
华中数控被列入SDN清单 公司称:或对外汇结算等产生影响|速读公告

wuhan huazhong numerical controlはSDNリストに記載され、外汇決済などに影響を与える可能性があると述べた|速報 ·  2024/11/05 23:53

①wuhan huazhong numerical control has been included in the SDN list, and this inclusion may have an impact on the company's fx settlement and other aspects. ②The company stated that OFAC's sanctions are unilateral actions, and the reasons and specific circumstances for the company's inclusion in the SDN list are still to be verified.

On November 5, Caishang Society News (Reporter: Huang Lu) Another listed company has been included in the SDN list, and the wave of the US Department of the Treasury including multiple Chinese entities on the SDN list continues.

Tonight, wuhan huazhong numerical control (300161.SZ) announced that it has recently learned that the US Department of the Treasury's OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) has included the company in the SDN list (Specially Designated Nationals List). The company stated that this inclusion in the SDN list may have an impact on the company's fx settlement and other aspects.

wuhan huazhong numerical control explicitly stated that the company currently does not have any subsidiaries or branches in the United States, does not have any assets in the United States, and does not conduct business in the United States. The company is evaluating the extent of the impact of being included in the SDN list and will actively communicate with relevant departments to formulate effective response measures to protect the company's interests to the maximum extent.

wuhan huazhong numerical control also pointed out that OFAC's sanctions are unilateral actions, and the reasons and specific circumstances for the company's inclusion in the SDN list are still to be verified. The company will communicate actively with all parties as soon as possible in the hope of receiving fair and just treatment.

In fact, wuhan huazhong numerical control being included in the SDN list is not an isolated case. On November 1, Anlo Rui Shi (301042.SZ) announced that the company was recently included in the SDN list by the US Department of the Treasury's OFAC. Companies included in this list will face restrictions in transactions and fx settlements with US entities. The company also stated that OFAC's sanctions are unilateral actions, the specific reasons are yet to be verified, and the company will strive to communicate with all parties to seek fair treatment.

Earlier, in June this year, ST Tanyu (300205.SZ) announced that it had recently learned that the US Department of the Treasury's OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) had included it in the SDN list (Specially Designated Nationals List). Entities included in the list will face restrictions in transactions, overseas asset transfers, and fx settlements with US entities.

In May of this year, Raytron Technology (688002.SH) also announced on its official website to shareholders the relevant matters concerning its wholly-owned subsidiary being included in the SDN list by the US OFAC; and chongqing zonsen power machinery (001696.SZ) had its holding subsidiary included in the SDN list by the US OFAC.

SDNリストは特定国民とブロックされた人物リスト(Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List)であり、OFACが管理する経済制裁領域の黒名簿の1つです。

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