Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 24, 2024) - Quebec Rare Earth Elements Corp. (CSE: QREE) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that at its annual general and special shareholder meeting held on January 24, 2024 (the "Meeting"), Messrs. Benoit Desormeaux, Martin Milette and Richard Roy were elected as directors of the Company.
Brief biographies of the elected directors are as follows:
Benoit Desormeaux: Benoit Desormeaux is the current President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Benoit Desormeaux is a proven mining CEO, having risen through the ranks of SEMAFO from 1997 to 2020, including as CEO, COO and CFO. He also has over 12 years of board experience, including as audit committee chair, with public and private companies and charitable organizations. During his career, Mr. Desormeaux established a reputation for value creation, respecting guidance and timelines and delivering on commitments. He has a strong operations background, having operated four mines in three West African countries, and a proven ability to take exploration and development projects through the full cycle of technical studies, permitting, financing, construction and operations. Mr. Desormeaux has excellent mining capital markets experience, having participated in multiple equity and debt financings and various M&A transactions. He is also a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).
Martin Milette: Martin Milette is the current Chief Financial Officer of the Company. Martin Milette held the position of Chief Financial Officer of SEMAFO Inc., a gold mining company which was sold for $1.6 billion in 2020, for 15 years. During his career at SEMAFO, Mr. Milette oversees all aspects of the Finance and IT functions of the company, including multiple equity and debt financings and M&A transactions. Previously, he worked as Senior Manager, Assurance and Advisory Services at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP where he was principally active in the high-tech and mining sectors. He is also a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).
Richard Roy: Richard Roy brings over 30 years of experience in the mineral resource industry across three continents, including extensive experience with underground and open pit mine geology. Richard has held the position of Vice President New Ventures with Endeavour Mining Corporation upon the completion of the acquisition of SEMAFO Inc. in March 2020. Mr. Roy spent almost 11 years with SEMAFO Inc. (as the Exploration Manager and subsequently holding the position of Vice President Exploration), where he focused on target selection and prioritization, and was part of the acquisition team looking at opportunities of a variety of grassroots to late-stage level projects. Mr. Roy has designed and implemented successful exploration programs and mine feasibility programs in Mexico and North America, working for companies such as Aur Resources, Placer Dome, and several other junior companies. He has been involved in the discovery of several gold deposits that ultimately reached the mining stage. Mr. Roy has worked with various geological environments and commodities including precious and base metals located in diverse challenging environments such as the Canadian Arctic and African desert. Mr. Roy holds a B.Sc. in Geology from Concordia University in Montreal and is a member of the Ordre des Géologues du Québec.
Mr. Trumbull Fisher did not stand for re-election at the Meeting. The Company would like to thank Mr. Fisher for his contributions to the Company and wishes him success in future endeavours.
About QREE
Quebec Rare Earth Elements Corp. (QREE) is a mining exploration and development company focused on Rare Earth Elements (REE), primarily in the favourable mining jurisdiction of Quebec. QREE is lead by a Quebec based team that has decades of mining experience across all stages of development, from grass roots discoveries, resource development, economic studies, financing, construction, production and on-going operations. Local community engagement is a core principle on which we seek to build a sustainable, high quality, high integrity business for the benefit of all stakeholders. QREE is listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the symbol "QREE".
For More Information, Please Contact:
Benoit Desormeaux, CPA
President & Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 1-833-572-2333
Toronto Office:
Suite 401 - 217 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5V 0R2 Canada
オンタリオ州トロント--(Newsfile Corp.-2024年1月24日)-ケベックレアアースエレメンツ株式会社(CSE:QREE)(以下「当社」)は、2024年1月24日に開催される年次総会および特別株主総会(以下「総会」)で、ブノワ・デソルモー氏、マーティン・ミレット氏、リチャード・ロイ氏が当社の取締役に選出されたことをお知らせします。
マーティン・ミレット:マーティン・ミレットは、現在の会社の最高財務責任者です。マーティン・ミレットは、2020年に16億ドルで売却された金鉱会社であるSEMAFO Inc. の最高財務責任者を15年間務めました。SEMAFOでのキャリアの中で、ミレット氏は、複数のエクイティファイナンスやデットファイナンス、M&A取引など、会社の財務およびIT機能のあらゆる側面を監督しています。以前は、PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPで保証およびアドバイザリーサービス担当シニアマネージャーとして働き、主にハイテクおよび鉱業部門で活躍していました。彼は公認会計士(CPA)でもあります。
リチャード・ロイ:リチャード・ロイは、地下鉱山や露天掘り鉱山の地質学に関する豊富な経験を含め、3大陸の鉱物資源産業で30年以上の経験を持っています。リチャードは、2020年3月にSEMAFO Inc.の買収が完了した時点で、エンデバー・マイニング・コーポレーションのニュー・ベンチャー担当副社長を務めました。ロイ氏は、SEMAFO Inc. で約11年間(調査マネージャーとして、その後探査担当副社長を務めました)、ターゲットの選択と優先順位付けに重点を置き、買収チームの一員として、草の根レベルから後期段階のさまざまなプロジェクトの機会を検討していました。ロイ氏は、Aur Resources、Placer Dome、その他いくつかのジュニア企業で働き、メキシコと北米で成功した探査プログラムと鉱山実現可能性プログラムを設計し、実施してきました。彼はいくつかの金鉱床の発見に関わってきましたが、最終的には採掘段階に達しました。ロイ氏は、カナダの北極圏やアフリカの砂漠など、さまざまな困難な環境にある貴金属や卑金属など、さまざまな地質環境や商品を扱ってきました。ロイ氏はモントリオールのコンコルディア大学で地質学の理学士号を取得しており、ケベック州地質学会の会員です。
Quebec Rare Elements Corp.(QREE)は、主にケベック州の有利な鉱業管轄区域にある、希土類元素(REE)に焦点を当てた鉱業探査および開発会社です。QREEは、草の根の発見、資源開発、経済研究、資金調達、建設、生産、継続的な事業まで、開発のあらゆる段階で数十年にわたる鉱業経験を持つケベックを拠点とするチームによって率いられています。地域社会の関与は、すべての利害関係者の利益のために、持続可能で質の高い、誠実なビジネスを構築するための基本原則です。QREEはカナダ証券取引所に「QREE」のシンボルで上場しています。
オンタリオ州トロント M5V 0R2 カナダ