The following is a summary of the The Real Brokerage Inc. (REAX) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:
Financial Performance:
The Real Brokerage Inc. reported a significant revenue increase to $372.5 million in Q3 2024, up 74% year-over-year, primarily driven by organic transaction growth.
Gross profit for Q3 2024 rose to $32.1 million, up from $18.8 million in Q3 2023, primarily fueled by an increase in closed transactions.
Adjusted EBITDA improved significantly to $13.3 million in Q3 2024, up from $3.5 million in Q3 2023, reflecting strong revenue and profit growth.
Business Progress:
Introduction of Leo Copilots and Real Wallet, reflecting significant advancements in Real's technological offerings aimed at improving agent productivity and financial management.
Expansion of agent count to over 22,500 as of the start of Q4 2024, emphasizing strong growth in agent acquisition.
The company showcased impressive growth in its mortgage and title business lines, expanding by a combined 97% year-over-year.
By embedding AI directly into the agent experience through innovations like Leo Copilots and Leo for Clients, The Real Brokerage is enhancing operational efficiencies and potentially attracting more agents and clients due to increased platform attractiveness.
Real Wallet offers a new avenue for financial flexibility and revenue generation, appealing to agents seeking more independence in managing their finances.
Despite the company's rapid growth and expansion, the broader market affordability challenges continue to pose risks, potentially impacting home sales. This indicates a need to manage external market shifts effectively to sustain growth.
Tips: This article is generated by AI. The accuracy of the content can not be fully guaranteed. For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.
以下は、The Real Brokerage Inc.(REAX)の2024年第3四半期決算説明会の要約です:
The Real Brokerage Inc.は、2024年第3四半期に売上高が大幅に増加し、37250万ドルに達し、前年同期比74%増となりました。主に有機的な取引の成長によるものです。
Leo CopilotsとReal Walletの導入は、エージェントの生産性と財務管理の向上を目指したRealの技術オファリングの重要な進展を反映しています。
AIをLeo CopilotsやLeo for Clientsなどの革新を通じてエージェントのエクスペリエンスに直接組み込むことで、The Real Brokerageは運用効率を向上させ、プラットフォームの魅力が高まることによって、より多くのエージェントやクライアントを惹きつける可能性があります。
Real Walletは、財務の柔軟性と売上高の新しい手段を提供し、財務をより独立して管理したいエージェントに魅力を持たせます。
ヒント: この記事は人工知能によって生成されています。内容の正確性は完全には保証されません。より詳細な情報については、IRウェブサイトをご参照ください。この記事は投資家の参考用であり、ガイダンスや推奨内容ではありません。