On Dec. 2. 2024, Bollinger Motors received, via electronic transfer, payment in full for all seven Bollinger B4 trucks with immediate revenue recognition
Additional Bollinger B4s heading to TEC Equipment locations in California, Oregon and Washington
This is TEC's second B4 all-electric truck order. Initial order was delivered in October.
BREA, Calif., Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via IBN -- Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN) ("Mullen" or the "Company"), an electric vehicle ("EV") manufacturer, announced today that its subsidiary, Bollinger Motors ("Bollinger"), has received a follow-on order for seven all-electric 2025 Bollinger B4 trucks from TEC Equipment ("TEC"). Electronic payment has been received on all seven vehicles, and the revenue is being recognized in the current fiscal quarter ending in December 2024.
This is TEC's second B4 truck order and follows its initial order from Oct. 30, 2024, of three B4s. TEC's latest order of B4s are being delivered to TEC dealer locations in Fontana, Oakland and San Diego, California, Portland, Oregon, and Des Moines, Washington.
TEC Equipment is a family-owned, full-service truck and trailer dealership founded in 1976. The company is headquartered in Portland, Oregon, and has more than 30 locations across eight states. As a full-service dealership, TEC offers truck and trailer sales, parts, service, leasing, rental, insurance, financing, towing and recovery equipment, auto transportation equipment and services, and ZEV consulting.
"The growth in our partnership with TEC Equipment through this transaction reaffirms our mutual commitment to bringing innovative vehicle solutions that help our customers improve both their bottom line, and the communities that they operate in," said Jim Connelly, chief revenue officer of Bollinger Motors. "We look forward to working with the team at TEC to see the Bollinger B4 electrifying fleets up and down the West Coast."
The Bollinger B4 chassis cab is an all-new, all-electric Class 4 commercial truck designed from the ground up with extensive fleet and upfitter input. Bollinger's unique chassis design protects the 158-kilowatt-hour battery pack and components to offer unparalleled capability and safety in the commercial market.
Bollinger Motors qualifies for federal clean vehicle tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act of $40,000 per vehicle and qualifies for a number of state incentives that can create total savings for eligible businesses in excess of $100,000.
The all-electric B4, Class 4 truck has a range of 185 miles and a payload of 7,394 pounds. Bollinger's unique Quad-Bend chassis design protects the 158-kilowatt-hour battery pack and components to offer unparalleled capability and safety in the commercial market. The Bollinger B4 is an excellent fit for commercial fleets looking for a world-class truck, capable of performing a variety of job functions.
Bollinger Motors has achieved numerous milestones in the past several months, including:
- Its production launch on Sept. 16
- Regulatory achievements including FMVSS compliance, receiving the Certificate of Conformity from the Environmental Protection Agency, and CARB certification
- A 145 vehicle agreement with Momentum Group
- A 70 vehicle agreement with Doering Fleet Management
- A 50 vehicle agreement with EnviroCharge
- The addition of Anderson Motors, TEC Equipment, Affinity Truck Center, Nacarato Truck Centers, and Nuss Truck & Equipment as dealers and service centers
- Working with Our Next Energy in Novi, Michigan, to supply battery packs
- Providing a full warranty coverage of the B4 chassis cab; and,
- Announcing Syncron as its warranty administration partner and Amerit Fleet Solutions as its mobile service provider
About Bollinger Motors
Founded in 2015 by Robert Bollinger, Bollinger Motors, Inc. is a U.S.-based company headquartered in Oak Park, Michigan. Bollinger Motors is developing all-electric commercial chassis cab trucks, Classes 4-6. In September of 2022, Bollinger Motors became a majority-owned company of Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN). Learn more at and .
About Mullen
Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) is a Southern California-based automotive company building the next generation of commercial electric vehicles ("EVs") with two United States-based vehicle plants located in Tunica, Mississippi, (120,000 square feet) and Mishawaka, Indiana (650,000 square feet). In August 2023, Mullen began commercial vehicle production in Tunica. In September 2023, Mullen received IRS approval for federal EV tax credits on its commercial vehicles with a Qualified Manufacturer designation that offers eligible customers up to $7,500 per vehicle. As of January 2024, both the Mullen ONE, a Class 1 EV cargo van, and Mullen THREE, a Class 3 EV cab chassis truck, are California Air Resource Board ("CARB") and EPA certified and available for sale in the U.S. Recently, CARB issued HVIP approval on the Mullen THREE, Class 3 EV truck, providing up to $45,000 cash voucher at time of vehicle purchase. The Company has also recently expanded its commercial dealer network to seven dealers with the addition of Papé Kenworth. Other previously announced dealers include Pritchard EV, National Auto Fleet Group, Ziegler Truck Group, Range Truck Group, Eco Auto, and Randy Marion Auto Group, providing sales and service coverage in key Midwest, West Coast, Pacific Northwest, New England and Mid-Atlantic markets. The Company has also announced Foreign Trade Zone ("FTZ") status approval for its Tunica, Mississippi, commercial vehicle manufacturing center. FTZ approval provides a number of benefits, including deferment of duties owed and elimination of duties on exported vehicles.
