For beginners, it can seem like a good idea (and an exciting prospect) to buy a company that tells a good story to investors, even if it currently lacks a track record of revenue and profit. Sometimes these stories can cloud the minds of investors, leading them to invest with their emotions rather than on the merit of good company fundamentals. A loss-making company is yet to prove itself with profit, and eventually the inflow of external capital may dry up.
If this kind of company isn't your style, you like companies that generate revenue, and even earn profits, then you may well be interested in Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies (NYSE:WAB). While profit isn't the sole metric that should be considered when investing, it's worth recognising businesses that can consistently produce it.
How Fast Is Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Growing?
If a company can keep growing earnings per share (EPS) long enough, its share price should eventually follow. That means EPS growth is considered a real positive by most successful long-term investors. It certainly is nice to see that Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies has managed to grow EPS by 21% per year over three years. As a general rule, we'd say that if a company can keep up that sort of growth, shareholders will be beaming.
It's often helpful to take a look at earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) margins, as well as revenue growth, to get another take on the quality of the company's growth. While we note Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies achieved similar EBIT margins to last year, revenue grew by a solid 16% to US$9.5b. That's encouraging news for the company!
In the chart below, you can see how the company has grown earnings and revenue, over time. For finer detail, click on the image.
In investing, as in life, the future matters more than the past. So why not check out this free interactive visualization of Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies' forecast profits?
Are Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders?
Owing to the size of Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies, we wouldn't expect insiders to hold a significant proportion of the company. But we do take comfort from the fact that they are investors in the company. We note that their impressive stake in the company is worth US$149m. We note that this amounts to 0.6% of the company, which may be small owing to the sheer size of Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies but it's still worth mentioning. This still shows shareholders there is a degree of alignment between management and themselves.
Is Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Worth Keeping An Eye On?
For growth investors, Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies' raw rate of earnings growth is a beacon in the night. Further, the high level of insider ownership is impressive and suggests that the management appreciates the EPS growth and has faith in Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies' continuing strength. On the balance of its merits, solid EPS growth and company insiders who are aligned with the shareholders would indicate a business that is worthy of further research. If you think Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies might suit your style as an investor, you could go straight to its annual report, or you could first check our discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation for the company.
While opting for stocks without growing earnings and absent insider buying can yield results, for investors valuing these key metrics, here is a carefully selected list of companies in the US with promising growth potential and insider confidence.
Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction.
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もしこのような企業があなたの好みでなく、収益を上げ、利益を上げる企業が好きなら、Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies (NYSE:WAB)が興味を持つ価値があります。投資する際に考慮すべき唯一の指標が利益ではありませんが、これを継続的に生み出せる企業を認識することは価値があります。
Westinghouse Air Brake Technologiesの成長速度はどれだけ速いですか?
企業がEPS成長率を長期間上げ続けることができれば、その株価も最終的に成長するはずです。それはEPS成長が、ほとんどの成功した長期投資家にとって本当のポジティブ評価です。Westinghouse Air Brake Technologiesが過去3年間で年率21%のEPS成長を達成したという事実を見ると、良い企業です。それのような成長が続けられれば、株主は笑顔になるはずです。
企業の成長の品質を別の視点から見るために、利益前利息税引前 (EBIT) のマージンと売上高成長を調べることが良いでしょう。前年と同様のEBITマージンを達成したが、売上高は16%増の95億ドルに成長したというWestinghouse Air Brake Technologiesのニュースは、企業にとって励みとなります。
投資と人生の両面において、過去よりも未来が重要です。Westinghouse Air Brake Technologiesの将来の利益を予想するこの無料の対話型ビジュアライゼーションをチェックしてみることをおすすめします。利益予測を?
Westinghouse Air Brake Technologiesの内部関係者は、全株主と一致していますか?Westinghouse Air Brake Technologiesの規模を考慮すると、内部関係者が会社の大部分を保有することは期待できません。ただ、彼らが同社に投資家であるという事実には安心感があります。彼らが保有する同社の売却価値は1億4,900万ドルであり、これは同社の0.6%に相当しますが、Westinghouse Air Brake Technologiesの規模からすれば小さいかもしれませんが、それでも言及するに値する点です。これは、株主と経営陣の間に一定の連帯があることを示しています。
Westinghouse Air Brake Technologiesが注目に値するかどうか?成長投資家にとって、Westinghouse Air Brake TechnologiesのEPS成長率は夜の灯台となるでしょう。さらに、高い内部所有率は印象的であり、経営陣がEPS成長を評価し、Westinghouse Air Brake Technologiesの引き続き強い信念を持っていることを示唆しています。良いEPS成長と株主と一致した内部関係者のバランスがとれた場合、さらに調査が必要なビジネスといえます。もしWestinghouse Air Brake Technologiesがあなたの投資家タイプに合うと思われる場合は、その年次報告書を直接確認するか、同社のDCF評価を先にチェックすることができます。
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