- Boat industry's first measurement & ranking by Pied Piper's Telephone Lead Effectiveness
MONTEREY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BRP Inc's Sea-Doo dealerships were ranked highest according to the 2024 Pied Piper PSI Telephone Lead Effectiveness (TLE) Study, which measured responsiveness to sales customers who phoned boat dealerships interested in purchasing a pontoon boat. Following Sea-Doo were dealerships selling Polaris Inc's Bennington, Avalon & Tahoe Manufacturing's Avalon, and Brunswick Corporation's Harris.
For more than fifteen years Pied Piper has provided measurement and reporting of best practice sales and service behaviors using the fact-based Prospect Satisfaction Index (PSI) process. Brands from industries such as automotive, powersports and agriculture have been measured and ranked, but 2024 marks the first PSI industry study for the marine industry, focusing on brands and dealerships selling the industry's most popular product: pontoon boats.
Telephone Lead Effectiveness (TLE) measures what happens when a sales customer interested in purchasing a product phones a dealership. How effectively does the dealership answer the call, provide the help the customer desires, and encourage the customer on their path to visiting the dealership and becoming a buyer? To complete the study, Pied Piper anonymously phoned 802 dealerships between March 2024 and September 2024, at locations representing the seventeen largest pontoon boat brands.
"One out of four buyers today first contacts a dealership by telephone," said Fran O'Hagan, Pied Piper's CEO. "That phone interaction is critical to whether a customer visits a dealership and purchases a boat, but too often telephone processes and behaviors are invisible to dealership management."
Twenty-five different quality and speed of response measurements generate dealership TLE scores, which range from zero to 100. Dealerships which score above 70 provide a quick, helpful and complete interaction. In contrast, dealerships which score below 40 fail to answer the call, or fail to answer the customer's question and fail to suggest an appointment or encourage a visit the dealership. Dealers representing top scoring brands were twice as likely on average to score over 70, and half as likely on average to score under 40, compared to dealers from poor performing brands.
Each brand's TLE average score is determined by compiling measurements from the brand's individual dealerships. The following are examples of how each brand's average customer experience varied:
- Mission Excellent – Quick response, helpful and complete interaction – Achieved TLE score over 70
- Occurred more than 20% of the time on average: Harris, Crest, Godfrey
- Occurred less than 7% of the time on average: Sun Tracker, South Bay, Premier, Tahoe
- Mission Acceptable – Reached salesperson in <1 minute, answered question, offered appointment
- Occurred more than 75% of the time on average: Avalon, Manitou, Sea-doo
- Occurred less than 60% of the time on average: Sunchaser, Sylvan, South Bay, Tahoe
- Mission Failure – Call unanswered, or failed to answer customer's question and also failed to offer appointment or encourage visit
- Occurred less than 5% of the time on average: Avalon, Barletta, Manitou, Sea-Doo
- Occurred more than 10% of the time on average: South Bay, Sylvan, Lowe, Starcraft, Tahoe
- Salesperson had to ask others for help to answer customer's question
- Occurred less than 2% of the time on average: Bentley, Crest, Avalon
- Occurred more than 15% of the time on average: Tahoe, Premier, Sun Tracker
- Customer was offered an appointment to visit dealership
- Occurred more than 70% of the time on average: Bennington, Harris
- Occurred less than 50% of the time on average: Starcraft, Lowe, Tahoe
"Customers shopping for top performing pontoon boat brands were three times more likely on average to have an excellent phone interaction than customers shopping for poor performing brands," said O'Hagan. "Boat shoppers today are too precious to risk losing over a poor telephone experience." Pied Piper has found that the key to driving improvement in telephone interaction and in turn higher sales is showing dealers what their telephone customers are really experiencing – which is often a surprise.
About Pied Piper Management Company, LLC
Founded in 2003, Pied Piper Management Company, LLC is a Monterey, California, company that helps brands and dealer groups improve the omnichannel sales & service performance of their retailers. Prospect Satisfaction Index (PSI) applies data science analytics to determine the omnichannel sales and service best practices most likely to drive purchase and loyalty. PSI then uses a combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning and human actors to measure and report how effectively retail locations follow those best practices.
PSI studies have been conducted annually since 2007. Examples of other recent PSI studies are the 2024 PSI Internet Lead Effectiveness (ILE) Auto Industry Study (Nissan's Infiniti brand was ranked first), and the 2024 PSI Service Telephone Effectiveness (STE) Powersport Industry Study (Triumph was ranked first).
