At the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP29 in Baku, Turkcell (NYSE: TKC, BIST: TCELL) CEO Dr. Ali Taha Koç shared Turkcell's sustainability investments and vision in two separate sessions held in the World Bank and Türkiye pavilions: "As a company with short, medium, and long-term plans in this area, our priority is to reduce our energy consumption by focusing on energy efficiency and accelerating renewable energy investments. Our cumulative investment in solar power plants will surpass 240 million dollars by the end of 2026."
ISTANBUL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--At the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP29 staged in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, Turkcell CEO Dr. Ali Taha Koç shared the company's sustainability vision and projects in this field.
Dr. Ali Taha Koç exchanged information with representatives of the global technology ecosystem and various sectors throughout the conference, initially participating as a speaker in the "Digital Solutions for the Future" session held at the World Bank pavilion. During the session, which included Sangbu Kim, Vice President of Digital Transformation at the World Bank, Dr. Ali Taha Koç emphasized Turkcell's wind and solar power plant investments, stating the following in his speech: "As Turkcell, while serving people, we approach the ecosystem and all living things with equal sensitivity and aim to leave a livable world for future generations. Accordingly, we have identified sustainability as a strategic focus area. Having established its sustainability team five years ago and made plans for the short, medium, and long term accordingly, our top priority is to reduce the amount of energy that we consume by concentrating on energy efficiency, and to accelerate investments in renewable energy. We are determined to overcome the climate crisis that emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution by the means of the 'Technology Revolution.'"
Furthermore, during the course of the session, Dr. Koç presented information on artificial intelligence-based sustainability initiatives as well as Turkcell's investments in wind and solar power plants (SPP). He noted that Turkcell's SPP investments will have amounted to 240 million dollars by the end of 2026.
"Digital transformation and the climate crisis are our top priorities"
During the session held at the Türkiye pavilion on the same day, Turkcell CEO Dr. Ali Taha Koç discussed the role of digitalization in sustainable development and Turkcell's related initiatives.
Dr. Ali Taha Koç stated, "As Turkcell, we understand the significance of digital transformation in combating climate change. Thanks to our innovations, we are developing solutions that will ensure energy efficiency in our operations and the products and services we provide to our customers. By 2050, we intend to be a net-zero business. To achieve this objective, we obtain all our electricity requirements from certified renewable energy sources. In line with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), we have set our 2030 greenhouse gas reduction goals in accordance with the relevant standards. Indeed, we are the only company in Türkiye's telecommunications and technology sector with an approved SBTi target. In addition, we achieved the position of industry leader with our inclusion on the 'A' list in the Climate Change reporting of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). This report is a compilation of the activities and outcomes of twenty-one thousand businesses from across the world that are concerned with sustainability. As Turkcell, we are also aware of the issues that arise from the disposal of electronic waste. In light of our dedication to preserving the environment, we are exerting every effort to discover answers to this problem. As an example of our efforts on this front through the 'Recycle into Education' project, which we have been running since 2019, we have gathered tons of technological waste and recycled it for this purpose. With the income generated by the project we have provided quality education support to hundreds of children."
Turkcell supports the "Green Digital Action" declaration
Additionally, Turkcell endorsed the COP29 "Green Digital Action" declaration. The declaration, which was adopted as the final document at the Digitalization Day summit, held for the first time at a COP summit, was presented on November 16th. It highlights the critical role that digital technologies play in combating climate change and emphasizes the importance of all stakeholders working together to reduce the environmental impact of digitalization.
With its support for the declaration, Turkcell has once again demonstrated its determination to contribute to the advancement of sustainable development through the implementation of digital infrastructure.
Contacts Burak Mergen
2024年国連気候変動会議COP29がバクーで開催され、Turkcell(NYSE: TKC、BIST: TCELL)のCEOであるアリ・タハ・コッチ博士は、世界銀行とトルコのパビリオンで行われた2つのセッションでTurkcellの持続可能性への投資とビジョンを共有しました。「この分野において新規売、中期、長期の計画を持つ企業として、私たちの優先事項は、エネルギー効率に焦点を当て、再生可能エネルギーへの投資を加速させることでエネルギー消費を削減することです。私たちの太陽光発電所への累積投資は、2026年の終わりまでに24000万ドルを超えるでしょう。
アリ・タハ・コチ博士は述べました。「トルクセルとして、気候変動と戦うためのデジタル変革の重要性を理解しています。私たちの革新のおかげで、私たちは事業運営や顧客に提供する製品およびサービスにおいてエネルギー効率を確保するためのソリューションを開発しています。2050年までに、私たちはネットゼロビジネスを目指しています。この目標を達成するために、私たちはすべての電力要件を認証された再生可能エネルギー源から調達しています。科学的根拠に基づく目標イニシアティブ(SBTi)に基づき、2030年までの温室効果ガス削減目標を関連基準に従って設定しました。実際、私たちはトルコの通信およびテクノロジーセクターでSBTi目標が承認された唯一の会社です。さらに、私たちはカーボン・ディスクロージャー・プロジェクト(CDP)の気候変動報告において『A』リストに掲載されることで業界リーダーの地位を達成しました。この報告は、持続可能性に関心を持つ世界中の二万一千のビジネスの活動と成果をまとめたものです。トルクセルとして、私たちは電子廃棄物の処理から生じる問題も認識しています。環境保護への献身を考慮し、私たちはこの問題に対する解決策を見つけるために全力を尽くしています。2019年から実行中の『教育へのリサイクル』(Recycle into Education)プロジェクトを通じて、私たちは何トンもの技術廃棄物を集め、この目的のためにリサイクルしてきました。このプロジェクトから得られた収益を使って、私たちは数百人の子供たちに質の高い教育支援を提供しています。"