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January 02, 2024
Adds Clinical-Stage Product Pipeline, Expands Intranasal Drug Delivery Technologies,
Names Michael Redmond as President of Oragenics
TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Oragenics, Inc. (NYSE American: OGEN) ("Oragenics" or the "Company") announces it has completed its previously announced acquisition of assets related to Odyssey Health, Inc.'s (OTCQB: ODYY) ("Odyssey") proprietary neurological drug therapies and technologies.
The acquired assets include ONP-002 and a unique nasal delivery device, Odyssey's lead concussion asset, believed to be a first-in-class intranasal drug under development for the treatment of moderate-to-severe concussion in the acute through subacute phases. In preclinical animal studies, the asset demonstrated rapid and broad biodistribution throughout the brain while simultaneously reducing swelling, inflammation and oxidative stress, along with an excellent safety profile. Results from animals treated with the drug post-concussion showed positive behavioral outcomes using various testing platforms including improved memory and sensory-motor performance, and reduced anxiety. ONP-002 has completed a Phase 1 clinical trial in healthy human subjects showing it is safe and well tolerated. Oragenics anticipates preparing for Phase 2 clinical trials to further evaluate ONP-002's safety and efficacy.
Also included in the acquired assets are all of Odyssey's rights and interest in ONP-001, believed to be a first-in-class neurosteroid being developed for the treatment of Niemann Pick Type-C Disease (NPC), as well as Odyssey's proprietary powder formulation and its intranasal delivery device. Odyssey will retain its other assets and operations.
"We are delighted to complete this pivotal transaction following a favorable vote of shareholders at both companies. We expect that Odyssey's neurological pipeline will significantly expand our market opportunity and believe its technology complements our expertise in intranasal drug delivery. This acquisition also addresses a significant and growing health concern. There are an estimated 5 million concussions annually in the U.S., with up to half going unreported, underscoring a substantial market opportunity for an efficacious treatment," said Kim Murphy, Chief Executive Officer of Oragenics.
"Our decision to invest in this innovative therapy is driven by our commitment to pioneering solutions that build upon our expertise in intranasal drug delivery and our dedication to improving patient outcomes. These new pipeline candidates hold potential to deliver innovative treatments for millions affected by mTBI and NPC, and introduce Oragenics into a market that is projected to grow to $8.9 billion annually by 2027," added Ms. Murphy.
In conjunction with the transaction, Michael Redmond, who has served as President and CEO of Odyssey since 2018, was named President of Oragenics. Mr. Redmond has 35 years of commercial experience with medical device companies, having held various sales and marketing leadership positions that helped accelerate growth at companies to multiples of their previous revenue and valuation. Mr. Redmond also has significant experience in raising capital and securing licensing and distribution deals with major biotech and pharmaceutical companies. In his new position, Mr. Redmond will oversee the growth of Oragenics' neurology product pipeline and intranasal drug delivery technologies.
Additionally, the Odyssey management and development team that led the ONP-002 clinical trial design and implementation for the treatment of concussion, will continue to oversee research and development of the newly acquired neurology assets at Oragenics. The team has experience in conducting clinical trials, developing drug formulations and commercializing pharmaceutical products across a broad range of indications.
"I'm proud to join the executive team at Oragenics and look forward to continuing the development of ONP-002 and ultimately utilizing my experience in commercializing therapeutics. We intend to leverage our joint expertise and resources to expedite the development of this drug, with the goal of filling a critical gap in concussion care as we prepare for a Phase 2 clinical study in the first half of 2024. We believe this transaction also strengthens Oragenics' research and development capabilities, including the integration of key members of Odyssey's research and development team with the Oragenics team," said Mr. Redmond.
Michael Redmond氏をOragenicsの社長に任命
米国の医薬品企業Oragenics社(NYSE American:OGEN)は、先行投資家OTCQB:ODYYの神経科学薬物療法および技術関連の資産を取得する契約を完了したことを発表しました。取得された資産には、急性から亜急性の期間の中等度から重度の脳震盪の治療に開発中のファースト・イン・クラス鼻内投与薬剤である主力の眩暈資産ONP-002と独自の鼻腔投与装置が含まれます。資産は、脳全体に広範囲に分布し、脳の腫れ、炎症、酸化ストレスを同時に低下させると同時に、優れた安全性を示しました。脳震盪後に薬剤で治療された動物の結果は、改善された記憶と感覚運動能力、および軽減された不安など、様々なテストプラットフォームで陽性の行動結果を示しました。ONP-002は、健康な人間を対象にした第1相臨床試験を行い、安全性と耐容性を示しました。Oragenics社は、ONP-002の安全性と有効性をさらに評価するために第2相臨床試験の準備を行うことを予定しています。
取得された資産には、Niemann Pick Type-C病の治療に開発中のファースト・イン・クラス神経ステロイドであるONP-001の権利と利益が含まれます。また、Odyssey社の独自の粉末製剤および鼻腔投与装置も含まれます。Odyssey社はその他の資産および事業を保有します。
「当社は、双方の企業の株主の好意的な投票に続いて、この画期的な取引を完了したことを喜んでいます。Odyssey社の神経科学パイプラインの拡大により、市場機会が大幅に拡大すると考えており、当社の鼻腔内薬剤投与技術に対する技術が補完されます。この買収は、重要かつ増大する健康上の問題にも対処します。年間約500万件の脳震盪が発生しており、半数が報告されていないため、効果的な治療のための大きな市場機会を際立たせています」とOragenicsのCEOであるKim Murphy氏は述べています。
また、この取引に伴い、2018年からOdysseyの社長兼CEOを務めていたMichael Redmond氏がOragenics社の社長に任命されました。Redmond氏は、医療機器企業で販売およびマーケティングのリーダーシップポジションを多数務め、これらのポジションにおいて、これらの企業を前年収益と企業価値を複数倍に加速させるためのサポートをしてきました。Redmond氏はまた、主要なバイオテクノロジーおよび製薬企業とのライセンスおよび配布契約の締結、資金調達にも豊富な経験を持っています。新しい役職で、Redmond氏は、Oragenicsの神経学製品パイプラインと鼻腔内薬剤投与技術の成長を監督する予定です。