
20家企业参加!光伏龙头预判底部已至 锂电企业三大方向受关注|直击科创板新能源专场业绩会

20社の企業が参加!太陽光発電のリーディング企業の底部が到達し、リチウム電池企業の3つの方向が注目されています|科創板の新エネルギー専門の決算説明会をダイレクトに取材 ·  09/09 09:56

①太陽光発電業界では、一部のトップ企業が業界の底を回ったと述べていますが、転機にはまだ時間がかかるでしょう。多くのトップ企業がアメリカでの工場建設により税制上の優遇を享受しています。 ②リチウムイオン電池業界では、全固体電池、消費電池市場、海外市場が企業の突破口となっています。 ③企業の生産能力と生産能力の利用率には注目されています。多くの企業が生産能力の利用率が向上すると述べています。

《科创板日报》9月9日(記者 余佳欣)2024年の半期決算説明会および新エネルギー特集集会には、20社の新エネルギー産業チェーン企業が参加しました。参加企業には、ジンコソーラー、トリナソーラー、エンフェーズ、デキソーラーなどの太陽光発電のリーディングカンパニーから、珠海冠宇、シェンゼン・ユナイテッドウィナーズレーザー、リユアンホン、エイワトンなどの電池関連企業まで幅広い業界が含まれます。























new energy industry overcapacity has become a consensus, at the performance meeting, many investors are concerned about the company's capacity and capacity utilization rate, and the company's production line layout adjustment is obvious.

Tang Xiulei, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Fangyuan Stock, said that under the current situation that the demand in the overseas market is lower than expected and the decline in the shipment volume of ternary precursors due to factors such as geopolitical issues and trade protection, some of the company's production lines are being gradually transformed into intermediate products such as nickel cobalt salt and lithium carbonate, and the output is in a climbing state, resulting in a relatively low capacity utilization rate.

Zhang Xu, Chairman of Qingdao Gaoce, said that the company's 'Yibin (Phase I) 25GW Photovoltaic Silicon Wafer Project' started production and reached full production conditions in the first half of this year. Influenced by the fluctuation of the overall start-up rate of the photovoltaic industry, the Yibin base is not in full production at present, but the start-up rate continues to rise. 'At present, the company's production and operation are normal. In August, the start-up rate of the company's silicon wafer cutting and processing service business and the shipment volume of diamond wire have increased, and the addition of equipment business orders has relatively decreased, but the market share remains stable.'

Gao Jifan, Chairman and General Manager of Trina Solar, said that overseas, the company has accurately planned the construction of a 1GW battery & component project in Indonesia and a 5GW component project in the United States, which is expected to be put into operation in the second half of 2024. 'At present, the company has no other confirmed new investment projects, and in the future, the main idea will be to put precise and dispersed production capacity into operation. Similar to the capacity in Indonesia, the scale is not large, but it can radiate the regional market well and resist international trade risks.'

Li Xiande, Chairman of Jinko Solar, said that the overall component production in the third quarter is expected to maintain a leading position in the industry. The overall inventory of the company is maintained at a controllable level, and the inventory turnover efficiency will continue to improve in the second half of the year.

At the same time, Jiang Rui, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Jinko Solar, said that the company has more than 10 global production bases in China, the United States, and Southeast Asia, and recently signed shareholder agreements with PIF and VI. It will jointly invest in the construction of a 10GW high-efficiency battery component project in Saudi Arabia, which is expected to be put into operation in early 2026. It can effectively radiate the Central Asian, African and other regions as well as the high-priced markets in Europe and America, further enhancing the company's global advantage. At the same time, the company's Shanxi base project is still progressing, with the first-phase silicon pulling and component workshops resuming production, and the second-phase is in the project construction stage.

With the growth of the energy storage business, AES has raised its guidance for the shipment of large-scale energy storage systems this year. Qu Xiaohua, Chairman and actual controller of the company, said, 'The sales of large-scale energy storage are currently mainly focused on overseas markets such as North America, Europe, and Australia. These markets are currently the world's most important large-scale energy storage markets with predictable market size and healthier profitability. The company is also actively expanding other international markets.'

Tan Wen, Director and President of Pylon Technologies, said that at present, except for individual countries in the European market, other countries have basically returned to a relatively reasonable inventory level. It is expected that the overseas market shipments in the third and fourth quarters will gradually recover to normal speed, and the capacity utilization rate will gradually increase. It is expected that the shipment situation of the company's energy storage products will further improve in the second half of the year.

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