To learn more about the Company, visit .
Mullen Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Any statements contained in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed forward-looking statements. Words such as "continue," "will," "may," "could," "should," "expect," "expected," "plans," "intend," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential" and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements, many of which are generally outside the control of Mullen and Bollinger Motors and are difficult to predict. Examples of such risks and uncertainties include timing of delivery of the newly ordered B4 trucks; how many vehicles TEC will sell; whether TEC will order further vehicles; whether the Bollinger B4 will prove successful; how long state and federal electric vehicle incentive programs will continue to apply; the ability of Bollinger Motors' B4 Class trucks to qualify for such incentive programs; and the impact of incentive programs on the resultant price of the Bollinger B4 Class trucks.
Additional examples of such risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to: (i) Mullen and Bollinger Motors' ability (or inability) to obtain additional financing in sufficient amounts or on acceptable terms when needed; (ii) Mullen and Bollinger Motors' ability to maintain existing, and secure additional, contracts with manufacturers, parts and other service providers relating to its business; (iii) Mullen and Bollinger Motors' ability to successfully expand in existing markets and enter new markets; (iv) Mullen and Bollinger Motors' ability to successfully manage and integrate any acquisitions of businesses, solutions or technologies; (v) unanticipated operating costs, transaction costs and actual or contingent liabilities; (vi) the ability to attract and retain qualified employees and key personnel; (vii) adverse effects of increased competition on Mullen and Bollinger Motors' business; (viii) changes in government licensing and regulation that may adversely affect Mullen and Bollinger Motors' business; (ix) the risk that changes in consumer behavior could adversely affect Mullen and Bollinger Motors' business; (x) Mullen and Bollinger Motors' ability to protect its intellectual property; (xi) the vehicles developed will perform as expected and (xii) local, industry and general business and economic conditions. Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements can be found in the most recent annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and current reports on Form 8-K filed by Mullen Automotive, Inc., of which Bollinger Motors is a partially owned subsidiary, with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Mullen and Bollinger Motors anticipate that subsequent events and developments may cause the Company's plans, intentions and expectations to change. Mullen and Bollinger Motors assume no obligation, and specifically disclaim any intention or obligation, to update any forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by law. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made and should not be relied upon as representing Mullen and Bollinger Motors' plans and expectations as of any subsequent date.
Bollinger Media Contact:
Mike DeVilling
