Made possible thanks to unrestricted grant funding from AstraZeneca and run by the official charity of Everton Football Club – Everton in the Community – the Liverpool-based hub will provide significant support for individuals suffering from chronic breathlessness and other heart and lung-related conditions in a community-based setting.
The LumiraDx NT-proBNP test is the only NT-proBNP test currently available that can be used with a simple fingerstick sample.
Run on the LumiraDx Platform, the LumiraDx NT-proBNP test is a smart, automated, highly portable diagnostic solution designed to improve access and ease of use for heart health checks, all within 12 minutes.
Covering multiple clinical areas, the LumiraDx Platform is also ideally placed for lung-related health checks and other cardiometabolic disease screening, offering HbA1c, CRP, D-Dimer, Influenza A/B, RSV & SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Tests; all on a single Platform.*
LONDON, Oct. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LumiraDx Limited (Nasdaq: LMDX), a next-generation point of care diagnostics company, is pleased to announce a strategic collaboration with AstraZeneca and Everton in the Community to set up England's first community-based heart and lung screening hub, set to go live in November.
The official charity of Everton Football Club will run this novel screening hub from the recently opened People's Place. The hub will provide the Merseyside community with access to the latest technologies and specialist input from a multidisciplinary team of primary care, heart, and lung specialists to focus on early diagnosis and early treatment for chronic breathlessness in a walk-in setting.
Michael Salla, Deputy CEO for Everton in the Community, said, "We're delighted to be launching this project, which is the first screening service of its kind for heart failure, COPD and asthma in England. It will use next generation diagnostics that don't require phlebotomy, while also using artificial intelligence to help detect heart failure and prevent premature mortality alongside reducing the complications of these conditions due to the early detection. We can't thank AstraZeneca enough for their support to make this happen."
The heart and lung screening hub will work to raise awareness of medical conditions which cause chronic breathlessness, offer screenings for heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other chronic conditions which are common in the local population as well as offer lifestyle reviews and advice.
David Walton, Chief Commercial Officer at LumiraDx points out, "A full blood draw can be daunting for patients, so the use of a simple fingerstick sample for our NT-proBNP test greatly broadens access to heart health checks within the community. By diagnosing heart failure faster, we aim to make a positive impact on patient outcomes, which then translates into positive economic outcomes for the NHS."
Dr. Ed Piper, Medical & Scientific Affairs Director at AstraZeneca UK, comments, "AstraZeneca is delighted to support this innovative screening hub in the heart of Merseyside with grant funding. Prompt identification of the underlying cause of chronic breathlessness allows appropriate, tailored intervention which reduces symptoms and improves long term outcomes. The convenience of the hub in The People's Place will help ensure that broad, rapid access to essential diagnostics is embedded in the community."
The programme will also work closely with Pumping Marvellous, the UK's patient-led heart failure charity, who offer vital support to help people live well with heart failure. Nick Hartshorne-Evans, founder and CEO of the charity, commented, "Patients are often initially misdiagnosed or diagnosed late. Patients tell us in our communities that catching their diagnosis quickly and efficiently means they know what they are dealing with. This improves their mental health and ensures they are not suffering from anxiety around the unknown whilst improving access to guideline standard care and treatments."
In addition, LumiraDx continues to participate in a similar initiative – the "Your Heart Matters" Bus – with strategic collaborator Medtronic. The first event was held over two days in Yorkshire in February 2023 with a follow-up event held in Manchester in July 2023. A third event is scheduled for November 2023 in Leeds.
The strategic partnership with AstraZeneca and Everton in the Community will also work closely with Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and next generation medical technology providers Lenus Health, and ArtiQ. It is yet another example of how LumiraDx continues to drive for improved patient outcomes by broadening access to critical diagnostic tests and ultimately transforming how patient care is delivered within the community.
About LumiraDx
LumiraDx Limited (Nasdaq: LMDX) is a next-generation point of care diagnostics company that is transforming community-based healthcare. Its actively controlled microfluidic technology provides fast, high performance and accessible diagnostic solutions wherever the patient is for nearly any testing scenario, creating unique testing options at the point of need.
