Meihua International Medical Technologies Co., Ltd. ("MHUA" or the "Company") (NASDAQ:MHUA), a reputable manufacturer and provider of Class I, II, and III disposable medical devices with operating subsidiaries in China, today announced that on October 3, 2024, it received a notification letter (the "Notification Letter") from the Listing Qualifications Department of the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC ("Nasdaq"), informing the Company that it has regained compliance with the minimum bid price requirement set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5450(a)(1) (the "Minimum Bid Price Requirement").
As previously reported, the Company was notified on April 2, 2024, that its ordinary shares failed to maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 over the previous 30 consecutive business days as required by the Nasdaq Minimum Bid Price Requirement.
Meihua International Medical Technologies Co., Ltd.("MHUA"または"会社")(ナスダック:MHUA)は、中国における運営子会社を持つClass I、II、およびIIIの使い捨て医療機器の名誉ある製造元および提供元である。本日、2024年10月3日、同社はナスダックストックマーケットLLC("ナスダック")の上場基準部門から、ナスダックの上場規則5450(a)(1)("最低買気配価格要件")に適合したことを通知する通知書("通知書")を受け取ったことを発表しました。