Macquarie analyst Tim Nollen maintains $The Trade Desk (TTD.US)$ with a buy rating.
According to TipRanks data, the analyst has a success rate of 49.5% and a total average return of 17.4% over the past year.
Furthermore, according to the comprehensive report, the opinions of $The Trade Desk (TTD.US)$'s main analysts recently are as follows:
The introduction of Trade Desk's TV OS, Ventura, which is scheduled for release in the second half of 2025, is seen as a strategic move to strengthen control over the Connected TV ecosystem, enhance access to device data, and create a more efficient advertising marketplace. This development underscores Trade Desk's significant position in leveraging the substantial opportunities within the CTV advertising sector.
The launch of Trade Desk's Ventura, a Streaming TV OS designed to address key shortcomings in the current CTV ecosystem, is significant due to its non-involvement in owning streaming TV content or entering the hardware sector. Additionally, the initiative has already received substantial support from key industry partners, and it's projected that OEMs and other streaming TV aggregators will begin implementing Ventura by 2025.
TipRanks, an independent third party, provides analysis data from financial analysts and calculates the Average Returns and Success Rates of the analysts' recommendations. The information presented is not an investment recommendation and is intended for informational purposes only.
Success rate is the number of the analyst's successful ratings, divided by his/her total number of ratings over the past year. A successful rating is one based on if TipRanks' virtual portfolio earned a positive return from the stock. Total average return is the average rate of return that the TipRanks' virtual portfolio has earned over the past year. These portfolios are established based on the analyst's preliminary rating and are adjusted according to the changes in the rating.
TipRanks provides a ranking of each analyst up to 5 stars, which is representative of all recommendations from the analyst. An analyst's past performance is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, with more stars indicating better performance. The star level is determined by his/her total success rate and average return.
マッコーリー・グループのアナリストTim Nollenは$トレード・デスク クラスA (TTD.US)$のレーティングを強気に据え置き。
また、$トレード・デスク クラスA (TTD.US)$の最近の主なアナリストの観点は以下の通りである:
2025年後半にリリース予定のTrade DeskのTV OS、Venturaの導入は、コネクテッドTVエコシステムの管理を強化し、デバイスデータへのアクセスを強化し、より効率的な広告市場を構築するための戦略的な動きと見なされています。この進展は、CTV広告セクターにおける大きな機会を活用する上でのTrade Deskの重要な地位を浮き彫りにしています。
現在のCTVエコシステムの主な欠点に対処するために設計されたストリーミングTV OSであるTrade DeskのVenturaの発売は、ストリーミングTVコンテンツの所有やハードウェアセクターへの参入に関与していないため、重要です。さらに、このイニシアチブはすでに主要な業界パートナーから多大な支持を受けており、OEMやその他のストリーミングテレビアグリゲーターは2025年までにベンチュラの導入を開始すると予測されています。