
保税科技(600794.SH)半年度拟每10股派0.4元 10月16日除权除息

zhang jia gang freetrade science & technology group(600794.SH)半期につき、1株当たり0.4元の配当を10月16日に除権しました。

智通財経 ·  2024/10/09 19:32

zhang jia gang freetrade science & technology group (600794.SH) announcement, the company plans to distribute cash dividends of 0.... per 10 shares for the first half of 2024.

According to the announcement of zhang jia gang freetrade science & technology group (600794.SH) on the Zhitong Financial APP, the company plans to distribute cash dividends of 0.40 yuan (including tax) per 10 shares for the first half of 2024, with the stock registration date on October 15, 2024, and the ex-dividend date on October 16, 2024.

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