NEWARK, N.Y., Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ultralife Corporation (NASDAQ: ULBI) will report its third quarter results for the period ended September 30, 2024 before the market opens on Friday, November 8, 2024. The Company is reporting third quarter results later than its customary date after its quarter end in order to accommodate the expected closing of its acquisition of Electrochem Solutions, Inc. by the end of October.
Ultralife's Management will also host an investor conference call and simultaneous webcast at 8:30 AM ET on November 8, 2024. Please see the call-in procedures which follow below.
To ensure a fast and reliable connection to our investor conference call, we require participants dialing in by phone to pre-register using this link prior to the call: . This will eliminate the need to speak with an operator. Once registered, dial-in information will be provided along with a personal identification number. Should you register early and misplace your details, you can simply click back on this same link at any time to register and view this information again.
A live webcast of the conference call will be available to investors in the Events & Presentations Section of the Company's website at . For those who cannot listen to the live broadcast, a replay of the webcast will be available shortly after the call at the same location.
About Ultralife Corporation
Ultralife Corporation serves its markets with products and services ranging from power solutions to communications and electronics systems. Through its engineering and collaborative approach to problem solving, Ultralife serves government, defense and commercial customers across the globe.
Headquartered in Newark, New York, the Company's business segments include: Battery & Energy Products and Communications Systems. Ultralife has operations in North America, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit .
Company Contact: | Investor Relations Contact: |
Ultralife Corporation | LHA |
Philip A. Fain | Jody Burfening |
(315) 210-6110 | (212) 838-3777 | | |
NEWARk、N.Y.、2024年10月24日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-- Ultralife Corporation(NASDAQ:ULBI)は、2024年9月30日を終えた期間の第3四半期の業績を、2024年11月8日金曜日の市場オープン前に報告します。同社は、通常の日付よりも後に第3四半期の業績を報告しており、これは10月末までにElectrochem Solutions, Inc.の買収が予定されているためです。
会議のコールのライブウェブキャストは、Events & Presentationsセクションの企業のウェブサイトで投資家が利用できます。ライブ放送を聞くことができない方のために、コールの直後にウェブキャストのリプレイが同じ場所で利用可能になります。
ニューヨーク州ニューアークに本社を置く同社の事業セグメントには、バッテリー&エネルギー製品と通信システムが含まれています。ウルトラライフは北米、ヨーロッパ、アジアに事業を展開しています。詳細は をご覧ください。
企業連絡先: | 投資家関係連絡先: |
Ultralife Corporation | LHA |
Philip A. Fain | Jody Burfening |
(315) 210-6110 | (212) 838-3777 | | |