The latest: Hurricane Milton made landfall in Sarasota County Wednesday night and tore across the state before exiting Florida's east coast Thursday morning. Thanks to the company's hardening and smart-grid investments and field teams working even as the storm hit, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) has restored power to more than 730,000 customers. Lineworkers are now focusing on the areas hit hardest by the storm. While storm surge, flooding, downed trees and tornadoes are presenting restoration challenges, damage-assessment teams across the state are helping FPL to send the right personnel and right equipment to the right places to restore power safely and as quickly as possible.
Bigger picture: Hurricane Milton slammed Florida less than two weeks after Hurricane Helene battered the state. Lingering impacts from Helene and weeks of rain amplified Milton's impact on customers in the storm's direct path and those outside it.
By the numbers as of 2 p.m.:
- More than 730,000 customers restored
- Less than 1.1 million customers remain without power
- Restoration workforce of about 17,000 men and women from 41 states
- 30 staging, processing and parking sites
A word from FPL President and CEO Armando Pimentel: "Our team is working around the clock and will continue to do so until we get every customer's lights back on. Initial assessments show our investments in hardening and smart-grid technology have made a big difference, enabling our crews to restore more than 730,000 customers within hours of the storm exiting the state. We have assembled and strategically positioned a restoration workforce of 17,000 men and women from 41 states to restore power as quickly as possible."
What FPL is doing:
- Restoring power as part of its around-the-clock restoration efforts.
- Continuing to assess damage, including using drones, to speed restoration.
- Coordinating with local emergency management officials to clear roads for lineworkers.
- Working to provide estimated times of restoration for customers. More information will be provided by Friday.
What customers should do after the storm:
- Safety is FPL's top priority for its crews and customers. Even when the winds subside, conditions can be dangerous. Customers should continue to heed warnings from local emergency officials.
- Stay far away from downed power lines, flooding and debris; assume that lines are energized.
- Use extreme caution while driving. Power interruptions may cause traffic signals to stop working without warning. If you come to an intersection with a non-working traffic signal, Florida law requires that you treat it as a four-way stop.
- If you are using a portable generator, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for proper use. Never operate a generator inside your home or garage.
- If customers have an emergency, call 911.
- If power goes out, FPL is aware and has crews responding as long as it is safe to do so. However, customers can report a downed power line or sparking electrical equipment to FPL by calling 1-800-4-OUTAGE (1-800-468-8243).
How customers can stay connected:
FPL communicates restoration information to customers frequently through the news media and the following resources:
- FPL website:
- X:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- FPL Power Tracker:
- FPL Power Tracker (Northwest Florida):
- FPL app: Download from the App Store or Google Play, or text the word "App" to MyFPL (69375)
Visuals to download:
- FPL Newsroom Digital Library
How to reach us:
- 561-694-4442
- X: @FPL_Newsroom
Additional resources:
- How FPL restores power
- Please stay safe after the storm
- How to recognize FPL workers
- How to stay informed
- 73万人以上の顧客が回復しました
- 電力が供給されていない顧客は110万人未満です
- 41の州から約17,000人の男女からなる修復作業員
- ステージング、処理、駐車場の30か所
- 24時間体制の復旧活動の一環として電力を復旧しています。
- 復旧を早めるために、ドローンを使用するなど、引き続き被害状況を調査します。
- 地元の緊急事態管理当局と調整して、ラインワーカーのために道路を清掃します。
- 復旧の推定時間を顧客に提供するよう努めています。金曜日までに詳細をお知らせします。
- 安全はFPLの乗組員と顧客にとって最優先事項です。風がおさまっても、状況は危険です。お客様は、地域の緊急事態当局からの警告に引き続き注意する必要があります。
- 停電した送電線、洪水、破片には近づかないでください。送電線に電力が供給されていると仮定してください。
- 運転中は細心の注意を払ってください。停電により、交通信号が警告なしに作動しなくなることがあります。フロリダ州の法律では、交通信号が機能していない交差点に来た場合、それを四方通行の停留所として扱うことが義務付けられています。
- ポータブル発電機を使用している場合は、製造元の推奨事項に従って適切に使用してください。家やガレージで発電機を操作しないでください。
- お客様が緊急事態に遭った場合は、911に電話してください。
- 停電が発生した場合、FPLは認識し、安全である限り乗組員に対応してもらいます。ただし、お客様は1-800-4-OUTAURE(1-800-468-8243)に電話して、送電線の停止や電気機器の火花をFPLに報告できます。
- FPLウェブサイト
- X:
- フェイスブック
- インスタグラム:instagram.comInsideFL
- FPLパワートラッカー:FPL.COM/パワートラッカー
- FPLパワートラッカー(フロリダ北西部):FPL.COM/MyPowerTracker
- FPLアプリ:App StoreまたはGoogle Playからダウンロードするか、MyFPL(69375)に「アプリ」という単語をテキストで送信してください
- 561-694-4442
- X: @FPL_Newsroom
- FPLが電力を回復する方法
- 嵐の後は安全を確保してください
- FPL労働者の見分け方
- 最新情報を入手する方法