The campaign embodies a deep commitment to meaningful storytelling and the shared experiences of North Texans
DALLAS, Nov. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Dallas Morning News is excited to announce the launch of its new brand campaign: "This is Home."
Designed to build community, reinforce reader trust, and resonate with people where they are, the campaign embodies a deep commitment to meaningful storytelling and the shared experiences of North Texans.
For more than 150 years, The News has chronicled the stories that shape the lives and perspectives of its readers, who are also its friends and neighbors. More than just a professional endeavor, this work is rooted in personal connection and dedication — because this is home.
The new campaign results from a collaboration between The News and its sister company, Medium Giant, an integrated creative marketing agency.
"This brand campaign with Medium Giant represents an exciting collaboration that goes beyond creative work; it's about building a meaningful connection with our members and our community who we want to become members," says Grant Moise, chief executive officer of DallasNews Corporation, and president and publisher of The Dallas Morning News. "We hope this campaign helps break through the lack of trust in the media that exists in our country, and helps North Texans understand we want to help them make this community feel smaller, safer, and more like home."
Indeed, "This is Home" tells the full story of what it means to be part of North Texas. This includes the triumphs, joys, and challenges the community faces. From the pervasive impact of the fentanyl crisis and the challenges of the toll roads to stories that spotlight resilience and hope, The News is committed to covering the multifaceted nature of life in the region.
"Working with The Dallas Morning News to launch this new campaign has been a dream come true," says John Kiker, president of Medium Giant. "Our team has spent 15 months researching, brainstorming, interviewing, and developing concepts, bringing to life an idea with the power to resonate deeply and make an impact on everyone who encounters it. I couldn't be more proud of the team and the depth of emotional commitment they've poured into this project."
An important element of the campaign is the concept of intersections — where stories, people, and perspectives meet. The News sees itself as an essential part of these intersections, providing its readers with the information and context needed to build their own views while appreciating the perspectives of others.
Launching this week, "This is Home" will spotlight iconic intersections across North Texas, bringing to life the places where stories converge and resonate. It's an invitation to readers to see their home not just through the headlines but through shared experiences and deeper community ties.
Stay tuned as "This is Home" unfolds, continuing The News' legacy of impactful, relevant journalism.
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About DallasNews Corporation
DallasNews Corporation is the Dallas-based holding company of The Dallas Morning News and Medium Giant. The Dallas Morning News is Texas' leading daily newspaper with an excellent journalistic reputation, intense regional focus and close community ties. With offices in Dallas and Tulsa, Medium Giant is an integrated creative marketing agency with a leading roster of world-class brands and companies. Medium Giant is a wholly owned business of DallasNews Corporation. For additional information, visit
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Media Contact
Kimberly Jones
ダラス、2024年11月19日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ダラスモーニングニュースは、新しいブランドキャンペーン「これが私たちの家です。」の開始を発表できることを嬉しく思います。
150年以上にわたり、The Newsは、読者の生活や視点を形作る物語を記録してきました。読者は友人や隣人でもあります。これは単なる職業的な取り組み以上のものであり、個人的なつながりと献身に根ざしているからです—なぜなら、ここが私たちの家だからです。
新しいキャンペーンは、The Newsとその姉妹会社であるMedium Giantとのコラボレーションによって生まれました。
"このブランドキャンペーンはMedium Giantとの刺激的なコラボレーションを表しており、クリエイティブな作業を超えて、私たちのメンバーとコミュニティとの間に意味のあるつながりを築くことが目的です" とダラスニュース株式会社の最高経営責任者であり、ダラスモーニングニュースの社長兼発行人であるグラント・モイーズは言います。 "このキャンペーンが、私たちの国に存在するメディアへの信頼の欠如を打破し、ノーステキサスの人々がこのコミュニティをより小さく、安全に、より家のように感じる手助けができることを期待しています。"
"ダラスモーニングニュースと共にこの新しいキャンペーンを開始することができたのは夢が叶った瞬間です" とMedium Giantの社長ジョン・カイカーは語ります。 "私たちのチームは15ヶ月間、リサーチ、ブレインストーミング、インタビュー、そしてコンセプトの開発に取り組み、このアイデアを形にし、触れたすべての人に深く共鳴し影響を与える力を持たせました。チームと彼らがこのプロジェクトに注いだ感情的なコミットメントの深さを誇りに思います。"
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