In the last year, many Atlas Energy Solutions Inc. (NYSE:AESI) insiders sold a substantial stake in the company which may have sparked shareholders' attention. When evaluating insider transactions, knowing whether insiders are buying is usually more beneficial than knowing whether they are selling, as the latter can be open to many interpretations. However, if numerous insiders are selling, shareholders should investigate more.
Although we don't think shareholders should simply follow insider transactions, logic dictates you should pay some attention to whether insiders are buying or selling shares.
Atlas Energy Solutions Insider Transactions Over The Last Year
In the last twelve months, the biggest single sale by an insider was when the insider, Richard Schmidt, sold US$6.0m worth of shares at a price of US$17.07 per share. That means that an insider was selling shares at slightly below the current price (US$20.32). As a general rule we consider it to be discouraging when insiders are selling below the current price, because it suggests they were happy with a lower valuation. Please do note, however, that sellers may have a variety of reasons for selling, so we don't know for sure what they think of the stock price. It is worth noting that this sale was only 18% of Richard Schmidt's holding.
In total, Atlas Energy Solutions insiders sold more than they bought over the last year. You can see the insider transactions (by companies and individuals) over the last year depicted in the chart below. If you click on the chart, you can see all the individual transactions, including the share price, individual, and the date!
I will like Atlas Energy Solutions better if I see some big insider buys. While we wait, check out this free list of undervalued and small cap stocks with considerable, recent, insider buying.
Atlas Energy Solutions Insiders Bought Stock Recently
Over the last three months, we've seen significant insider buying at Atlas Energy Solutions. insider Gregory Shepard spent US$3.5m on stock, and there wasn't any selling. This is a positive in our book as it implies some confidence.
Insider Ownership
Many investors like to check how much of a company is owned by insiders. A high insider ownership often makes company leadership more mindful of shareholder interests. Atlas Energy Solutions insiders own 29% of the company, currently worth about US$674m based on the recent share price. I like to see this level of insider ownership, because it increases the chances that management are thinking about the best interests of shareholders.
So What Do The Atlas Energy Solutions Insider Transactions Indicate?
It's certainly positive to see the recent insider purchase. But we can't say the same for the transactions over the last 12 months. The high levels of insider ownership, and the recent buying by an insider suggests they are well aligned and optimistic. While it's good to be aware of what's going on with the insider's ownership and transactions, we make sure to also consider what risks are facing a stock before making any investment decision. To that end, you should learn about the 3 warning signs we've spotted with Atlas Energy Solutions (including 1 which can't be ignored).
Of course, you might find a fantastic investment by looking elsewhere. So take a peek at this free list of interesting companies.
For the purposes of this article, insiders are those individuals who report their transactions to the relevant regulatory body. We currently account for open market transactions and private dispositions of direct interests only, but not derivative transactions or indirect interests.
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過去1年間、多くのAtlas Energy Solutions Inc.(nyse:AESI)の関係者が企業の大部分を売却し、株主の注意を引く可能性がありました。インサイダートランザクションを評価する際には、関係者が買っているかどうかを知ることが通常は売っているかどうかを知るよりも有益であることがよくあります。ただし、多くの関係者が売却している場合、株主はさらに調査すべきです。
過去12ヶ月間で、内部者であるRichard Schmidtが1回の取引で株をUS$600万で1株US$17.07で売却しました。これは内部者が現在価格(US$20.32)よりわずかに安い価格で株を売却していたことを意味します。通常、内部者が現在価格よりも低い価格で売却している場合、低い評価で満足していた可能性があるため、それは des と見なされます。ただし、売り手には株価に対するさまざまな理由がある可能性があるため、株価の考え方が明確ではありません。なお、この売りはRichard Schmidtの保有量の18%に過ぎませんでした。
合計してAtlas Energy Solutionsの関係者は過去1年間において売り越しました。下のチャートには過去1年間のインサイダートランザクション(企業および個人によるもの)が描かれています。チャートをクリックすると、株価、個人、および日付を含むすべての個別取引を確認することができます!
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