Complete PSI industry study results are provided to vehicle manufacturers and national dealer groups. Manufacturers, dealer groups and individual dealerships also order PSI evaluations – internet, telephone or in-person – as tools to measure and improve the omnichannel sales and service effectiveness of their dealerships. For more information about the fact-based Prospect Satisfaction Index process, go to .
This press release is provided for editorial use only, and information contained in this release may not be used for advertising or otherwise promoting brands mentioned in this release without specific, written permission from Pied Piper Management Co., LLC.
Contacts Ryan Scott
Pied Piper
(831) 648-1075
- ブート業界の初のピードパイパーの電話リード効果による測定とランキング
カリフォルニア州モンタレー--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BRP Incのシー・ドゥー販売代理店は、2024年のピードパイパーPSI電話リード効果(TLE)調査による販売顧客へのレスポンス能力でトップにランク付けされました。この調査は、ポントゥーン・ボートの購入を検討している顧客がボート販売代理店に電話した際の反応を測定しました。シー・ドゥーに続いて、ポラリス・インクのベニントン、アバロン&タホ製造業のアバロン、そしてブランズウィック・コーポレーションのハリスの販売代理店が続きました。
- ミッションエクセレント - 迅速な対応、助けになる完全な対話 - TLEスコア70以上を達成
- 平均20%以上発生した:Harris、Crest、Godfrey
- 平均7%未満で発生した:Sun Tracker、South Bay、Premier、Tahoe
- ミッションアクセプタブル - <1分で営業担当者に到達、質問に答え、アポイントメントを提供
- 平均75%以上発生した:Avalon、Manitou、Sea-doo
- 平均60%未満で発生した:Sunchaser、Sylvan、South Bay、Tahoe
- ミッションフェイル - 電話に出ず、顧客の質問に答えなかったり、アポイントメントを提供しなかったり、訪問を勧めなかったりした
- 平均して5%以下で発生しました: アバロン、バーレッタ、マニトゥ、シー ドゥ
- 平均して10%以上で発生しました: サウス ベイ、シルバン、ロウ、スタークラフト、タホ
- 営業員は、顧客の質問に答えるために他の人に尋ねる必要がありました
- 平均して2%以下で発生しました: ベントレー、クレスト、アバロン
- 平均して15%以上で発生しました: タホ、プレミア、サントラッカー
- 顧客に来店のご予約を申し出ました
- 平均して70%以上で発生しました: ベニントン、ハリス
- 平均して50%以下で発生しました: スタークラフト、ロウ、タホ
「トップパフォーマンスのポントゥーンボートブランドを購入している顧客は、低性能ブランドを購入している顧客よりも、優れた電話対応の経験を平均して3倍も持つ可能性が高いと、オハガン氏は述べています。」"。"Pied Piperは、今日のボートショッパーは電話体験を通じて失うリスクがあまりにも貴重すぎると結論づけています。ディーラーに、彼らの電話顧客が実際にどのような経験をしているのかを示すことが、電話対応の向上とそれに伴うさらなる販売増につながる鍵であることを発見しました。"
Pied Piper Management Company、LLCについて
2003年に設立されたPied Piper Management Company、LLCは、カリフォルニア州モントレーに拠点を置く企業であり、ブランドやディーラーグループが小売業者のオムニチャネル販売&サービスのパフォーマンスを向上させるのを手助けしています。見込み顧客満足指数(PSI)はデータサイエンス分析を適用して、購入やロイヤリティを促進する可能性が最も高いオムニチャネル販売およびサービスのベストプラクティスを特定します。PSIはその後、人工知能、機械学習、ヒューマンアクターの組み合わせを使用して、小売店がこれらのベストプラクティスに従っていかに効果的に従っているかを測定および報告しています。
車両メーカーや国立ディーラーグループにPSI業界調査結果が提供されます。メーカー、ディーラーグループ、個々のディーラーも、小売店のオムニチャネル販売およびサービスの効果を測定し改善するためのツールとして、PSI評価(インターネット、電話、対面)を注文します。事実に基づくProspect Satisfaction Indexプロセスの詳細については、ウェブサイトをご覧ください。
このプレスリリースはエディトリアル目的で提供されており、このリリースに記載されている情報は、Pied Piper Management Co.、LLCからの具体的な書面による許可なしに、このリリースで言及されているブランドの広告や他の宣伝に使用してはなりません。
(831) 648-1075