
中泰证券:秋季开工需求边际好转 煤炭价格有望重拾升势

zhongtai: 秋の開始要求の改善により、石炭の価格は再度上昇する可能性があります

智通財経 ·  09/02 03:46


Zhongtai Securities has released a research report stating that the steel industry has been weakened by the selling pressure of old specification threads and the weakened demand in the off-season, resulting in an increase in production stoppages and maintenance by steel mills. However, the turning point for the recovery in steel mill production is imminent. As a result, pig iron production is expected to stop falling and begin to rise, leading to a trend of rising coke prices. At the same time, the chemical and building materials demand during the traditional busy season of September and October is expected to bring about a rebound in the high-calorific value thermal coal prices. The four major investment themes to focus on are the recommended leading companies, increased allocation of coke, attention to undervalued high-quality coal and power companies, and gradual allocation of thermal coal futures.


The spot price of threaded rods has stopped falling and rebounded, leading to a turnaround from losses to profits for steel mills.

According to the Shanghai Futures Exchange notice, starting from August 19th, old specification threaded steel cannot be registered as standard warehouse receipts. This has weakened the hedging pressure on threaded steel and, coupled with the approaching key points of the traditional busy season of September and October and the U.S. interest rate cut, traders' willingness to replenish inventories has increased. As a result, the spot price of threaded steel has started a bottom rebound. As of August 30, 2024, the price of Shanghai threaded steel (HRB400, 20mm) has reached 3,290 yuan per ton, with a rebound of 150 yuan per ton since the bottom rebound on August 19th. With the strengthening of the spot market, long-process threaded steel has also turned losses into profits, providing support for the resumption of production by steel mills. According to SMM data, as of August 30, 2024, the profit of long-process threaded steel in large factories (East China, real-time profit) is 58 yuan per ton.

Multiple steel mills plan to resume production, and the expected daily production of pig iron in September is no less than 2.26 million tons.

According to a survey by My Steel, 9 blast furnaces are scheduled for maintenance in September, and 16 blast furnaces are scheduled to resume production. It is expected that the average daily production of pig iron in September will reach 2.26 million tons per day, which is a significant increase from the current 2.2089 million tons per day. Considering the completion of the destocking of old standard thread inventory in September, along with the expectations of strong demand during the traditional busy season of September and October, the profitability of steel mills will further improve, and there is a possibility of increased production resumption and advancement.




供給面では、月末に一部の炭鉱が生産タスクを終えて一時的に製造と販売を停止し、一部の石炭の供給が減少しました。2024年8月30日時点で、462のサンプル鉱山の動力石炭の平均日産量は568万トンで、前週比1.06%減少し、前年同期比9.57%上昇しています。需要面では、高温が緩和され、日々の消費量が徐々に低下し、需要が弱い状態が続いています。2024年8月20日時点で、調整電力会社の1日あたりの石炭消費量は900万トンで、前月比2.27%、前年同期比23.29%上昇しています。8月30日時点で、京唐港の動力石炭 (Q5500) の上海生産地のストレージ価格は845.0元/トンで、先週比8.0元/トン上昇し、前週比1.0%増加し、去年の同期比で1.5元/トン下落し、年同期比で0.2%減少しています。




重要な投資テーマに四つあります。1) 中国神華(01088)、陝西煤業(601225.SH)、中煤能源(601898.SH)のトップの取得を重点的に配置し、業績が安定して周期を超える。2) 山西焦煤(000983.SZ)、平煤股份(601666.SH)、淮北矿業(600985.SH)、盤江股份(600395.SH)、潞安環能(601699.SH)を強化して配置し、利益の確実性がより強化されます。3) 回復に向けた需要が強い優良な石炭電力一体化企業新集能源(601918.SH)、淮河能源(600575.SH)、電投能源(002128.SZ)への注目が重要です。4) 動力石炭のシンボルである晉控煤業(601001.SH)、山煤国際(600546.SH)、ヤン州煤業(600188.SH)、広汇エネルギー(600256.SH)、嵐花科創(600123.SH)の配置を段階的に行ってください。


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