VACAVILLE, CA / ACCESSWIRE / November 18, 2024 / Athena Gold Corporation (CSE:ATHA)(OTCQB:AHNR) ("Athena" or the "Company") is pleased to report high-grade gold samples from its reconnaissance surface sampling program at its newly acquired Laird Lake project, located in Ontario's prolific Red Lake Gold District. The Laird Lake project, spanning 4,158 hectares and covering >10 km of Balmer-Confederation Assemblage contact, represents an underexplored portion of the Red Lake Gold District. The project is road-accessible and lies approximately 10 km west of West Red Lake Gold Mines' flagship Madsen mine, and 34 km northwest of Kinross Gold's Great Bear project.
" We are extremely pleased that our recent expansion into Ontario is already starting to bear fruit. To our knowledge, sample F733057, returning 56.5 g/t Au, is in line with some of the highest-grade surface grab samples publicly reported in the Red Lake Gold District," stated John Power, President & CEO of Athena Gold.
An initial six surface grab samples taken at the Laird Lake project in July 2024 confirmed mineralization over 2.2 km of strike length along the contact between the Balmer and Confederation Assemblages (Figure 1). Mineralization is open along strike to the east and west.
The Balmer-Confederation contact is believed to serve as a major structural control for gold mineralization in the Red Lake Gold District, with >90% of all gold ever mined in the camp occurring within approximately 300 m of this contact.
The highest-grade sample returned up to 56.5 g/t Au collected from a smoky quartz vein with blebby pyrite, chalcopyrite, and traces of visible gold (Figure 3).
Grab sample assays from additional prospecting work conducted in October 2024 remain pending, with results expected to be received by year-end.
The recent reconnaissance prospecting program is expected to guide a property-wide geochemistry survey, scheduled to commence in H1/2025, the results of which are anticipated to provide targets for Athena's initial drill program at Laird Lake.
A recently completed MSc. thesis on the Laird Lake project, suggested that Laird Lake represents the continuation of the same mineralized structure found at both the Madsen and Starratt-Olsen gold mines [i] now owned by West Red Lake Gold (2.5 Moz past-production, 1.7 Moz indicated, 0.4 Moz inferred) [ii] and was later displaced as far as 10 km west (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Map of Laird Lake, showing recent grab samples from July 2024 reconnaissance sampling program.
Figure 2: Map of Laird Lake and Madsen, showing mapped Balmer-Confederation contact and dextral Laird Lake Fault.
Gold mineralization observed at Laird Lake occurs in discrete quartz veins hosted in volcanic rock, localized high-strain zones consisting of silicification and disseminated sulfides, and in more broad zones of strongly deformed banded iron formation up to 15 m wide characterized by gossan, fine-grained disseminated sulfides, and silicification. Gold-bearing zones exhibit a general east-west orientation and occur in both Balmer and Confederation Assemblage rocks. The initial grab sample results are described in detail below:
A sample of smoky quartz vein hosted in Balmer Assemblage volcanic rock containing blebby pyrite, chalcopyrite, and visible gold returned 56.5 g/t Au (F733057). This sample was taken approximately 50 m north of the contact with the Confederation Assemblage and was the most western sample collected. Two additional samples of gossaned and silicified volcanic host rock collected adjacent to the high-grade quartz vein returned 1.47 g/t Au and 2.40 g/t Au (F733056 and F733058, respectively).
A sample of strongly deformed banded iron formation (BIF) from the Balmer Assemblage containing fine-grained disseminated pyrite, and silicification returned 3.89 g/t Au (F733053), and was collected from an outcrop approximately 15 m in width and characterized by a strong overall deformation fabric with several high-strain zones of gossan, fine-grained pyrite, and silicification throughout. The outcrop is located approximately 60 m north of the Balmer-Confederation contact.
A sample of sulfide-bearing quartz vein hosted in the Confederation Assemblage returned 1.57 g/t Au (F733062). This sample was collected approximately 225 m south of the Balmer-Confederation contact.
