$Lovisa Holdings Ltd (LOV.AU)$ shares fell 7.08% on Monday, with trading volume expanding to A$27.43 million. Lovisa Holdings has fallen 13.97% over the past week, with a cumulative gain of 28.43% year-to-date.
Lovisa Holdings's technical analysis chart:
Technical Analysis:
Support: A$29.70
Resistance: A$36.94
Price range A$29.70 to A$36.94: The trading range indicates a heavy concentration of selling orders, with the stock price on an downward trend. There's a high concentration of trapped positions within the trading range, which implies strong resistance to any upward movement. The stock started to decline near A$36.94 due to selling pressure and repeatedly tested the A$29.70 level, where it seems to find some support. Going forward, it's crucial to watch whether the support at A$29.70 holds and if it can lead to a potential rebound.
Market News :
Lovisa Holdings previously stated that its highly regarded CEO, Victor Herrera, will step down next year. Herrera has extensive experience in developing global brands and has played a significant role in Lovisa Holdings's ongoing global expansion. His departure will be a huge blow.
Morgan Stanley maintained a buy rating on Lovisa, setting a target price of A$37.00. Wilsons maintained a buy rating on Lovisa, with a price target of A$35.50. Citi analyst Sam Teeger maintained a hold rating on Lovisa Holdings and set a price target of A$32.16.
Overall Analysis:
Fundamentally, focus on the company's performance and operational status. Technically, pay attention to whether the support levels hold and if the resistance levels can be effectively breached.
In this scenario, investors should adopt a cautious strategy, setting stop-loss points to manage risk and maintaining ongoing vigilance regarding company developments and market conditions.
Source: Lovisa Holdings, Bloomberg
$Lovisa Holdings Ltd (LOV.AU)$ 株価は月曜日に7.08%下落し、取引出来高はA$2743万に拡大しました。Lovisa Holdingsは先週に13.97%下落し、年初来には累積増益28.43%です。
Lovisa Holdingsのテクニカル分析チャート:
Lovisa Holdingsは、高く評価されているCEOであるVictor Herreraが来年退任すると発表しました。Herrera氏は世界的ブランドの開発に豊富な経験を持ち、Lovisa Holdingsのグローバル拡大に大きな役割を果たしてきました。彼の去り行くことは大きな打撃となるでしょう。
モルガンスタンレーは、Lovisaに対する買いのレーティングを維持し、A$37.00の目標株価を設定しました。ウィルソンズは、Lovisaに対する買いの評価を維持し、A$35.50の価格目標を設定しました。CitiのアナリストであるSam Teegerは、Lovisa Holdingsに対する中立の評価を維持し、A$32.16の目標株価を設定しました。
出典:Lovisa Holdings、Bloomberg