Amarillo National Bank lessened its holdings in shares of iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF (BATS:IAGG – Get Rating) by 18.5% in the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 296,187 shares of the company's stock after selling 67,011 shares during the quarter. iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF comprises 3.3% of Amarillo National Bank's investment portfolio, making the stock its 9th largest position. Amarillo National Bank's holdings in iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF were worth $14,084,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.
A number of other large investors have also recently modified their holdings of the business. Paragon Wealth Strategies LLC purchased a new position in iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF in the 4th quarter worth approximately $49,000. BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA purchased a new position in iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF in the 1st quarter worth approximately $69,000. JPMorgan Chase & Co. increased its stake in iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF by 68.3% in the 1st quarter. JPMorgan Chase & Co. now owns 2,255 shares of the company's stock worth $117,000 after purchasing an additional 915 shares during the period. Mayflower Financial Advisors LLC purchased a new position in iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF in the 4th quarter worth approximately $231,000. Finally, Hanson & Doremus Investment Management increased its stake in iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF by 5.2% in the 3rd quarter. Hanson & Doremus Investment Management now owns 8,262 shares of the company's stock worth $399,000 after purchasing an additional 407 shares during the period.
iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF alerts:
iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF Price Performance
iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF stock traded down $0.03 during trading hours on Thursday, reaching $49.01. The company had a trading volume of 1,177,863 shares. The company has a 50-day moving average price of $48.62 and a 200 day moving average price of $48.69. iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF has a 12-month low of $51.13 and a 12-month high of $53.61.
iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF Profile
(Get Rating)
The iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF (IAGG) is an exchange-traded fund that mostly invests in investment grade fixed income. The fund tracks an index composed of global non-U.S. dollar denominated investment grade bonds, hedged against currency fluctuations for USD investors. IAGG was launched on Nov 10, 2015 and is managed by BlackRock.
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アマリロ・ナショナル銀行は、証券取引委員会との最新の13F報告書によれば、この四半期に株式の67,011株を売却して、iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF (BATS:IAGG - Get Rating)の保有株式を18.5%減少させ、同行の投資ポートフォリオの3.3%を占め、9番目に大きなポジションとなっています。最新のSECファイリング時点で、アマリロ・ナショナル銀行のiShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETFの保有株式は、1,408.4万ドルに相当していました。
数多くの他の大口の投資家も最近、ビジネスに対する保有分を変更しています。Paragon Wealth Strategies LLCは、第4四半期に、約$49,000の価値のiShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETFの新しいポジションを購入しました。BNP Paribas Arbitrage SAは、第1四半期に、約$69,000の価値のiShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETFの新しいポジションを購入しました。JPMorgan Chase&Co.は、第1四半期に、iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETFの所有株数を68.3%増加させました。JPMorgan Chase&Co.は、当該期間中に915株を追加購入し、同社の株式の2,255株、$117,000の価値を所有するようになりました。Mayflower Financial Advisors LLCは、第4四半期に、約$231,000の価値のiShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETFの新しいポジションを購入しました。最後に、Hanson&Doremus Investment Managementは、第3四半期に、iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETFの所有権を5.2%増やし、当該期間中に407株を追加購入し、同社の株式8,262株、$399,000の価値を所有しています。
iShares Core国際総合債券ETFアラート:
iShares Core国際総合債券ETF価格のパフォーマンス
iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF株は、木曜日の取引時間中に0.03ドル下落し、49.01ドルに達しました。同社は1,177,863株の取引量を持っています。同社の50日移動平均価格は48.62ドル、200日移動平均価格は48.69ドルです。iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETFの12か月安値は51.13ドル、高値は53.61ドルです。
iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF プロファイル
iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF(IAGG)は、主に投資適格格付けの固定金利に投資する上場投資信託です。このファンドは、米ドル以外の通貨で格付けされた、グローバルな投資適格債券で構成される指数に連動し、米ドルに対する通貨変動リスクに対するヘッジが行われています。IAGGは2015年11月10日に発売され、BlackRockが運営しています。
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IAGGを保有している他のヘッジファンドを見たいですか?iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF(BATS:IAGG - 評価を取得)の最新の13F申告書とインサイダートレードを入手するには、HoldingsChannel.comを訪問してください。
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