A sample of sulfide-bearing quartz vein hosted in a high-strain zone within Confederation Assemblage returned 7.18 g/t Au (F733065). The high-strain zone is characterized by silicification, fine-grained disseminated sulfides, and lesser gossan. Refolded quartz veins were noted along the contact of the high-strain zone and volcanic host rock. This sample was collected approximately 180 m south of the Balmer-Confederation contact eastern-most sample collected.
Figure 3: Photographs of grab samples F733053 (left) and F733057 (right) from July 2024 prospecting at Laird Lake.
Figure 4: Photographs of outcrops for samples F733051-53 (left) and F733057 (right) from July 2024 at Laird Lake.
Future Drill Testing:
Laird Lake has been subject to only very limited historical exploration work, largely because the Balmer-Confederation contact was only mapped on Laird Lake in recent times as part of a MSc. research thesis. Importantly, >90% of all gold ever mined in the Red Lake Gold District is estimated to occur within 300 m of this contact. Athena's initial work programs are focused on understanding structural controls and potential splays off this contact that may host high-grade gold mineralization. Additional assays from the follow-up program that took place in October 2024 remain pending, with results expected by year-end. Athena plans to conduct a property wide gold-in-till geochemistry program in Spring 2025. Historical, high-resolution airborne magnetic and electromagnetic surveys highlighted several prospective targets within the Balmer Assemblage that have yet to be tested will be included in future drilling on the property, in addition to other targets generated from prospecting and geochemical programs.
About Our Laird Lake Project
The 4,158 ha Laird Lake property is situated 20km to the southwest of the town of Red Lake, Ontario. Red Lake is a prolific gold mining town in Northwestern Ontario that has seen over 30 Moz of gold produced. Importantly, >90% of the gold has come from within 300 m of the contact between the Balmer and Confederation Assemblages. The Laird Lake property is considered underexplored for gold, relative to much of the surrounding Red Lake Greenstone Belt, despite possessing over 10 km of strike length of the known gold-bearing contact between Balmer and Confederation Assemblage rocks. Also important is being nearby to several major gold production and exploration sites in the region:
34km to the Great Bear project (Kinross - 2.7 Moz indicated, and 3.9 Moz inferred) [iii];
11 km to the Madsen Mine (West Red Lake Gold - 1.7 Moz indicated, and 0.4 Moz inferred); and
28 km to the Red Lake Mine (Evolution Mining - 7.2 Moz indicated, and 4.5 Moz inferred) [iv].
Limited exploration activity at Laird Lake has demonstrated high-grade gold mineralization occurs in both Balmer and Confederation Assemblage rocks over several kilometers in proximity to the main Balmer-Confederation contact. The highest gold grades on the property show a strong correlation to high-strain zones characterized by the presence of silicification, disseminated sulfides, and gossan. The Laird Lake property is dominated by mafic to ultramafic metavolcanic rocks as well as lesser banded iron formation of the Balmer and Confederation Assemblages. Felsic to ultramafic intrusive units are also present throughout the property, most notably of which include the Killala-Baird Batholith to the north, and the Medicine Stone Lake Batholith to the south.
Analytical work for rock samples was completed by AGAT Laboratories, with sample preparation and geochemical analyses completed in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Samples were crushed before a 250-gram split was pulverized to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Rock samples were analyzed for gold by fire assay using a 50-gram charge with an atomic absorption spectroscopy finish. If assay results exceeded 10.0 g/t gold, the sample rejects are analyzed by 50-gram fire assay with a gravimetric finish. Sampling and analytical procedures are subject to a Quality Assurance and Quality Control program that includes duplicate samples and analytical standards.
Qualified Person
Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Benjamin Kuzmich, P.Geo., a geoscientist and qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.
