
美国大选搅动市场!拜登“退选论”持续发酵 ,华尔街转向“特朗普交易”


智通財経 ·  07/03 20:03


Last week's debate between Biden and Trump ended in a disastrous end, fueling concerns that the 81-year-old Democrat would not be able to run again due to his age, and portfolio rebalancing began over the weekend. The bond market was the most active, with the yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury bond jumping 20 basis points over the next few days.

With speculation that Biden may withdraw from the race heating up-racing markets believe there is less than a 50% chance that he will continue to run-investors are hastily formulating contingency plans to respond to the declaration on July 4th holidays and subsequent weekends.

A fund manager said he was preparing to buy dollars and short-term bonds during his vacation to hedge against the risk of Biden dropping out. Since Lyndon Johnson in 1968, no president has chosen not to seek re-election, and the election is just four months away.

Gennadiy Goldberg, head of U.S. interest rate strategy at TD Securities, said, "Since the debate, the market has been repricing the odds of the election, so the news over the past 24 hours has really just poured gasoline on the fire."

The consensus among traders and strategists is that a victory for 78-year-old Republican Trump will stimulate inflation trade portfolios that benefit from loose fiscal policies and greater protectionism: the dollar will strengthen, U.S. bond yields will rise, and bank, medical and energy stocks will rise.

"Everyone" in Sydney is preparing trade plans in case Biden stops running, said Rodrigo Catril, a strategist at National Australia Bank. "Regardless, the market is betting on a Trump election," Catril said. "The Democratic Party seems to be facing very difficult choices, with no easy choices and no likely outcomes better than others."

Here's the so-called Trump trade:


The dollar rises.

In the hours after the debate ended last week, the dollar rallied, one of the earliest signals of how the market would respond to Trump's potential win. The prospect of the Fed keeping higher rates for longer this year boosted the dollar, but it also saw real-time volatility as Trump took the lead in his confrontation with Biden.

Morgan Stanley strategist Joyce Chang said:"Given Trump's pledge to impose more tariffs and take a tougher stance on immigration, his victory would increase the possibility of rising inflation and a stronger dollar."

Faced with the prospect of the dollar's appreciation and Trump's support for tariffs, potential losers include currencies such as the Mexican peso.

Yield curve trading.

After the debate, fund managers in the $27 trillion U.S. Treasury bond market responded by buying shorter-term bonds and selling longer-term bonds, a bet known as"steepening trade."

A number of Wall Street institutions, including Morgan Stanley and Barclays, have strongly recommended this strategy and urged clients to prepare for a strong inflation and rising long-term bond yields after Trump takes office again.

Over the two-day period that began later last week, the yield on 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds rose about 13 basis points relative to the yield on 2-year bonds, the steepest curve steepening since October last year.

On Wednesday, traders began to prepare for short-term volatility in the U.S. Treasury bond market. In addition to the potential risk of Biden withdrawing from the race, there are also Friday's U.S. employment data and the testimony of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell next week.

Stocks rise.


Sevens Reportの社長兼創始者Tom Essayeは、選挙の傾向の変化が「共和党は通常企業にとって友好的と見なされるため、株式市場が上昇することを意味する」と述べています。」


トランプ氏は石油支援派と見なされるため、$オクシデンタル ペトロリアム (OXY.US)$などのエネルギー株が討論後に上昇しました。$ゲオ・グループ (GEO.US)$などの民間刑務所株も、トランプ氏の移民政策への強硬な立場により上昇しました。

CSI Financials ETF



一方、トランプ取引を利用することを目的とした主題投資戦略には、常に勢いがありませんでした。 Bloombergがまとめたデータによると、共和党に関係のある株式に投資する興味深いMAGAコードを持つETF資産は遅れており、今年は実質的な資金の流入はありませんでした。




多くの人々が承認を得る可能性が低いと考えているにもかかわらず、一部の市場参加者は、特朗普氏が暗号資産により友好的な米国証券取引委員会の委員長を任命することになると予想しています。この結果、Solana ETFおよび対応するトークンの上昇がより可能性が高くなるでしょう。

FRNT Financial CEOのStephane Ouelletteは、民主党の候補者による大幅な洗練もビットコインを押し上げる可能性があると述べています。



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