states. Namely, hydrogen-fueled trucks can refuel faster and carry a lower weight penalty than battery-powered trucks because tanks weigh considerably less than batteries. And at scale, the infrastructure is less costly to create than e-truck charging infrastructure because it does not require grid upgrades and has a smaller carbon footprint, McKinsey confirms. Faster refueling speed also means the hydrogen infrastructure can be used by many more trucks.
Every day in the US, hundreds of thousands of diesel trucks travel through routes with abundant land and sun. Envision SunHydrogen panels along and around these highways, producing green hydrogen at and near refueling sites: Our technology would eliminate the need to transport hydrogen fuel over long distances, lowering the high costs and hydrogen losses that would otherwise happen in long-distance transport.
While fuel cell technology is maturing ahead of economical green hydrogen production technologies, we are confident that fuel cell applications are a perfect fit for our solution. I believe it greatly benefits our Company and our shareholders to participate in the current fuel cell boom with TECO 2030 and AVL. And in the future, I believe our green hydrogen panels along major trucking routes worldwide, together with the proliferation of TECO 2030's hydrogen fuel cell technology, can make a significant mark on the industry.
Amid a time of widespread financial sector volatility with many innovators in the renewable space struggling for capital, we are fortunate to have the resources to both fully support the development of our own technology and further our goal of maximizing our impact in the hydrogen industry through strategic investment.
To our shareholders, we thank you very much for your continued patience and support and we look forward to sharing our progress with you as we press forward to scale our technology.
About SunHydrogen, Inc.
SunHydrogen is developing breakthrough technologies to make, store and use green hydrogen in a market that Goldman Sachs estimates to be worth $12 trillion by 2050. Our patented SunHydrogen Panel technology, currently in development, uses sunlight and any source of water to produce low-cost green hydrogen. Similar to solar panels that produce electricity, our SunHydrogen Panels will produce green hydrogen. Our vision is to become a major technology supplier in the new hydrogen economy. By developing, acquiring and partnering with other critical technologies, we intend to enable a future of emission-free vehicles, ships, data centers, aircrafts and more. To learn more about SunHydrogen, please visit our website at .
Safe Harbor Statement
Matters discussed in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "may," "intend," "expect" and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. Forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and other factors, known and unknown, including the risk factors described from time to time in the Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained herein are applicable only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as may be required under applicable law.
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カリフォルニア州サンタバーバラ、2023年3月20日(グローブニュースワイヤー)-- 太陽光と水を利用して再生可能な水素を製造する画期的な技術を開発しているサンハイドロジェン社(OTC: HYSR)は本日、最高経営責任者のティム・ヤングが株主に以下のとおりお知らせしました。
当社の テクノロジー
さらに、産業パートナーであるCorning Laser Technologies GmbHおよびGeomatecと協力して、アノード触媒とカソード触媒間の電圧損失を低減し、電力変換効率も向上させています。
これらの改良点は現在、1.5平方フィートのパネルで実装され、テストされています。その後、設計を1 mに変換する予定です。2 パネル。これらの進歩は、パネルの寿命と安定性を延ばし、メンテナンスや交換の必要性を減らし、将来の顧客がグリーン水素を採用する費用対効果をさらに高めるように特別に設計されています。
TECO 2030
世界の水素エコシステムをさらに発展させるための取り組みの一環として、2022年11月、重工業および海事部門向けのゼロエミッション技術の開発者であるノルウェーを拠点とするTECO 2030 ASA(OTCQX: TECFF、オスロ証券取引所:TECO)への1,000万ドルの戦略的投資を発表しました。TECO 2030は現在、海事用途および中型から大型トラック用の水素PEM燃料電池スタックのヨーロッパ初のギガファクトリーを開発および建設中です。
この投資は、サンハイドロジェンとTECO 2030の相乗効果と、燃料電池業界の世界有数の企業との重要な関係から、他に類を見ない意義があります。TECO 2030の長年の開発パートナーであるAVLは、パワートレインシステムの開発、シミュレーション、テストを行う世界最大の独立企業です。
乗用車、商用車、建設車両、重機、船用エンジンの開発に豊富な経験を持つAVLは、300件以上の燃料電池プロジェクトを完了し、業界の競合他社を合わせたものの4倍の燃料電池特許を保有しています。TECO 2030はティッセンクルップ・オートメーション・エンジニアリングとも提携しています。ティッセンクルップ・オートメーション・エンジニアリングは、燃料電池業界で100年以上の実績があり、2021年の収益は340億ユーロに達しています。
2022年のMcKinsey & Companyのレポートによると、水素を動力源とするトラックと水素燃料補給ステーションには、バッテリー電源に比べてコスト、拡張性、持続可能性に関連するさまざまなメリットがあります。つまり、水素燃料トラックは、タンクの重量がバッテリーよりもかなり軽いため、バッテリー駆動のトラックよりも燃料補給が速く、重量ペナルティも少なくて済みます。マッキンゼーによると、大規模なインフラストラクチャは、送電網のアップグレードを必要とせず、二酸化炭素排出量が少ないため、電気トラックの充電インフラストラクチャよりも構築コストがかからないということです。給油速度が速いということは、水素インフラをより多くのトラックで使用できることも意味します。
燃料電池技術は経済的なグリーン水素製造技術よりも先に成熟しつつありますが、燃料電池の用途は当社のソリューションに最適であると確信しています。TECO 2030とAVLで現在の燃料電池ブームに参加することは、当社と株主に大きな利益をもたらすと思います。そして将来的には、世界中の主要なトラック輸送ルートにある当社のグリーン水素パネルは、TECO 2030の水素燃料電池技術の普及と相まって、業界に大きな影響を与えることができると思います。
について サンハイドロジェン, Inc.
サンハイドロジェンは、ゴールドマン・サックスが2050年までに12兆ドルの価値を見込んでいるこの市場で、グリーン水素を製造、貯蔵、使用する画期的な技術を開発しています。現在開発中の特許取得済みのサンハイドロジェンパネル技術は、太陽光とあらゆる水源を利用して低コストのグリーン水素を製造します。電気を生成するソーラーパネルと同様に、当社のサンハイドロジェンパネルはグリーン水素を生成します。私たちのビジョンは、新しい水素経済における主要な技術サプライヤーになることです。他の重要な技術を開発、取得、提携することで、排出ガスのない車両、船舶、データセンター、航空機などの未来を実現したいと考えています。サンハイドロジェンについて詳しくは、以下のウェブサイトをご覧ください。 。