About Athena Gold Corporation
Athena is engaged in the business of mineral exploration and the acquisition of mineral property assets. Its objective is to locate and develop economic precious and base metal properties of merit and to conduct additional exploration drilling and studies on such projects.
For further information about Athena Gold Corporation, please visit .
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
John C. Power
Chief Executive Officer and President
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and US. securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding future exploration plans, future results from exploration, and the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, are forward looking statements. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: "believes", "will", "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "estimates", ''plans", "may", "should", ''potential", "scheduled", or variations of such words and phrases and similar expressions, which, by their nature, refer to future events or results that may, could, would, might or will occur or be taken or achieved. In making the forward-looking statements in this press release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including without limitation, that there will be investor interest in future financings, market fundamentals will result in sustained precious metals demand and prices, the receipt of any necessary permits, licenses and regulatory approvals in connection with the future exploration and development of the Company's projects in a timely manner.
The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements as a result of various risk factors as disclosed in the final long form prospectus of the Company dated August 31, 2021.
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements in this press release or incorporated by reference herein, except as otherwise.
[i] Geology and Geochemistry of the Laird Lake Property and Associated Gold Mineralization -
[ii] Independent NI 43-101 Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate -
[iii] Great Bear Gold Project Preliminary Economic Assessment -
[iv] Evolution Mining Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Statement, December 2023 -
SOURCE: Athena Gold Corp
VACAVILLE, CA / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年11月18日 / アセナゴールドコーポレーション (CSE:ATHA)(OTCQB:AHNR)("アセナ"または"会社")は、オンタリオ州の豊富なレッドレイクゴールド地区に位置する新たに取得したレイアードレイクプロジェクトにおける探索面サンプリングプログラムからの高品位の金サンプルを報告できることを嬉しく思います。レイアードレイクプロジェクトは、4,158ヘクタールにわたり、バルマー-コンフェデレーションアッセンブレージ接触を10 km以上カバーしており、レッドレイクゴールド地区の未探査の部分を表しています。このプロジェクトは道路アクセス可能で、ウェストレッドレイクゴールドマインズのフラッグシップマッドセン鉱山から約10 km西、キンロスゴールドのグレートベアプロジェクトから34 km北西に位置しています。
