The following is a summary of the Sidus Space, Inc. (SIDU) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:
Financial Performance:
Sidus Space reported a 90% year-over-year revenue increase for Q3 2024, amounting to $1.9 million.
Gross profit for Q3 2024 was $38,000, a significant improvement from a $96,000 loss in Q3 2023, with a gross margin of 2%.
Net loss for Q3 2024 was reduced to $3.9 million from $4.1 million in the prior year.
Adjusted EBITDA loss improved to negative $2.5 million, a 33% better performance compared to the same period last year.
Business Progress:
Sidus Space has launched and operates LizzieSat platform and secured significant contracts including a $2 million contract with the U.S. Navy and an exclusive agreement with Lonestar for lunar satellite missions.
Received FCC satellite approval for LizzieSat-2-5, paving the way for micro-constellation deployment.
Plans to launch the next satellites, LizzieSat-2 in December 2024 and LizzieSat-3 in Q1 2025.
Growth in the commercial and government satellite markets, supported by the company's diverse offerings like LizzieSat and FeatherEdge computing systems.
Expansion into lunar missions through the Lonestar agreement for data storage satellites orbiting the moon.
Tips: This article is generated by AI. The accuracy of the content can not be fully guaranteed. For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.
以下はSidus Space, Inc. (SIDU)の2024年第3四半期決算説明会の要約です:
Sidus Spaceは2024年第3四半期に前年比90%の売上高増加を報告し、金額は190万ドルです。
Sidus SpaceはLizzieSatプラットフォームを立ち上げ、運営しており、米海軍との200万ドルの契約や、月面人工衛星ミッションのためのLonestarとの独占契約を含む重要な契約を確保しました。
ヒント: この記事は人工知能によって生成されました。内容の正確性は完全には保証されません。より包括的な詳細については、IRウェブサイトを参照してください。この記事は投資家の参考のためであり、助言や推奨の提案ではありません。