
美联储降息路径越来越清晰! 市场已勾勒出美债收益率下行轮廓


智通財経 ·  20:37


Zhitong Finance understands that in the eyes of most economists and traders, the world's largest bond market - the US Treasury trading market - is welcoming a "super turning point." As traders fully priced in the expectation of two interest rate cuts by the Fed this year, and even some traders began to price in the most optimistic expectation of three rate cuts this year, yields on US bonds of various maturities have fallen sharply, and a benchmark index that measures the price trend of US Treasury bonds erased all of its price losses in 2024, with growing confidence in the continued decline in yields. This surge in bond prices has even pushed the yield on 2-year U.S. Treasuries to its lowest level since March.

This week, sentiment related to falling inflation and a weak labor market was fully reflected in the U.S. Treasury market, and interest rate traders' judgment on the Fed's rate-cutting path became increasingly clear, rather than the divergent judgment on the rate-cutting path for most of this year. With the latest economic data widely seen by economists as supportive of the view that the Fed will cut rates twice in September and December respectively, and even in the view of some strategists that a rate cut may be announced in November, yields on US bonds of various maturities fell across the board.

Data shows that the 2-year U.S. Treasury yield fell 15 basis points this week to 4.45%, its lowest level since March. Shorter-dated U.S. bonds such as 2-year bonds are more sensitive to Fed monetary policy expectations than long-dated U.S. bonds of 10 years or more.

This week's large wave of rebound in prices for US bonds of various maturities helped the Bloomberg US Treasury Index, which measures the overall price trend of US bonds of all maturities, erase all its price declines in 2024 and push the index return rate to 0.3%, even completely erasing its price decline of up to 3.4% in April this year.

Yields on U.S. bonds of various maturities fell across the board, particularly the 10-year U.S. bond yield, which is regarded as the "anchor for global asset pricing", continued to decline. This will undoubtedly help risk assets such as stocks, cryptocurrencies and high-yield corporate bonds to continue to increase in value. Because the 10-year U.S. bond has a large trading volume and stable yield, it is seen as a pricing anchor in the market. From a theoretical perspective, the 10-year U.S. bond yield is equivalent to the risk-free rate indicator r in an important valuation model for stocks, the DCF valuation model, in the denominator. If the yield on the 10-year U.S. bond is lower, the valuations of risk assets such as global technology stocks and high-yield corporate bonds will continue to increase, assuming no significant changes in other indicators (especially cash flow expectations in the numerator).

"All indications are that the Fed will start cutting rates in September," said Sinead Colton Grant, chief investment officer of BNY Wealth. "You can see that market participants' reaction to the latest CPI is being expressed against the background of a weak June labor market report, and Fed Chairman Powell's recent relatively dovish testimony in the U.S. Congress.

It is understood that Powell told lawmakers this week that Fed officials are becoming increasingly vigilant about potential risks to the labor market, while waiting for more evidence of inflation moderation, and he emphasized the considerable progress the Fed has made in combating inflation, making it possible to start cutting rates before inflation falls to 2%. Powell has been avoiding any strong signal on interest rates, but he emphasized that policymakers face the risk of acting too fast or too slowly.

Thursday's inflation data showed that the growth rate of the consumer price index (CPI) in June fell to the lowest level in three years, which, along with Powell's remarks and last week's weak employment data, led to a sharp rebound in bond market prices this week.

Although data released on Friday showed that the producer price index (PPI) for June rose slightly higher than expected, market participants are more concerned about Friday's clear decline in consumer confidence index. Therefore, yields on various maturities of U.S. bonds continued to fall on Friday.

資産運用の大手Vanguardのシニア投資ポートフォリオマネージャー、ジョン・マジジャイア(John Madziyire)は、「明らかに、4.75%の高い利回りを逃した人々がたくさんいました。FOMO(機会逸失恐怖症)の感情が高まっていますが、より多くの人々が現在のサイクルが低い利回りに向かっていると信じています。」と述べ、「米連邦準備制度理事会が利下げする道筋が今年のどの時点よりも明確であることを考えると、利回り曲線が継続的に下落することを期待するのは無謀でしょう。」




「最近発表された弱い経済データと昨日の弱いCPIは、米国債券に空売りする人々が主導権を握るのを困難にさせます。ただし、より険しい取引にも注目する価値があります。」とBloomberg Strategistsのエドワード・ハリソン(Edward Harrison)は述べています。


TD Securitiesの金利ストラテジスト、モリー・マクゴーン(Molly McGown)は、「全体的に見て、利率は緩和サイクルに入るまで低下し続けると考えています。」と述べています。

市場は米連邦準備制度理事会が9月に利下げすることを全面的に織り込んでいますが、著名なエコノミストのエリアン(Mohamed El-Erian)は、2020年の米国大統領選挙が控えているため市場は慎重であるべきだと提唱しています。前大統領のトランプ氏は、高い関税を課し、移民を打撃することを提唱しており、これらの政策はインフレ圧力を高める可能性があるためです。



ソシエテ・ジェネラルのアメリカの金利戦略責任者、スバドラ・ラジャパ(Subadra Rajappa)は、「投資家が期限について強い信念を持っているとは言えませんが、米国債券利回り曲線の険しい方向は、最も人気のある取引の1つになる可能性があります。」と述べています。

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