ARk InvestのCEOであるCathie Wood氏は、現在の連邦準備制度の「制限的な」金融政策に基づいて、大型テック企業よりも小型株式会社に好意的な株式市場の潜在的な転換を予測しています。この...
Cathie Wood, the CEO ofARK Invest, has predicted a potential shift in the equity market, favoring small-cap stocks over large-cap tech companies. This forecast is based on the current "restrictive" monetary policy of the Federal Reserve, as outlined in a recent investor letter on Wednesday.
What Happened: Wood highlighted the potential impact of the Fed's current policy, which is aimed at curbing inflation following the COVID-19 crisis. She pointed out that previous instances of market concentration, such as in 1973 and 2000, were followed by significant market downturns.
In contrast, periods of broader market concentration, such as in...
ARk InvestのCEOであるCathie Wood氏は、現在の連邦準備制度の「制限的な」金融政策に基づいて、大型テック企業よりも小型株式会社に好意的な株式市場の潜在的な転換を予測しています。この...