The company offers a broad menu of lab comparable tests on a single portable Platform, with a target of > 30 assays on the market and in various stages of development, covering infectious disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and coagulation disorders. The company also supports high-complexity laboratory testing in an accessible high-throughput format to leverage current molecular laboratory operations.
Founded in 2014 and based in the UK, LumiraDx's diagnostic testing solutions are being deployed globally by governments and leading healthcare institutions across laboratories, urgent care, physician offices, pharmacies, schools, and workplaces to help screen, diagnose, and monitor wellness as well as disease.
LumiraDx NT-proBNPテストは、簡単な指刺しサンプルで使用可能な唯一のNT-proBNPテストです。
LumiraDxプラットフォーム上で稼働するLumiraDx NT-proBNPテストは、12分以内で心臓の健康チェックのアクセスと利便性を向上させるために設計された、スマートで自動化された非常にポータブルな診断ソリューションです。
2023年10月20日ロンドン(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-LumiraDx Limited(Nasdaq:LMDX)は次世代のポイントオブケア診断企業で、AstraZenecaとEverton in the Communityとの戦略的なコラボレーションを発表し、11月に稼働する予定のイングランド初の地域ベースの心臓と肺のスクリーニングハブを設置することを歓迎します。
LumiraDxのチーフコマーシャルオフィサーであるDavid Walton氏は、「血液採取は患者にとって困難な場合があるため、当社のNT-proBNP検査では簡単な指刺しのサンプルを使用することで、地域社会内での心臓健康チェックのアクセスが大幅に拡大されます。心不全の診断をより早く行うことで、患者の結果に良い影響を与え、それがNHSにとって経済的な成果につながることを狙っています。」と指摘しています。
アストラゼネカのイギリス医学科学担当部長であるエド・パイパー博士は、「アストラゼネカは助成金によるこの革新的なスクリーニングハブをメルシーサイドの中心部で支援することを喜んでいます。慢性呼吸困難症の根本的な原因を迅速に特定することにより、適切な治療介入を行うことができ、症状を軽減し、長期的なアウトカムを改善することができます。People's Place内のハブの利便性は、重要な診断の広範囲かつ迅速なアクセスがコミュニティに定着するのを支援します。
このプログラムは、英国の心不全慈善団体であるPumping Marvellousと緊密に連携し、心不全を持つ人々が健康的に生活するための必要不可欠な支援を提供しています。この団体の創設者兼CEOであるNick Hartshorne-Evansは、「患者はしばしば初期に誤診されたり、遅れて診断されたりします。患者たちは私たちのコミュニティで、迅速かつ効率的に診断されると、彼らが取り組んでいる問題が分かると述べています。これによって、彼らのメンタルヘルスが改善され、未知のことに不安を感じながら標準的なガイドライン治療や治療へのアクセスが向上します。」
また、LumiraDxは戦略的協力者のMedtronicとともに「Your Heart Matters」バスと呼ばれる類似したイニシアチブに参加し続けています。最初のイベントは2023年2月に2日間にわたってヨークシャーで開催され、7月にはマンチェスターでのフォローアップイベントが開催されました。3番目のイベントは2023年11月にリーズで予定されています。
アストラゼネカとエヴァートン・イン・ザ・コミュニティとの戦略的パートナーシップは、リバプール大学病院NHS財団信託や次世代医療技術プロバイダーであるLenus Health、、ArtiQとも密接に連携しています。LumiraDxは、重要な診断テストへのアクセスを拡大し、最終的にコミュニティ内での患者ケアの提供方法を変革することにより、患者アウトカムの改善を推進しています。
同社は、感染症、心血管疾患、糖尿病、凝固障害などをカバーする、市場で>30種類の検査を提供すると同時に、様々な開発段階にある検査を一つのポータブルプラットフォーム上で提供しています。 また、ハイコンプレキシティラボラトリーテストを使用して、現在の分子ラボ運用を活用し、アクセス可能なハイスループットフォーマットで高品質なラボラトリーテストを支援しています。