Test demonstrated high performance metrics in largest study of its kind in the US with sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 99.3%
AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Natera, Inc.(NASDAQ: NTRA), a global leader in cell-free DNA and genetic testing, today announced that Obstetrics & Gynecology (also known as The Green Journal ) published the Company's clinical validation study on its cell-free DNA (cfDNA) Fetal RhD noninvasive prenatal test (Fetal RhD NIPT).
Natera's study is the largest clinical validation of a fetal RhD test performed in the United States to date, with fetal RhD status confirmed via newborn serology in 655 RhD-negative pregnant patients. The study provides compelling scientific evidence on the ability of Natera's Fetal RhD NIPT to identify fetal RhD status, and demonstrates its potential to assist patients and clinicians in the prevention and management of RhD alloimmunization. In addition, Natera's next generation sequencing (NGS)-based Fetal RhD test can identify RHD pseudogene and other hybrid variants that are more commonly occurring in people of non-European ancestries.
Key highlights of the study include:
356/356 fetuses were correctly identified as fetal RhD positive (sensitivity: 100% [95% CI: 98.9-100.0]).
Of the 297 RhD-negative fetuses, 295 were correctly identified as RhD-negative (specificity of 99.3% [95% CI: 97.6-99.8]).
Positive predictive value for the test was 99.4% and negative predictive value was >99.9%.
The study included a representative mix of race and ethnicities in the RhD-negative U.S. population.
RhD alloimmunization, which can lead to hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, can occur when an RhD-negative patient carries an RhD-positive fetus. Historically, this risk is well managed by giving Rho(D) immune globulin therapy (RhIg). However, approximately 40% of patients with an RhD-negative fetus receive this medication unnecessarily. This is particularly important as recent nationwide shortages of RhIg have created an even greater need for testing that allows providers to both prevent alloimmunization and conserve supplies of RhIg, consistent with recent guidance from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) supporting cfDNA screening for fetal RhD testing.
"This large clinical validation study demonstrated excellent performance in identification of fetal RhD status," said Marisa Gilstrop Thompson, M.D., a board-certified physician in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Clinical Genetics with the Delaware Center for Maternal and Fetal Medicine of Christiana Care. "Access to highly accurate fetal RhD testing has the potential to transform the care of RhD-negative pregnant patients."
"Supporting reproductive health has long been part of Natera's mission, and we are proud to offer this noninvasive, highly accurate cfDNA test to help clinicians prevent potential complications in future pregnancies," said Sheetal Parmar, MS CGC, Natera's senior vice president of medical affairs for women's health.
The RhD test is an offering within Natera's women's health suite of products, which also includes Panorama, the No. 1 ordered noninvasive prenatal test in the U.S.
About Panorama
Panorama screens for severe genetic disorders as early as nine weeks into pregnancy. The test uses a unique single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based technology to analyze fetal (placental) DNA obtained through a maternal blood draw. It is the only commercially available NIPT that differentiates between maternal and fetal DNA to assess the risk of aneuploidies. Panorama has been the subject of more than 40 peer-reviewed publications of over 2 million patients. Panorama has been developed and its performance characteristics determined by Natera, the CLIA-certified laboratory performing the test. The test has not been cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). CAP accredited, ISO 13485 certified, and CLIA certified.
About Natera
Natera is a global leader in cell-free DNA and genetic testing, dedicated to oncology, women's health, and organ health. We aim to make personalized genetic testing and diagnostics part of the standard of care to protect health and inform earlier, more targeted interventions that help lead to longer, healthier lives. Natera's tests are validated by more than 250 peer-reviewed publications that demonstrate high accuracy. Natera operates ISO 13485-certified and CAP-accredited laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) in Austin, Texas, and San Carlos, California. For more information, visit .
Investor Relations: Mike Brophy, CFO, Natera, Inc., 510-826-2350, investor@natera.com
Media: Lesley Bogdanow, VP of Corporate Communications, Natera, Inc., pr@natera.com
Source: Natera, Inc.
テキサス州オースティン--(BUSINESS WIRE)--無細胞DNAおよび遺伝子検査の世界的リーダーであるNatera, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTRA) は本日、産婦人科 (グリーンジャーナルとしても知られる) が、無細胞DNA (cfDNA) 胎児rHD非侵襲的出生前検査 (胎児rHD NIPT) に関する当社の臨床検証研究を発表したことを発表しました。
Nateraの研究は、これまでに米国で実施された胎児rHD検査の臨床的検証としては最大のもので、RhD陰性の妊婦655人を対象に新生児血清学により胎児のrHD状態が確認されました。この研究は、NateraのFetal rHD NiPTが胎児のrHD状態を特定する能力に関する説得力のある科学的証拠を提供し、rHD同種免疫の予防と管理において患者と臨床医を支援する可能性を示しています。さらに、Nateraの次世代シーケンシング(NGS)ベースの胎児RhD検査では、ヨーロッパ系以外の人に多く見られるRHD偽遺伝子やその他のハイブリッド変異を特定できます。
356/356人の胎児が、胎児RhD陽性(感度:100% [95%CI:98.9-100.0])と正しく識別されました。
297人のRhd陰性の胎児のうち、295人がRHD陰性と正しく識別されました(特異度は99.3% [95%CI:97.6-99.8])。
テストの陽性予測値は 99.4% で、陰性予測値は 99.9% 以上でした。
「リプロダクティブヘルスのサポートは長い間Nateraの使命の一部でした。私たちは、臨床医が将来の妊娠で起こりうる合併症を予防できるように、この非侵襲的で高精度のcfDNA検査を提供できることを誇りに思います」と、Nateraの女性健康担当医療担当上級副社長であるCGCのSheetal Parmar氏は述べています。
妊娠9週間という早い時期に、重度の遺伝性疾患のパノラマスクリーニングを行います。この検査では、ユニークな一塩基多型(SNP)ベースの技術を使用して、母体の採血で得られた胎児(胎盤)のDNAを分析します。異数性のリスクを評価するために母体と胎児のDNAを区別する唯一の市販のNiPTです。パノラマは、200万人以上の患者を対象とした40以上の査読付き出版物の主題となっています。パノラマは開発され、その性能特性はテストを実施したCLIA認定試験所であるNateraによって決定されました。この検査は、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)の認可も承認もされていません。CAP認定、ISO 13485認定、CLIA認定を受けています。
Nateraは、腫瘍学、女性の健康、臓器の健康を専門とする無細胞DNAおよび遺伝子検査の世界的リーダーです。私たちは、健康を守り、より長く、より健康的な生活を送るのに役立つ、より早く、より的を絞った介入を知らせるために、個別化された遺伝子検査と診断を標準治療の一部にすることを目指しています。Nateraのテストは、高い精度を示す250以上の査読付き出版物によって検証されています。Nateraは、テキサス州オースティンとカリフォルニア州サンカルロスで、臨床検査改善改正(CLIA)に基づいて認定されたISO 13485認定およびCAP認定の検査室を運営しています。詳細については、をご覧ください。