Strong Partnership
ROHM and Valeo leverage their combined strengths and intensive exchange to achieve high- performance powertrains. Nicolas Gelez, Valeo Power Inverter Platform Director at Valeo (right), Christophe Chevalier, Power Purchasing Vice President at Valeo (center), and Wolfram Harnack, President at ROHM Semiconductor GmbH (left), value the good cooperation.
Santa Clara, CA and Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ROHM Semiconductor and Valeo, a leading automotive technology company, today announced they are collaborating to propose and optimize the next generation of power modules for electric motor inverters using their combined expertise in power electronics management. As a first step, ROHM will provide its 2-in-1 Silicon Carbide (SiC) molded module TRCDRIVE pack to Valeo for future powertrain solutions.
Valeo is broadening access to efficient, electrified mobility across various vehicle types and markets from the smallest one (ebikes), through the mainstream (passenger cars) to the largest one (eTrucks). By combining Valeo's expertise in mechatronics, thermal management and software development with ROHM's power modules, Valeo drives the power electronics solution forward, contributing to the performance, efficiency, and decarbonization of automotive systems worldwide.
ROHM and Valeo have been collaborating since 2022, initially focusing on technical exchanges aimed at improving the performance and efficiency of the motor inverter – a key component in the propulsion systems of electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs). By refining power electronics, both companies aim to offer optimized cost/performance by delivering higher energy efficiency, reducing heat generation thanks to an optimized cooling and mechatronic integration, and increasing overall reliability with a SiC packaging.
"We are pleased to support Valeo, a renowned automotive supplier, with our power semiconductors. ROHM's TRCDRIVE pack provides high power density, leading to an improved power efficiency. Together, we contribute to the development of highly efficient powertrains by fostering the collaboration with Valeo," said Wolfram HARNACK, President ROHM Semiconductor GmbH.
"This partnership marks, for Valeo Power Division, a significant step forward in delivering advanced and high-efficient power electronics," says Xavier DUPONT, Valeo Power Division CEO. "Together, we aim to set new industry standards for high voltage inverters and accelerate the transition towards more efficient and affordable electric mobility."
These evolutions are all essential to supporting the growing demand for longer range, faster charging capabilities and, overall, a high-performance and an affordable inverter for BEVs and PHEVs.
Valeo will start supplying a first series project in early 2026. ROHM and Valeo will contribute to the improvement of efficiency and downsizing of Valeo's next generation of xEV inverters.
Background on ROHM's TRCDRIVE pack
TRCDRIVE pack is a trademark for ROHM's SiC molded module developed for traction inverter drives. This product features high power density and a unique terminal configuration, solving the key challenges of traction inverters in terms of miniaturization, higher efficiency, and fewer person-hours. Because SiC enables low-loss power conversion under high-voltage conditions, combining Valeo's component technology, casing design and thermal management expertise with ROHM's power module creates a synergistic effect. Through both companies' collaboration in automotive power electronics, they contribute to achieving a decarbonized society by enhancing the performance and efficiency of the motor inverter.
More information is available at:
TRCDRIVE pack is a trademark or registered trademark of ROHM Co., Ltd.
About Valeo
Valeo is a technology company and partner to all automakers and new mobility players worldwide. The company innovates to make mobility safer, smarter and more sustainable. Valeo enjoys technological and industrial leadership in electrification, driving assistance systems, reinvention of the interior experience and lighting everywhere. These four areas, vital to the transformation of mobility, are the Group's growth drivers.
Valeo in figures: 22 billion euros in sales in 2023 | 109 600 employees, 28 countries, 159 plants, 64 research and development centers and 19 distribution platforms (June 30, 2024). Valeo is listed on the Paris stock Exchange.
About ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM, a leading semiconductor and electronic component manufacturer, was established in 1958. From the automotive and industrial equipment markets to the consumer and communication sectors, ROHM supplies ICs, discretes, and electronic components featuring superior quality and reliability through a global sales and development network. The company's strengths in the analog and power markets allow ROHM to propose optimized solutions for entire systems that combine peripheral components (i.e., transistors, diodes, resistors) with the latest SiC power devices, as well as drive ICs that maximize their performance.
ROHM Semiconductor
(248) 348-9920
Heather Savage
BWW Communications
(408) 507-4398
ROHmとValeoは、両社の結集した力と深い取引所を活かし、高性能なパワートレインを実現しています。ValeoのパワーインバータープラットフォームディレクターであるNicolas Gelez(Valeo 右)、Power Purchasing Vice PresidentであるValeoのChristophe Chevalier(中央)、およびROHm Semiconductor GmbHの社長であるWolfram Harnack(左)は、良好な協力関係を重視しています。
2024年11月26日、カリフォルニア州サンタクララと日本の京都(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-- ROHm Semiconductorと自動車テクノロジー大手のValeoは、電気自動車インバーターの次世代を提案し最適化するために協力し、両社の電力エレクトロニクス管理の経験を活かしています。最初の段階として、ROHmは、Valeoに向けて将来のパワートレインソリューション用に2-in-1シリコンカーバイド(SiC)モールドモジュールTRCDRIVEパックを提供します。
「私たちは、私たちのパワーセミコンダクターで自動車サプライヤーであるヴァレオを支援できることをうれしく思っています。ROHMのTRCDRIVEパックは高パワー密度を提供し、より改良された電力効率をもたらします。一緒に、ヴァレオとの協力を通じて、高効率な動力伝動の開発に貢献しています」と、ROHm Semiconductor GmbHの社長であるWolfram HARNACkは述べています。
「このパートナーシップは、ヴァレオパワーディビジョンにとって、先進的で高効率な電力エレクトロニクスを提供するための重要な前進です」と、Valeo Power DivisionのCEOであるXavier デュポンドゥヌールは述べています。 「一緒に、高電圧インバーターの新しい業界基準の設定を目指し、より効率的で手ごろな価格の電気モビリティへの移行を加速することを目指しています。」
2023年の売上高は220億ユーロ | 従業員数109,600人、28カ国、159工場、64の研究開発拠点、そして19の配送基地(2024年6月30日現在)。ヴァレオはパリ証券取引所に上場しています。
ROHm Semiconductorについて
連絡先: Keng Ly
Heather Savage
BWW Communications