
Phoenix New Media Limited (FENG) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary


moomoo AI ·  08/14 18:43  · 電話会議

The following is a summary of the Phoenix New Media Limited (FENG) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

Financial Performance:

  • Total revenues reached RMB 168.3 million, decreasing from RMB 180.2 million in the previous year.

  • Net advertising revenues stood at RMB 154.7 million compared to RMB 161.8 million year-over-year.

  • Paid services revenues were RMB 13.6 million, down from RMB 18.4 million in the same period last year.

  • Gross margin improved from 31% to 38.9% due to a 17.2% decrease in cost of revenues.

  • The company reported a reduced net loss of RMB 5.5 million, improving from a net loss of RMB 31.3 million year-over-year.

Business Progress:

  • Enhanced media influence through high-quality content and extensive online distribution.

  • Produced original video series and articles with wide reach and substantial follower growth on social media platforms.

  • Expanded commercial efforts to include local industry bureaus and associations, extending to county levels.

  • Executed successful international marketing campaigns.


  • The company has developed several key accounts on different platforms with rapidly growing follower base and commercial value, indicating potential for increased advertising revenue.

  • Successful international marketing efforts such as campaigns during Paris Olympics show promise for future growth.


  • The overall internet media advertisement spending has decreased, particularly noticed in the traditional strength area of automotive sector which has seen further drops in ad spending.

Tips: This article is generated by AI. The accuracy of the content can not be fully guaranteed. For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.

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