(248) 875-4207,
Mullen Automotive, Inc.
+1 (714) 613-1900
Corporate Communications:
InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN)
Los Angeles, California
310.299.1717 Office
- Additional Bollinger B4s heading to TEC Equipment locations in California, Oregon and Washington
カリフォルニア州ブレア、2024年12月3日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)— IBN経由-電気自動車(「EV」)メーカーのマレン・オートモーティブ株式会社(NASDAQ:MULN)(「マレン」または「当社」)は本日、子会社のボリンジャー・モーターズ(「ボリンジャー」)が7台のオールエレクトリック2025 Bollの追加注文を受けたと発表しました TECイクイップメント(「TEC」)のB4トラックです。7台の車両すべてで電子決済が行われ、収益は2024年12月に終了する現在の会計四半期に計上されています。
TEC Equipmentは、1976年に設立された家族経営のフルサービスのトラックおよびトレーラーディーラーです。同社はオレゴン州ポートランドに本社を置き、8つの州に30以上の拠点があります。TECはフルサービスのディーラーとして、トラックやトレーラーの販売、部品、サービス、リース、レンタル、保険、資金調達、牽引および回収設備、自動車輸送機器とサービス、ZEVコンサルティングを提供しています。
ボリンジャー・モーターズの最高収益責任者であるジム・コネリーは次のように述べています。「この取引を通じてTEC Equipmentとのパートナーシップが拡大したことで、お客様の収益と事業を展開する地域社会の両方の改善に役立つ革新的な車両ソリューションを提供するという私たちの相互のコミットメントが再確認されました。「TECのチームと協力して、ボリンジャーB4が西海岸の上り下の艦隊を電化するのを見るのを楽しみにしています。」
- 9月16日に生産開始です
- FMVSSコンプライアンス、環境保護庁からの適合証明書の取得、CaRB認証などの規制上の成果
- モメンタムグループとの145台の車両契約
- ドーリング・フリート・マネジメントとの70台の車両契約
- エンバイロチャージとの50台の車両契約
- ディーラーとサービスセンターとして、アンダーソンモーターズ、TECイクイップメント、アフィニティートラックセンター、ナカラートトラックセンター、ナストラックアンドイクイップメントが追加されました
- ミシガン州ノバイにあるアワー・ネクスト・エナジーと協力して、バッテリーパックを供給しています
- B4シャーシキャブの完全保証を提供します。そして、
- 保証管理パートナーとしてシンクロン、モバイルサービスプロバイダーとしてAmerit Fleet Solutionsを発表しました
マレン・オートモーティブ(NASDAQ:MULN)は南カリフォルニアに拠点を置く自動車会社で、次世代の商用電気自動車(「EV」)を製造する自動車会社です。ミシシッピ州チュニカ(120,000平方フィート)とインディアナ州ミシャウォーカ(650,000平方フィート)に米国を拠点とする2つの自動車工場があります。2023年8月、マレンはチュニカで商用車の生産を開始しました。2023年9月、Mullenは、対象となる顧客に1台あたり最大7,500ドルを提供する認定メーカー指定の商用車に対する連邦EV税額控除の承認をIRSで受けました。2024年1月現在、クラス1のEVカーゴバンのマレンワンとクラス3のEVキャブシャーシトラックであるマレンスリーは、どちらもカリフォルニア大気資源局(「CARB」)とEPAの認定を受けており、米国で販売されています。最近、CarBはクラス3 EVトラックのMullen THREEのHVIP承認を発行し、車両購入時に最大45,000ドルの現金バウチャーを提供しました。同社は最近、Pape'Kenworthが加わり、商業ディーラーネットワークを7つのディーラーに拡大しました。以前に発表された他のディーラーには、プリチャードEV、ナショナル・オート・フリート・グループ、チーグラー・トラック・グループ、レンジ・トラック・グループ、エコ・オート、ランディ・マリオン・オート・グループがあり、中西部、西海岸、太平洋岸北西部、ニューイングランド、中部大西洋地域の主要市場で販売とサービスを提供しています。同社はまた、ミシシッピ州チュニカの商用車製造センターの外国貿易地域(「FTZ」)のステータス承認を発表しました。FTZの承認には、未払いの関税の延期や輸出車の関税の撤廃など、多くのメリットがあります。
このようなリスクと不確実性のその他の例には、(i)マレンとボリンジャー・モーターズが必要に応じて十分な金額または許容できる条件で追加の資金を調達できる(またはできない)、(ii)マレンとボリンジャー・モーターズが、自社の事業に関連するメーカー、部品、その他のサービスプロバイダーとの既存の契約を維持し、追加の契約を確保する能力、(iii)マレンとボリンジャー・モーターズの能力などがありますが、これらに限定されません。既存の市場での拡大と新しい市場への参入に成功しました。(iv)マレンとボリンジャーモーターズの能力ビジネス、ソリューション、またはテクノロジーの買収をうまく管理および統合すること、(v)予期しない運用コスト、取引コスト、および実際または偶発的な負債、(vi)資格のある従業員と主要人材を引き付けて維持する能力、(vii)競争の激化がマレンとボリンジャーモーターズの事業に悪影響を及ぼす可能性のある政府のライセンスと規制の変更; (ix) 消費者行動の変化がマレンとボリンジャー・モーターズに悪影響を及ぼす可能性があるというリスクビジネス、(x)マレンとボリンジャーモーターズの知的財産保護能力、(xi)開発された車両は期待どおりに機能し、(xii)地域、業界、および一般的なビジネスと経済の状況。実際の結果が将来の見通しに関する記述で表明または暗示されているものと大きく異なる原因となる可能性のあるその他の要因は、フォーム10-kの最新の年次報告書、フォーム10-Qの四半期報告書、およびボリンジャーモーターズが一部子会社であるマレンオートモーティブ社が証券取引委員会に提出したフォーム8-kの最新報告書に記載されています。MullenとBollinger Motorsは、その後の出来事や進展により、会社の計画、意図、期待が変わる可能性があると予想しています。Mullen and Bollinger Motorsは、法律で明示的に義務付けられている場合を除き、新しい情報、将来の出来事、その他の理由を問わず、将来の見通しに関する記述を更新する義務を負わず、特にその意図や義務も否定します。将来の見通しに関する記述は、作成された日付の時点のものであり、その後の日付におけるMullenとBollinger Motorsの計画や期待を表すものとして信頼すべきではありません。
(248) 875-4207,
+1 (714) 613-1900
投資家ブランドネットワーク (IBN)
310.299.1717 オフィス
- 追加のボリンジャーB4は、カリフォルニア、オレゴン、ワシントンのTECイクイップメント拠点に向かいます