Shares of U.S. Global Sea to Sky Cargo ETF (NYSEARCA:SEA – Get Rating) passed below its two hundred day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of $15.00 and traded as low as $14.64. U.S. Global Sea to Sky Cargo ETF shares last traded at $14.68, with a volume of 8,399 shares changing hands.
U.S. Global Sea to Sky Cargo ETF Price Performance
The stock has a market capitalization of $3.67 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 1.30 and a beta of 1.26. The business's 50-day simple moving average is $15.03 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is $15.00.
About U.S. Global Sea to Sky Cargo ETF
(Get Rating)
Guggenheim Shipping ETF (the Fund) seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance of Delta Global Shipping Index (the Index). The Index is designed to measure the performance of companies listed on global developed market exchanges and consists of companies within the maritime shipping industry.
See Also
- Get a free copy of the research report on U.S. Global Sea to Sky Cargo ETF (SEA)
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米国のグローバル・シー・トゥ・スカイ・カーゴETF(NYSEARCA: SEA — 格付けを取得)の株式は、水曜日の取引中に200日移動平均を下回りました。株式の200日移動平均は15.00ドルで、14.64ドルと低く取引されています。米国のグローバル・シー・トゥ・スカイ・カーゴETF株は前回14.68ドルで取引され、取引量は8,399株でした。
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