Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTLA), a leading clinical-stage gene editing company focused on revolutionizing medicine with CRISPR-based therapies, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation to nexiguran ziclumeran (nex-z, also known as NTLA-2001) for the treatment of hereditary transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis with polyneuropathy (ATTRv-PN). Nex-z is an in vivo CRISPR-based investigational therapy designed as a single-dose treatment to inactivate the TTR gene and thereby prevent the production of TTR protein for the treatment of ATTR amyloidosis. Development and commercialization of nex-z is led by Intellia as part of a multi-target collaboration with Regeneron.
"This RMAT designation underscores the transformative potential of nex-z, our investigational in vivo CRISPR-based gene editing therapy for those living with hereditary ATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy," said Intellia President and Chief Executive Officer John Leonard, M.D. "It was granted following the FDA's review of our compelling interim Phase 1 data that indicated our one-time treatment led to rapid, deep and durable TTR reduction, which is expected to halt and potentially reverse the disease. We look forward to working closely with the FDA to bring this potential paradigm-shifting therapy to patients as quickly as possible."
The RMAT designation was established under the 21st Century Cures Act to expedite the development and review of promising therapeutic candidates, including genetic therapies, that are intended to treat, modify, reverse or cure a serious or life-threatening disease. RMAT designation includes benefits, such as early interactions with the FDA, including discussions on surrogate or intermediate endpoints that could potentially support accelerated approval and satisfy post-approval requirements, and potential priority review of a product's biologics license application (BLA).
This RMAT designation is the third special regulatory designation received by Intellia for nex-z. Nex-z was also granted Orphan Drug Designation by the U.S. FDA and European Union Orphan Drug Designation by the European Commission.
About nexiguran ziclumeran (nex-z, also known as NTLA-2001)
Based on Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR/Cas9 technology, nex-z has the potential to become the first one-time treatment for transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis. Nex-z is designed to inactivate the TTR gene that encodes for the transthyretin (TTR) protein. Interim Phase 1 clinical data showed the administration of nex-z led to consistent, deep and long-lasting TTR reduction. Intellia leads development and commercialization of nex-z as part of a multi-target discovery, development and commercialization collaboration with Regeneron.
インテリアセラピューティクス社(ナスダック:NTLA)は、CRISPRベースの治療法を用いて医療を革新することに重点を置く臨床段階の遺伝子組み換え企業であり、今日、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)が遺伝性トランスサイレチン(ATTR)アミロイドーシスに伴う多発神経障害(ATTRv-PN)の治療のためにnexiguran ziclumeran(nex-z、またはNTLA-2001としても知られる)に対して再生医療先進治療(RMAT)指定を付与したことを発表しました。Nex-zは、ATTRアミロイドーシスの治療のためにTTR遺伝子を不活性化し、TTRタンパク質の生成を防ぐように設計された単回投与のin vivo CRISPRベースの治療法です。Nex-zの開発と商業化は、インテリアがレジェネロンとの多対象コラボレーションの一環として主導しています。
「このRMAT指定は、遺伝性ATTRアミロイドーシスに伴う多発神経障害を抱える人々のための私たちの調査中のin vivo CRISPRベースの遺伝子組み換え治療法nex-zの変革的な可能性を強調しています」とインテリアの社長兼最高経営責任者のジョン・レナードは述べました。「この指定は、当社の単回治療が迅速かつ深く持続的なTTR減少をもたらしたことを示す魅力的な中間フェーズ1データのFDAによるレビューに続いて付与されました。これは、病気の進行を止め、潜在的には逆転させることが期待されています。私たちは、可能な限り早くこの音楽を変える可能性のある治療法を患者に提供できるよう、FDAと密接に連携することを楽しみにしています。」