BrainsWay Ltd. (NASDAQ:BWAY) stock is trading higher on Monday after the company announced a $20 million investment from Valor Equity Partners.
The Details: BrainsWay will issue a total of 2,103,745 American Depositary Shares (ADSs) at a purchase price of $9.51 per share, representing a 20% premium over the average ADSs price during the past 30 days.
The company said it plans to use the proceeds from the PIPE for initiatives including expanding market awareness, enhancing data analysis capabilities, developing its R&D roadmap, evaluating other potential opportunities in the TMS industry and expanding access to Deep TMS.
If Valor maintains at least 10% of BrainsWay's outstanding voting rights, it can nominate one member to BrainsWay's board of directors. If Valor maintains at least 20%, it will have the right to nominate two members to the board.
"The equity financing strengthens the Company's balance sheet, further advances strategic initiatives, and expands access to its Deep TMS technology, while aligning BrainsWay with a premier U.S. tech investor," said Ami Boehm, the company's Chairman of the board.
How To Buy BrainsWay Shares
Besides going to a brokerage platform to purchase a share – or fractional share – of stock, you can also gain access to shares either by buying an exchange traded fund (ETF) that holds the stock itself, or by allocating yourself to a strategy in your 401(k) that would seek to acquire shares in a mutual fund or other instrument.
For example, in BrainsWay (NASDAQ:BWAY)'s case, it is in the Health Care sector. An ETF will likely hold shares in many liquid and large companies that help track that sector, allowing an investor to gain exposure to the trends within that segment.
BWAY Price Action: At the time of writing, BrainsWay shares are trading 14.6% higher at $9.25, according to data from Benzinga Pro.
Image: 6690186 from Pixabay.
ブレインズウェイ株式会社(NASDAQ:BWAY)の株価は、企業がValor Equity Partnersから2,000万ドルの投資を発表した後、月曜日に上昇して取引されています。
同社は、市場認識の拡大、データ分析能力の強化、R&Dロードマップの開発、TMS業界のその他の潜在的な機会の評価、Deep TMSへのアクセス拡大などの戦略を推進するため、PIPEから得た資金を使用すると述べています。
「株式金融は企業の財務状況を強化し、戦略的取り組みをさらに推進し、Deep TMS技術へのアクセスを拡大するとともに、BrainsWayを優れた米国のテクノロジー投資家に結びつける」と、同社の取締役会議長であるAmi Boehm氏は述べています。
BWAYの価格アクション:執筆時点で、BrainsWayの株はBenzinga Proのデータによると14.6%高の9.25ドルで取引されています。