
港股异动 | 优必选(09880)急涨逾6% 公司与吉利和天奇股份达成战略合作 人形机器人商业化落地可期

香港株の急激な変動 | siasun robot&automation(09880)が6%以上急騰、同社はGeelyと奇跡の自動化エンジニアリングとの戦略的提携を締結し、人型ロボットの商業展開が期待されています。

智通財経 ·  08/04 22:55

UBTECH (09880)は急騰し、記事執筆時点で6%以上上昇し、2.76%上昇し、1,923.98百万香港ドルの取引高で104.3香港ドルの報告書があります。

Zhitong Finance learned from the APP that UBTECH (09880) surged by more than 6% in intraday trading. As of the time of publication, it has risen by 2.76% and reported HKD 104.3, with a turnover of HKD 19.2398 million.


Wanlian Securities pointed out that 2024 will be the year of accelerated development of humanoid robots. The continued investment of technology giants such as Tesla in the humanoid robot industry is expected to drive the industry iteration and continuous breakthroughs, and the mass production and large-scale application of humanoid robots are ushered in. The commercialization is expected to land, bringing huge market space. With the trend of social aging and the increase of labor costs, the demand for humanoid robots in the market is increasing day by day, and humanoid robots are expected to form a new emerging industry, bringing enormous market space.

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