"最近のオンタリオへの拡張が早速実を結び始めていることを非常に嬉しく思います。私たちの知る限り、サンプルF733057は56.5 g/t Auを記録し、レッドレイクゴールド地区で公に報告された最高品位の表面グラブサンプルのいくつかに合致しています。"とアセナゴールドの社長兼CEOであるジョン・パワーは述べています。
2024年7月にレイアードレイクプロジェクトで採取された最初の6つの表面グラブサンプルは、バルマーとコンフェデレーションアッセンブレージの接触に沿って2.2 kmのストライク長にわたる鉱化を確認しました(図1)。鉱化は東西にわたり開かれています。
最高品位のサンプルは、煙のような水晶脈から採取された56.5 g/t Auで、ブレブ状の黄鉄鉱、銅鉱、および目に見える金の痕跡を含みます(図3)。
最近完了したMSc論文では、レアード湖プロジェクトについて、レアード湖がマッデン金鉱およびスターラット・オルセン金鉱に見られる同じ鉱化構造の継続であることが示唆されています[i] 現在はウエストレッドレイクゴールドが所有しています(過去生産量2.5万オンス、示唆される1.7万オンス、推定0.4万オンス)[ii] そして、後に西に最大10 km移動したことが記録されています(図2)。
バルマーアセンブラージュの火山岩にホストされたスモーキー石英脈のサンプルで、ブレブ状の黄鉄鉱、銅鉱、及び目に見える金を含み、56.5 g/t Au(F733057)を返しました。このサンプルは、コンフェデレーションアセンブラージュとの接触から約5000万北に取得され、収集された最も西のサンプルでした。高品位の石英脈に隣接して収集されたギャルサンとシリカ化された火山ホスト岩の2つの追加サンプルは、それぞれ1.47 g/t Auおよび2.40 g/t Au(F733056およびF733058)を返しました。
バルマーアセンブラージュの強く変形したバンド鉄鉱形成(BIF)のサンプルで、細粒の散在する黄鉄鉱とシリカ化が含まれ、3.89 g/t Au(F733053)を返しました。このサンプルは、幅約1500万の露頭から収集され、全体的に高い変形構造を持ち、ギャルサン、細粒の黄鉄鉱、およびシリカ化のいくつかの高応力ゾーンが縦横に展開されています。露頭はバルマー-コンフェデレーション接触の約6000万北に位置しています。
コンフェデレーション集合体にホストされた硫化物を含む石英脈のサンプルは、1.57 g/t Au (F733062)を返しました。このサンプルは、バルマ-コンフェデレーション接触の南約22500万に収集されました。
コンフェデレーション集合体内の高ひずみ帯にホストされた硫化物を含む石英脈のサンプルは、7.18 g/t Au (F733065)を返しました。この高ひずみ帯は、ケイ化、細粒の散在硫化物、そしてより少ないゴッサンによって特徴づけられます。高ひずみ帯と火山性母岩の接触沿いには再折り返された石英脈が確認されました。このサンプルは、バルマ-コンフェデレーション接触の南約18000万に収集された、最も東に位置するサンプルです。
図3: 2024年7月にレアード湖でのサンプリングでのF733053(左)とF733057(右)の写真。
図4: 2024年7月にレアード湖でのF733051-53(左)とF733057(右)のサンプルの露頭の写真。
レアード湖は、バルマ-コンフェデレーション接触が最近になってレアード湖の一部としてMSc研究論文の一環でしか地図化されていないため、非常に限られた歴史的探査作業を受けています。重要なことに、Red Lake Gold Districtでこれまでに採掘された全ての金の90%以上がこの接触から30000万以内に存在すると見積もられています。アセナの初期作業プログラムは、高品位の金鉱化をホストする可能性のあるこの接触からの構造的制御と潜在的スプレーを理解することに焦点を当てています。2024年10月に行われたフォローアッププログラムからの追加の分析は保留中であり、結果は年末までに期待されています。アセナは2025年春にプロパティ全体での金-ティル地球化学プログラムを実施する予定です。歴史的な高解像度の空中磁気および電磁調査は、将来の掘削に含まれるべきバルマ集合体内のいくつかの有望なターゲットを強調しており、探鉱や地球化学プログラムから生成された他のターゲットに加えて、まだテストされていません。
グレートベアプロジェクトまで34km(キンロスゴールド - 2.7モズの指標、3.9モズの推定)[iii];
マッズン鉱山まで11km(ウェストレッドレイクゴールド - 1.7モズの指標、0.4モズの推定);および
レッドレイク鉱山まで28km(エボリューションマイニング - 7.2モズの指標、4.5モズの推定)[iv]。
岩石サンプルの分析作業はAGATラボラトリーズによって完了し、サンプルの準備と地球化学分析はオンタリオ州サンダーベイで完了しました。サンプルは粉砕され、250グラムの分割が75ミクロンを85%以上通過するように粉砕されました。岩石サンプルは50グラムのチャージを使って火法分析することで金を分析され、原子吸光スペクトロスコピー法で仕上げました。分析結果が10.0 g/t金を超えた場合、サンプルの拒却物は50グラムの火法分析で重量分析仕上げによって分析されます。サンプリングおよび分析手順は、重複サンプルおよび分析基準を含む品質保証および品質管理プログラムに従います。
[i] レアード湖プロパティ及び関連するGold鉱化の地質学及び地球化学 -
[ii] 独立したNI 43-101技術報告書及び更新された鉱物資源推定 -
[iii] グレートベアゴールドプロジェクトの予備経済評価 -
[iv] エボリューションマイニングの鉱物資源及び鉱石埋蔵量報告書、2023年12月 -